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Everything posted by fifty8th

  1. I do as well, I went in not liking her because of all the preseason promos but with the way Chandler was with her made me see where she was coming from. I think the problem now is Chandler set the tone and now that he is gone she is still stuck in that mindset. I can't help wondering how she her attitude would be if Ross or Kelley or Eddie was the boson from the beginning.
  2. Saw that coming so I was not expecting to see the actual aftermath until next week. Not a fan of the new Stew, I mean she is much better than Caroline in all ways but she grates on me. New deck crew has not been around long enough but so far I like him.
  3. Can someone explain to me what that twitter graphic even means, there is nothing in there that is bad for captain lee.
  4. Then you are going to have to keep the rest of us up to date.
  5. The worst Kelley has said about Kate was that yes she does drink on charter, she has wine while doing paperwork type things when she is done on service for the day. A glass/mug after the guests are in their cabins while ordering provisions and everyone knows including Lee and no one cares. I think she has put in enough time, is trusted enough, that Lee bends the no drinking on charter rule for her if it is a glass of wine after hours.
  6. New deck hand's name is Tyler he shows up an hour before the next charted or so the clip I just saw says. Was hoping it would be someone we knew like Connie but I doubted we'd get two female deck hands at the same time.
  7. She already has for me, I mean rocky was bad, don't get me wrong but I don't remember her being super bad at her job.
  8. Kate has changed over the years and I do like her more lately and that is mostly because her action have been warranted the last few years. Kate always seems to have an issue with a stew, season 2 she treated Amy like crap, season 3 Rocky was terrible, season 4 was it Sierra ?, season 5 Jen, and season 6 Caroline. Out of the five only Amy was treated badly by Kate for no reason but lately the friction has been more than justified, Jen & Caroline brought it on themselves by being not only inept at their jobs but bringing it on themselves with their attitudes. I did not think at the time anyone could top Rocky for worst stew but Caroline has, I don't remember Rocky be a horrible worker.
  9. Captain Lee's Take on what went down in episode 8 I wish he had some for the last few episodes but I am glad he is back with this one. One of the reason, it seems, that Chandler is not gone yet is that Tahiti is more remote and finding replacements harder. The Chandler section:
  10. Yeah but he was drunk so I don't really count that I don't see a lot of sober tries to hook up. I miss Captain Lee's Blogs, it has been two weeks without one, I wonder if he is just so disgusted he doesn't bother.
  11. Is this the first season no one in the cast is trying to hook up with another, It could be they are one female short with having one of the strews be male this season or that none of the female cast being likable, yes Kate is ok but I don't count her since she does not hook up with crew on charter at least not that I can remember.
  12. I agree, I am to the point anytime Caroline is speaking or the deck crew interacting with each other I mute the, there is not much left to watch at this rate.
  13. I think it is not the norm, it happens on occasion though.
  14. The way Kate treated Amy in season 2 will always sour my opinion of her as a person, they being said I do thinks she is good at her job outside of how she treats SOME of the people under her, some deserve some of it (Rocky) some do not (Amy).
  15. The wine in a coffee cup was confirmed by a past bosun but he went on to say that it is at night while making plans for the next day, never drunk, just a glass/cup a night before bed, never on duty. I have no problem with that, she is high up on the food chain, if not on the boat than on the show for sure, i the captain knows (which he does) and it does not impact her work than it is fine, despite the rules.
  16. Some interesting quotes by Kelly on Reddit ABOUT NICO: ABOUT HIS CHANGE BETWEEN SEASONS
  17. While I was never a huge fan of the character, the actress got a starring role in a new show so I think it was her choice to leave.
  18. Ok that is not what I was alluding to in my original comment but I don't see a complaint of a "dickish response" getting anyone kicked off a boat.
  19. I really don't, while people may want to see him and maybe her gone I don't wish that on Caroline if he were to do something to her or him if it is an unfounded accusation.
  20. I'm beginning to wonder if it is Chandler who gets the boot for doing something to or is accused of doing something to Caroline.
  21. Are there more deckhands than usual this year?
  22. I also think Sandy was not as bad as a lot seem to think.
  23. Well she is his Grandmother (on both sides if Baz is his father) so there is some obligation there but she also treated his mother like garbage, cut her out of her life and I believe manipulated the boys to cut her out there too so she abandoned her and cut her off from her family. He sees all they have and how they treated his mother and that is where his venom comes from.
  24. Jen is now a chief stew somewhere. I'm all for going after your dream job but what about her kid?
  25. I think everyone on the crew can see that she is materialistic without any conversations from Conrad.
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