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Everything posted by fifty8th

  1. I agree I like Baker, she'd be my second back up on deck, maybe equal to dave he was worked had, kept his head down with no drama, at least that is how I remember it. Kyle is a hard worker but he is not no drama.
  2. Since Captain Lee was asked this question at the reunion I'll add my choices. My Dream Team Deck Hands: Bosun: Eddie Lucas (Season One-Three, if given a chance, season two Eddie) Senior Deck Hand: Kelly Johnson (Season two & four, if given a choice Season Four Kelly) Deckhand: Connie Arias (Season Three) Backup Deck Hand: David Bradberry (Season One) My Dream Team Interior: Chief Stew: Kate Chastain (Season Two-Five, if given a choice season three Kate) 2nd Stew: Amy Johnson (Season Two-Three, if given a choice season three Amy) 3rd Stew: Kat (Season One-Two, if given a choice season two Kat, was she more sober then?) Backup Stew: Brianna (Season Five) Cook: Ben Back Up Cook: Matt (Season One-Four, not season four Ben)
  3. More of Captain Lee's thoughts on Nico, I like this one. "I think Nico lacks the integrity to do what we do," Lee explained on the podcast. "I mean when he unloaded Bri at the end, he didn't even have the balls to tell her that he was going back with his girlfriend. He told her he was going back because of family matters. I mean that was a crutch, an obvious crutch."
  4. I think I read somewhere that the season was filmed about a year ago so it is probably just working out.
  5. "Boys just being boys" is a cop out, just like Nico using his brother's death as an excuse is, it is a rationalization, a way to justify bad behavior and take no responsibility for your actions.
  6. She does deserve something like disdain but not EQUAL blame, I the word blame feels wrong here as well (even if it was blame I don't think it would be equal). She has nothing invested in his old relationship, meaning she does not know the girl so other than being a crappy thing to do to another person if Nico wants to fool around with her whatever. She flirted but not too over the top, sorry but it is up to the person in the relationship to say no, it just is, she didn't force him to do it.
  7. I wonder if Valor or any of the other yachts used in previous episodes did not make it though the hurricanes and if we'll have another season. I do like the version of Below Deck more than the Med version but if the Caribbean is trashed could that cause issues for another season. On the subject of the last episode I do hope Matt sticks with it, I know a lot of people did not like him or his menu but I think he learned from his mistakes and I don't take points away from his success on the last charter for working with the chief stew who has experience with a client to get the menu right, he still had to cook it. In fact if the cooks worked more closely with the chief stew maybe they would not fight as much.
  8. It the crew's defense I don't think the have a lot of costumes on board and I am sure there is slim pickings down there to buy them.
  9. So Bri would not have know Nico is going back to the girlfriend? Or do they get to see all the episodes before. It would not be as good if they had not seen them all.
  10. When are the reunion shows taped? They aren't live right? I've never really watched one.
  11. I don't know if I will stick around if Nico is bosun next season.
  12. I think that is the onion's thing, writing their satire so well people could see that it is true, then look at the source and say ... you got me! I read it and being a watcher of her show I could tell it hit all the buzz words and was a joke.
  13. Did we ever see Bruno, Baker, Mat and Bri ganging up on Jen or being a group of mean girls to her? I always though Baker pretty much stayed above it all. Captain Lee agrees with Kate, Jen would have been fired on the spot if he knew. I really enjoy his bog posts.
  14. Just rewatched the previews it was Baker she called a whore.
  15. Netflix Under Fire for Continued Work With “That ‘70s Show” Actor Facing 4 Rape Allegations
  16. I think the only way Leah shelves it is if it hurts the case against Masterson in some way and she has assurances something will happen, I don't see her letting the LAPD and Scientology push her to squash it for Masterson to get off. She is on a crusade to out Scientology, unless A&E forced it due to fear of a lawsuit or something like that.
  17. Despite ‘Overwhelming’ Evidence Against Actor Danny Masterson, Rape Case Has Stalled
  18. Bruno can be whiny and not want to do something outside what he thinks is his job sometimes and other times be helpful, he runs hot and cold, but I still think he is making great strides from when we first met him, unlike Nico. Nico and his brother need to go. From the clips from next show maybe Nico getting hurt forces him to leave, keeping him from getting kicked off officially, and that is how what's his name from last year come on board.
  19. It does make sense and it would be cool to see how Kate deals with a male stew, heck just one in general would be a change. I hope it is Nico that get the boot he is toxic at this point. I was rewatching last season last night an early on there are signs of Nico being a self-centered cry baby. The him or me comments about Trevor (I do agree Trevor had to go) reminds me of his if I'm not made bosun I'll quit comments and when Captain Lee says he will deal with it about Trevor right before he sent him home Nico says "I hope so" in a manner that bugged me.
  20. Kyle's going to be on this season? Does that mean someone gets kicked off the boat to make room for him?
  21. As bad people thought Kelly was, I always liked him, he put Trevor in his place when he was on a power trip. Someone needs to do the same to Nico.
  22. Maybe they are similar I just remember liking Connie a lot more and think she was a better deck hand.
  23. Captain Lee's Blog touches on who Matt should have asked for permission to used Bruno (Hint not Nico). Compares Baker with Connie, not sure I agree there. Is not at all kind to Nico, likes Brie's work ethic but not her actions with Nick. He still thinks Kate can do no wrong and of course Jen is a trainwreck.
  24. I don't understand how Nico can think he is coming off at all well this season. I though he ended last season as a jerk but he has multiplied that 10 fold this season and now his brother is coming. I like how Nico still thinks he's boss or at least co-boss but whenever anything goes wrong it is EJ's fault.
  25. Why have Nico and EJ in the guest meeting? EJ is Bosun and now that he's there having Nico in the meeting just fuels his fantasy that he is still boss.
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