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Everything posted by Iju

  1. dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! and dean's face afterwards, when he realised the sarcasm at the last minute. lol! omg his happy af smile was cracking me and my family up, we absolutely LOVED it! YES. it was funny and all but they were out 50k bucks....ouch. ----- bella shot sam and that makes her a dead woman walking in my book. if i ever saw her again i would shoot her in the shoulder and say "What? It was just in the shoulder. I can aim you know." and if i ever saw her again i would probably kill her, i would tell her that too. how dare she casually hurt my brother. okay so i'm getting personal about it but still. anyway loved this episode so much, definitely in my rewatch list. jared really brought it on with his sorry patheticness of having bad luck, poor guy. dear God, i can relate to this SO MUCH, and i have no bad luck! :P this is me 100% of the time. me: *trips on literally nothing, tries to regain balance, it only makes it worse and i stumble madly until finally smashing onto the ground* my brother: *sigh* you okay? me: *sheepish* yeah, i'm fine. and of course: poor sammy. poor poor sammy, lol (whatever, they both need a new wardrobes pronto anyway!). jared really made him look like the younger brother here, more than ever and i love it. jensen wasn't too bad either, he was even funnier than in tall tales.
  2. i was thinking of writing one just for kicks, but the scenes keep running through my head so i think i have to write it just so i can stop thinking it lol. thanks^^
  3. i always thought he was the prettiest in his sort of way. he could looks weird to anyone else here but i always thought he looks rather girlish looking here, idk.
  4. jen really bought the whole episode with his performance. i had predicted at a whole season beforehand but looking at dean talking to dead sam my mother grasped me and said "So Dean is the brother who needs his sibling the most!" she loves both brothers but she absolutely adores dean. all i did was smile to myself and mentally pat myself on the back. of course it's him. but back on jen. he really pushed everything he could in the beside scene, because you could hear his texan accent really clearly! i am usually the one who can only hear it but everyone heard it this time lol. mother was already having a heart attack since the beginning of the performance but what really pierced my heart was dean's snot filled, soft voice breaking "Sammy...God...What am I supposed to do?" dean has been broken all this journey, but it is now that he is officially shattered. half of him was already cracked from his father, and then he had to bear the scaring burden of being resurrected. he already confided in gordon that he was barely holding it together and sam, his emotional guardian angel, was his only saving grace. if dean never brought sam back and chose to stay by his own rule ("What's dead should stay dead") he would easily be gordon 2.0. in fact he would probably be even worse. jensen understood all this and brought it all home. there really is no-one on this planet who would play this character better than him.
  5. that's very good advice, thank you very much^^
  6. does anyone have any fics that focus on when dean and sam were kids, specifically when dean was the crutch of the family, as john referenced? or will i have to write them myself, lol
  7. this episode was terrifying! me and my sister were SCREAMING our heads off when the hookman was trying to attack lori, and the "aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights" dragged inside the wall gave me chills in my back. i guess i scare much easier than all of you :P
  8. um so i'm thinking phillipe is mostly gay but bi as well? just imho.
  9. it works, thank you very much!^^
  10. yes he is, but i hold a small grude against this episode because they used too much makeup on dean. it was obvious because his tiny freckles were covered, which i noticed he had in the first ep of S2. i find them a cute flaw on his otherwise perfect, unblemished face. no, in fact i predicted this of dean in S1. remember in the S1 part 1 finale, when john said he wanted sam to go to college and for dean to have a family? dean is a really traditional guy deep down, that's what i like about him. -------- this episode was a delight to watch! jensen's boosted up in his talent, which as nice to see. when dean went straight to his mother's house and stayed over, i thought poor cameron, he promised he would follow her to bed and then disappeared to spend the night at his mother's house! my favourite parts are when dean crashed into jessica, overjoyed to see her, and when he was grinning looking at her kiss his brother at the restaurant. i really liked that. i'm also more grateful i grew up poor and didn't have a life outside my family, so we are close. looking at how distant sam and dean were made sense and would have made them average middle class siblings since they would have no need to be as tight knit as they are now. they would have went to school, had different friends, etc. looking at that, it made me think if i would have been like that with my family if we were "normal". one problem i had with this episode is about carmen. wasn't cassie his first love, and didn't he want to go back to her even though they both knew that wasn't going to happen? i get that his wish wasn't perfect (his dad was dead, he wasn't on terms with sam) but it wouldn't have killed the writers to put cassie in it. plus he and us (the audience) had no idea who carmen is in the first place so him being separated from her wasn't the same as if cassie was there. if she was there, that would make him really want to stay, and we would understand him a lot more because we know how much he feels for her. i mean even if the actress wasn't available they could have just used another woman. the other thing i didn't like was when dean had to save sam. the dude was half dead! and sam has been proven to be just as a capable of a hunter as dean, it's just not frequently shown. this would have been perfect for sam to fight and kill the jinn. if i was jensen i would refuse to play my roll and give it to sam. it's wonderful to see dean save his bro but i want to see some action by sam. the last time dean was saved by sam was hunted.
  11. yeah, that was disgusting, that line. and he said it so casually. ------ yeah so sam is dead. wow. even if he was to die, it was horrible how it happened. dean yells for sam, sam eagerly looking over, sam and dean spotting each other: dean grins: "Sam!", sam lets out a small laugh, "Dean!" then he gets stabbed?!? that just sucks man....;_; me and my sister screamed when sam was stabbed. i almost cried at dean's denial, "Nonononono...", him grasping his face and telling him, begging him to stay. my back got the shivers when sam's eyes rolled back. andy dying as well was just, well, RUDE. he's such a likable character, plus i thought he would help the brothers out at least once with their monster hunting. i'm glad ava got killed as quickly as she did, i was NOT going to have another goose chase with an annoying character. about bobby knowing where sam was...i thought it was too good to be true at first, but he knows a lot about demon and haunted locations, and how many abandoned haunted towns with tree engraved bells exist in the US? so that was alright for me. anyway, this episode emotionally exhausted me, my sister and my mother (my sister was hugging me at the end), so we're skipping the next episode today lmao. we'll look at it tomorrow!
  12. thanks for the info, but the YT vid is broken! :( but thanks for the wikia link :D
  13. okay, no-one is going to point out that when sam said "Yeah, innocent" and dean said "You from Texas all of a sudden?" LOL. i swear the writers knew what was up and they slipped that in there. loved the brotherly moment near the end: "You gonna stop patting yourself on the back and actually open it?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." and when sam said "does it bother you at all, how easily you seem to fit in here?" to dean i was in SO much agreement. like he was WAY too comfortable in jail, it was like he wasn't even there. i would be so scared all the time in jail, lol. and the ending song is so good, i searched it up as well :P
  14. lol, agreed! also agreed lol.... ---- in the beginning when dean chides sam, "Come on man, don't you know anything about your cultural heritage?!" reminded me of when sam had a blank face when dean asked him did he know any blues artists. it's like dean is lowkey bashing sam for being too "white", lol. i find that funny. this episode didn't take itself seriously which was nice. my sister found it boring but it was okay. dean sure ate a lot in this episode too, wow! and when sam was walking at the end and the trailer door nearly knocked him down swinging open and dean hopped down the trailer car grinning like the cheshire cat, i was wondering what could have made him that way and then i saw the actress and rolled my eyes. i love how there are barely anymore words at the end of that scene, you just get the feeling sam was silently being annoyed with dean while dean felt freshly primed. oh and when the man dropped down being hanged, i actually yelled. that was legitimately scary, dear Lord. so creepy how he was just hanging silently and spinning and bopping....ugh. i had to look away. or maybe i'm just so sensitive :P
  15. when the man turned to talk to his wife and her face went all horror-y, that actually scared me. again i underrated how scary SN can be. and i actually mean SCARED, i swooped under the covers .and was shaking, my heart beating fast. i'm so glad i watched it in the morning, i would have been so scared before bed. also, dean's snap about "You know, I'd like a warning before I'm violated by demon tongue" kinda set me off. sam has had two attempted rapes, dean has wracked up one and has had one sexual harassment as well (forced kissing, before this episode). i mean yes, it's not only their lives but their morality (or whatever you want to call it) that is on the line here, naturally there are some nasty monsters they hunt that will try to do that to them. the thing is for me i think it is just pushed on the boys and they move on about it, whereas if a woman was in the same situation they would make it in a much more dark light and even make it affect her in later episodes for a while. dean was kidding yes, but he was also having some truth in it. he said it, he at least needed to be prepared. is a demon going to ask your permission before kissing you? i don't think so. but the point for me is that the plot just flings these rapes and harassment at them way too much for my liking that they would just brush it off so easily.
  16. HAHA! true ;) ---------- wow. this episode is a MESS (but a good one)! i had to rewatch with my mother because she came in on the middle and wanted to know what was going on, so i showed her the next night. but dang. the episode started out so well, so simple. then a simple person had to throw everything off course. more people were killed thanks to the shapeshifter switching bodies, and since ronald was killed by that stupid sniper (he had no idea if that was an innocent or guilty person) dean and sam will be blamed for that as well...sigh...as i said, a MESS! it's really not the boy's fault, but i wonder how john would have handled this. would it have been the same or different? btw: poor dean darling :( he's so very tender over his father, he defends him even against people he doesn't know. especially how jensen delivered that, dean always goes soft whenever his father is brought up in a bad light. anyway, this episode is one of the best in the season for sure. great twists and turns, great OST, and am fully in agreement with dean: "Man, we are so screwed."
  17. i just wanna say that i felt i knew this was coming. not this scene but what i predicted about sam and dean, and what would happen if one of them got hurt. there is a small way for sam to live without dean, but there is no way dean is living without sam. it's just impossible, it's not happening. and i noticed duane is agent restler from the blacklist! he looked so young omg lmao, i almost completely overlooked him haha.
  18. ARUUUUGH!!!! F THIS SHOW!!!!!! so much to talk about, okay i'll just start from the beginning... sam acting like a virgin in the room with madison was so cute. and when dean called and said "Let me guess, you're on the couch and you can't think of anything to say." spot on! i didn't really care for the girl until i saw how much sam cared for her and how much in pain he was when they said there was no cure (oh i had an idea the christian dude was the werewolf). when dean left them and madison said "I bet he thinks you're getting laid" i thought it was a perfect situation for sam to say "He always wants me to get laid." and the love scene i lowkey expected for madison to "turn", lmao. when that didn't happen i couldn't help grinning and ruining the scene because i could imagine dean being happy for him that his little bro was finally getting laid. jared again good acting with his crying at the end. i was already near in tears. and when dean jumped when sam shot madison (well done on jensen's acting as well), i had to swallow a scream. for sure he was thinking what if he had to do that to sam one day? i really loved this episode, i was an emotional mess. i was even considering quitting the show! lol
  19. unfortunately i thought the same as well, that it was hot. i know it's wrong, why this of all scenes i first find sam sexy :T ------- i underestimated jared A LOT. he was so good. when he sang "My daddy shot your daddy in the head" i mentally applauded him, it was effortless. it was like he couldn't wait to jump into this and prove himself. but i think everyone is missing two things: 1. when jo untied herself and said "Wait, Sam was possessed?!?" and dean looked at her. it was such a powerful look, it was more than 100 answers in one look. as if sam would be the person to rape anyone out of the blue! if she ever had a chance with dean she BLEW it with that. 2. meg chanting the latin or whatever. that whole scene actually, with meg in the chair. 100% perfect. this episode pulled my fam right in, we were all interested. well done on everyone who contributed to this.
  20. this was one of the few episodes i watched at night and i wish i didn't, this was actually pretty scary (now that i think of it, i watched the pilot at night. i hopped right into bed after that, not a good memory lol). the skin changing scene was horrific but i was shocked on what a good body jensen had, all that muscle but was lean at the same time. it was seen for like 2 seconds but still. i kind of hate how much of him is covered now, lol. nope, this is extremely appropriate. i remember this style so much, i grew up in the early 2000s and became legal 2yrs ago so this is all i saw in my childhood. all the men were covered and baggy, and all the women bounced around in short, tight sexy like clothes. the early 2000s fashion was pretty ridiculous i agree, but this show is not exaggerating. it's very on point with 2004-5. it's very nostalgic for me.
  21. honestly i don't care that dean was in love with cassie ofc and if they wanted to show more on their "romance" (if you haven't noticed already i'm using that word lightly) it should have just been a detective story with her solving something that killed her father and it turned out to be some urban legend. the plot was just very lukewarm. i don't care about race and all that but even i noticed how very white the show is (which is fine with me, the US is mostly white, i'm NOT bashing it), so for cassie to not only be black but possibly the first and only love of dean's life was well put in. it wasn't implied that at all in the writing, she was just a friend of dean's at first and even if she wasn't just a friend you would probably think she was one of his one night stands, so when she was much deeper to dean than that your mind sort of went ("Oh really??? Okay, whatever, doesn't really matter"), at least with me. honestly i lowkey thought he was only attracted to white women haha, so that was a nice little surprise i guess. i didn't see "the scene" because basically the whole fam was watching so we skipped it and i was too embarrassed to go back to it when i had time alone, lmao. plus i read how much jensen dreaded it so out of respect i don't look at it to this day, oh well. i'm sure it won't be the only sex scene in the show, that'd be a waste of looks. the car scene when dean said he would kill sam for guessing the spot was funny though, one of the best parts of the ep.
  22. i liked that scene as well, i watched this ep i think three times? but your suggestion on their talking like they are in their kid years was very interesting to imagine. thanks for that :) -------- i was rewatching this just for the heck of it and this brings back (recent) memories of watching this while making waffles and eating breakfast. by this time i was pretty interested in this show. there's something about eating and watching something that i like, but i barely do it. while i was rewatching, however, i fell asleep to the sound of sam and dean's voices so i missed some. for some reason i have a weakness for men's voices. no, seriously i am weak for them - they lull me to sleep. if my brother is next to me and is talking i will just fade away, and dean's soft but rough tone plus sam's deep and smooth one are no exceptions ;) anyway this ep didn't speak to me much, and it's good to know that eric hated this episode for years so it's not just me. i liked the song when sam and dean talked to each other by the campfire though, and i tried to find it in the S1 OST but it was fruitless :( it's only the second episode and dean is already in fatal trouble so it's good showing how dangerous their job is so soon. P.S.: this thread was uploaded on my b-day ;)
  23. hey... you ARE right. 3 new SN fans were born. i hadn't thought of it like that! lol! i guess i can't complain much then :P and yes, the writing of the boys and the chemistry of the actors really pull things along. definitely the best part of the show ;)
  24. i decided to rewatch because i was bored and i don't was thinking about a lot of scenes that came from here. even though i'm on S2 i find myself missing S1 already, i hate that my sister made me speed through it, turns out my worries were right, i did have to slow down after all. anyway this is one of the best pilots i've ever seen, probably second to Heroes. and because it's 2018 i relish in the ancient "modern" gear that's used, the slightly grained camera because of the quality, even the words that are used, like "cellular phone" LMAO and most importantly i love the early 2000s clothes, the tight shirts with bright colours and just showing the start of the stomach. i was expecting some corny cheesy show that's supposed to be "scary" but i remember i watched this at night by myself and was so scared, i didn't look at many SN episodes at night after that, haha. because i had such low expectations for the show (i was looking at it purely because of casual and bored watching) i didn't expect it to be so appealing and so different, especially for 2005. my bet is how it was so different and the timeframe is how it got so successful. if SN aired now it would probably be cancelled well before S5. in addition that lots of US shows focus on family but very few focus on siblings, and at that, written well? pfft. look no further than stranger things. P.S.: i don't know anything what people are referencing to the modern episodes except @DittyDotDot who said that jensen looks the same. i happened to look at a S13 preview and i thought it was as past season, he's so ageless. of course that's all i saw of current seasons, i just came across that picture by chance.
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