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Everything posted by HurricaneVal

  1. I would have loved to see Maeve enrolled in the GOOP school. The eye rolls would have been epic! Not to mention, Maeve would have resolved the whole O storyline in a fingersnap. She would have just pointed out to Otis that it doesn't matter. Does he want to help people or not? There's no money involved, so who cares?
  2. Aimee, Adam, Eric, Viv, and Maeve are my favorite characters, but like Maeve and Aimee's friendship the best. I'm hopeful the season gets better.
  3. Hi all! I'm back from vacation which started Labor Day. Limited wifi connectivity on this camping trip, so I am totally out of the loop. Anything dramatic or interesting or controversial happen? Or just the boring BB I left on?
  4. Cam is married...right? He's a stay at home dad, so that implies either he's married or unemployed. I wonder what his wife thinks about him horndogging on the hot women in the house. Who was his HoH letter from? At this rate, Cam is headed into creepy Christine territory. Except creepier.
  5. I would be SO there for that! Those are the kind of producer manipulative mind games I want Big Brother to be playing with the hamsters! I really want to shake up the show, maybe pretend a Zombie Apocalypse or something. Eh, on second thought, never mind. BB would screw that up and it would be achingly lame. The original few seasons, BB was more willing to mess with the house, but these later seasons have all been BOring. A long while back, I was in the UK on business when their version of Big Brother was running. The UK version was much more manipulative, Big Brother was really quite an authority figure. As I recall, two silly female hamsters were sent to a bed-sitter isolation, where they could monitor the other hamsters still in the house, and they could play tricks on them. That was diabolical fun. Hey man, jizz couch > jizz towel any day.
  6. I miss the food comps. I think forcing the hamsters to work together for a common goal did a lot to shake up the house. The comps made different teams of "us" and "them" that were different from the in-house alliances and got people more willing to change their minds rather than blindly following their alliance leader. I also miss the house missions, like caring for chickens, putting together complicated puzzles, or that one map/travel thing, which would win rewards for the house. Slackers were resented, but over-achievers were also given a side eye as well. Those weekly missions really shook up the house, and seemed to lead to shifting alliances. This modern BB where everyone "votes with the house" is boring.
  7. My ads are for Hefty "Stay one step ahead of stinky" and Total Wine and More. Seems legit. 😆 I know it won't happen, but I'd love, love, love Cameron to nominate Mama Cirie, and Izzy or Felicia. If one of them comes off the block at Veto, then put the third up. He'll never do it, of course, but it would be sooooo much fun! With his mama on the block, there's no way Jared could prevent himself from blurting out an anguished Mama! at the most awkward of times.
  8. Doesn't matter. Smoking HV shaped hole in the wall.
  9. Big Brother needs to pipe in sounds of flowing water. Pouring water into a glass, a waterfall, rain on a roof, sprinklers, burbling fountain, water running into a sink... My mother potty trained me and my four older sisters by sitting us on the toilet and running water in the sink. To this day, some mumblefiftymumble years later, I cannot do the dishes without peeing first, lest I need a panicked run to the loo with soapy, dripping, hands. Long walks in the rain? Nope, not happening. If I know I'm going to be hiking next to a stream, I purposely stay dehydrated. Thanks, mom. I am petrified of snakes. It is a genuine phobia, and so very irrational. I know they can't hurt me, they're more scared of me, blah blah, blah. Doesn't matter. Even if they're quiescent in their plexiglass box, if I were in that room, I'd be gone. Outta there. You'd see the flames from my afterburners leaving tracks as I exited the house, leaving a HV shaped outline in the wall, and blazed out of CBS studios main gates. shudder
  10. Happy Birthday, @Callaphera! I heard Big Brother is giving you a beautiful pressure cooker for your birthday. Some people have all the luck....
  11. Wait...so Red's kids are all from different mothers? His pre-house footage portrayed his current relationship as a romance for the ages. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Plus....how is that possible that so many women are attracted enough to Red to do the thing that leads to procreation? I......really do not get his appeal. Unless he bakes his way into their hearts. I did not have hillbilly cartoon man being a genius pastry chef and chocolatier on my BB bingo card.
  12. On paper, Hisam sounds like a really great guy. A doctor specializing in geriatrics looks like a compassionate and caring person, a fit guy with a little wink to his personality. However, in the house, from what I've gathered on screen and from here, he's obsessed with exercise--perhaps to stave off that aging he sees every day on the job? That kind of says something, doesn't it? That maybe he fears what he sees in his patients? In a way that humanizes him a little. In a twisted way. The house changes people, accentuates aspects of their personalities they're better able to keep a handle on in real life. I hope Hisam has fallen to that aspect, and is not so insufferable in real life. Gawd, I'd be such a horrible hamster. I'd want to hear everyone's stories, ask questions about their jobs, travels, hobbies, experiences. I'd try to cook each person's favorite food, and be frustrated about the horrific state of general cleanliness of the house while biting my tongue for fear of offending anyone. I'd totally be voted out early on as an easy out. Too clueless for alliances, too easy to dismiss.
  13. So.....I had this thought. Maybe we've been reading this Cirie situation all wrong. Maybe Cirie is the ultimate helicopter parent, and she used her influence on CBS to be placed in the Big Brother house when she learned Jared had been cast as a houseguest?
  14. At this point in my 25 seasons of increasing BB ennui, I would actually look at, and enthusiastically welcome, an eviction night without a fakey-fake unanimous "going with the house" vote as an actual fundamental shift in the game. I'm talking an actual nail-biting near tie, not a sympathy vote thrown here or there. If anyone can do it, it's Cirie. Which makes me put on my tinfoil conspiracy hat and wonder if her purpose in this game is to make that sort of shift....to work from within to muscle in a paradigm shift to get away from the robotic must-vote-with-everyone-to-evict-who-the-HOH-or-dominant-alliance-wants-out-for-the-good-of-the-house crap that is soooo boring. I wonder if Cirie's contract includes a "shake up the game" clause where she's awarded a bonus if she can swerve modern BB gameplay back to being fun and scheming again. I liked it best, long ago, in OG BB, when alliances and loyalties shifted with the petty moment. Where half the house is all "So-and-so didn't work hard enough to get us steak at that last comp. He must go." and the other half is all "Who cares? <Egotistic BBQ "Chef"> will just ruin it anyways, <Flosses in Hot Tub> should go!"
  15. That we know of..... Is anyone a twin? To be fair, I think Izzy is a fan of Reality TV in general, and probably feels exactly the same about any number of people. She's that hyper kind of Superfan who cyber stalks reality TV personalities and their families. I'll bet she loses her shit if she's still there when the uncanny valley version of Dr. Will shows up.
  16. POV was really that long? Usually POV comps aren't endurance based, so I'm betting it was one of those timed puzzle comps where each player has a max time of a half hour to figure out the puzzle. Even if everyone took the full half hour, plus resets between players, that only accounts for 5-6 hours. My money is on that whatever the comp was, it was overly elaborate and under-engineered and it malfunctioned. Repeatedly. Or.....just speculation.....Matt finally put his foot down and demanded production accommodate his deafness for the comps, and it took that long to consult the lawyers and then figure out how to do that. At least when Survivor had a deaf castaway, Jeffy always stood directly in front of her and spoke very clearly, and checked to be sure she understood--but not in an obnoxious way. I also heard, probably in the forums here, that written instructions were also available for her to review. The one thing I've come to depend on from BB is that they will consistently half-ass it.
  17. Maybe Jared was predestined to go to the nether regions (I giggle like a ten year old every time I hear that, but I suppose they couldn't say "nether land" without people thinking they were sending folks to Amsterdam or something) anyways so Grodner could sit him down and 'splain to him once again to cool it with talk about anything to do with his family, his past, his nicknames etc etc etc. When Kirsten on the show last night, after the Chenbot disclosed the hidden relationship in the house, kind of nodded her head and said Jared told everyone his nickname and funny thing, Cirie the other day said that was her son's nickname, I figured the secret was on borrowed time. Unless Kirsten was the only one to hear Jared and Cirie say that. The way everyone in the house obsesses over every statement, and they start the conspiracy of secrets hamster wheeling, all that is going to come out. Maybe we should start a round robin on America's name, like we did with Christmas. She can be Bolivia, then Guam, then Myanmar, then Canada, but never--ever--Netherlands, unless she actually goes to the nether region. Or maybe states....one day Oregon, the next Maryland, the next Arkansas etc.
  18. I'm kind of confused..........are there always going to be four nominations, with HOH taking two off the block then Veto, or just sometimes four nominations with HOH taking two off the block then Veto? Or is that just spitballing speculation here, and they're one and done with the four on the floor? That actually might be a way to prevent the el stupido backdoor concept that every HOH thinks is soooo clever, and a way to boost their game resume these days. It drives me nuts. Just straightforward nominate two people you want to go. Your #1 target and your #2 target. If one of them comes off the block, then put up your #3, and you don't really give a rip who goes home. Bonus points if you put up both halves of a showmance. I wish BB would play more the way Survivor does, where the good players do have alliances, but are mostly controlled by the "anyone but me" (Queen Sandra!) strategy. Though Survivor anymore is trending to the unanimous "vote with the house (tribe?)" kinds of votes now too, and I hate that as well.
  19. I really hope that production made it clear to the house that Luke was removed due to what was heard on the microphone, and not due to Corey or Jared saying anything to production. As the house gets increasingly paranoid (the natural course of BB), if production wasn't crystal clear it was Luke's own words that got him removed, then Corey and Jared--and perhaps Hisam, since he was there, and his disavowals of knowledge are kind of sketch--could be at risk as "snitches." Even if they didn't snitch. Can I just say that from what I'm reading here, and seeing on the broadcast shows, Red is a lot more of a low key player and person than I thought he'd be. His intro clips certainly promised a more annoying person than he's turned out to be. However, that said, I'm prepared for the "Wacky, wacky, Red!" compilation of clips that BB will use as filler for some future show.
  20. This is shaping up to be a really boring season. I'd like to know what the ratio of actual feeds content from the house vs screensavers (puppies, kittens, bunnies, BB colonoscopy) because even this thread is quiet, and usually it is hopping at this point in the season--especially with an incident like what Luke said. From the broadcast show: I call total bullshit on Hisam claiming he didn't hear what Luke said. His was the biggest "WTF did you actually say out loud?!?" face I've ever seen. I also didn't like that he left Corey hanging there like that, when Corey was making his awkward and tippy-toeing description of what happened. Jared could have chimed in too, but he didn't. I think Jared just wants to leave that turd of an incident alone until it stops steaming and everyone can pretend it didn't happen. Jared totally had Luke's number, and wisely declined to engage. It was a total "I see who you are. You just showed me who you are. It's cool. I'm proceeding with that intel. ::smile::smile::" moment. I'm a little surprised we didn't get Cirie's or Felicia's reactions to that announcement, but I believe CBS would also prefer to leave that turd alone until it stops steaming and dried out so they can sweep it under the rug.
  21. Not a good look for BB production to make a big deal about being zero tolerance on racism and ditching Luke, then leave Matt hanging in the diary room after the vote due to lack of accommodation for or sensitivity to his healing loss, on the same episode.
  22. Luke did get kind of a "derpa-derp" edit on last night's show. Lots of apparent awkward glances around from other hamsters while he was talking. I can infer from that maybe it wasn't just his dropping the N-word in the house that has has him being awkward and weird and "off." He may be that kind of person who is so far up their own butt they don't really know how to interact with others. He's gonna regret that swaggering pose in that promo photo really fast. Or not. He may not care how he appears to others.
  23. I love Cirie, but I'm with y'all on this. If CBS loves Cirie so much, they should just give her a show for her ownself. NOT this show. "Lackluster" is a good description. BOring. I don't know if it is because the cast, or because of the scattered 'verse setting is sucking all the air out of the room. Or the focus on ONE hamster in particular. I did like the Jag/Hisam scene, but it seemed very heavy-handed from production to plop it there. Like "See, viewers! We're diverse! We have hamsters who have heavy and meaningful conversations! We are nuanced!"
  24. Pure speculation on my part, but I suspect if Luke were a more dynamic person who was all in about playing the game, he would have been given "counseling" in the diary room and would still be in the house. Wasn't Luke the one who wasn't even pretending to "hang on" during the Nether Region comp? I'll bet that chapped some production hides. I wonder if maybe he's not all that cooperative in the diary room either, won't play the producers little games of "Say that louder, make enthusiastic arm gestures, jump on the couch!" so they're ditching him at the first opportunity. I know production is hyper aware of all the scrutiny this current season will be under based on the online reactions to the rampant racism in the house the last several seasons. They can't hide it anymore, but I have no doubt if Luke were a more intense player like Jackson Michie or Cody Calafiore, they'd figure out a way to keep him, zero tolerance policy or not. My other thought is he was cast on purpose, knowing he'd do or say something they could "get" him on, thus could CBS publicly demonstrate how well their anti-racism protections are working. I'm sure the hamsters sign pretty draconian NDAs prior to being cast on the show. We'll see how well Luke adheres to that....
  25. OMG. I hadn't thought of that possibility. That would be epic! Nah, they'd band together, run the entire house, watch the hamsters dance at the ends of their puppet strings, then hug it out on finale night as Janelle wins by one vote.
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