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Everything posted by EllipticalAddicted

  1. I forgot to mention that so many of the characters are wearing jeans, tight jeans. Try wearing one of these outfits in the real Georgia heat and humidity. You would die of heat stroke before a zombie could even get a chance to bite you. I'm starting to think that there will be two survivors at the conclusion of the show. Daryl's hair and that stanky hat.
  2. Something that I never understand is the inconsistency with the cast members' clothing. Rick is always sweating, his hair is always sopping wet and dripping in his eyes and down his face. There's usually someone in a tank top. It's Georgia, and it looks like the time of year when it's unbearably hot and humid. Yet Negan is always wearing that black leather jacket (which, incidentally, always looks brand spanking new), sometimes a jaunty red handkerchief around his neck and leather gloves. His hair looks freshly washed and gelled. I was was really hoping that Carl's nasty hat (which had enough germs and other assorted biological junk on it after all this time that it could've become sentient and grown into another character on the show) would've gotten buried with him.
  3. Regarding Sebastian, yes you're right that his face doesn't match his body! Again, this is all in the "does not matter" category and I'm sure he's a great guy. However, everytime the cameras would linger on his abs, I'd think "hot damn"! And then they would move to his face and I'd think "nope!".
  4. We learned more about Jadis from her brief chat with Simon than we have since she arrived on the scene. She has solar panels and a helicopter pad. Before the world was zombified, it sounds like she was using the dump as an escape from reality and turned it into her little funky art studio. We also discovered that that little funky wire cat sculpture that Rick was, at one time coveting, is not just a one time thing. Jadis likes cats! She likes to paint em and sculpt em and make little wire thingies of em. She's just a crazy, mixed up cat lady! Thank you, Walking Dead producers n stuff, for showing us that she's a good person who loves cats, uses art to express herself and probably sees the world as her stage! <jazz hands>
  5. Uh oh, Rick is defying Carl's last wishes for peace! Does this mean that Carl will come back as a ghost in a white nightgown to haunt Rick?
  6. That blue paint matches the blue paint that "corral!!" used in the handprint scene.
  7. Why are the denizens of Oceanside wearing matching clothing? It's like some middle school production of a fishing village! Why are they wasting fishing nets and wearing them as accent pieces?
  8. I'm pretty sure that I've read that they get their bathing suits once they merge. At that point, challenges are designed in a way that both genders have equal chances to win according to their own strengths, i.e., balance challenges, puzzles, weird endurance challenges, etc.
  9. I also think that too many of the cast are really playing to the camera now.
  10. I just registered just so that I could quote this and say it made me snort out loud! Stephanie (the yoga instructor who compared herself to Beauty while saying that Jacob was the beast) needs to quit tossing her nasty looking hair around during Tribal Council. I wanted to shout through the screen "honey, you ain't all that so get over yourself". Also, she looked like a rather bizarre fugly unicorn when she twisted her hair up into a bun almost placed on her forehead. And whoever said this was mainly an unattractive cast, yes.
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