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  1. I sat through both Hill House and Bly Manor and figured what the hell. What the hell indeed. 1) I'm quite convinced there's a pterodactyl flying the skies at night, and plummeting the fish supply. 2) I'll agree that it's odd that a teeny underpopulated island has a monseigneur. Perhaps they thought it was fancy back in the day (the 80's or so, since they do seem permanently stuck there). Wouldn't a small town just have a reverend? I think I liked Bly Manor better, you at least knew there was something to be afraid of.
  2. The Two Seconds can be found on Twitter and I presume Instagram as well. I uh, didn't spend an hour last night gazing at those two second inspired meme / fan art of those two seconds or anything. Nope. What I also gathered We will still suffer whatsherface and pained expressions once the secret gets out, hopefully not for the entire season, but suffer we will. Trust me. I am sure she'll hand his pretty ass back on a silver platter at some point, though. I have no idea why the relationship should be hidden from Katsumoto specifically, as Magnum is not a cop and it's not breaking any fraternization rules. Also, they're both consenting adults so it would baffle me if they kept it from him for any reason. Most Katsumoto would do is give Magnum the side eye, maybe? So only secret from Higgins I imagine.
  3. I hardly ever use tags. I didn't know it was a requirement and I don't know, I don't see the point of them. If I'm doing a particularly difficult subject (ie pregnancy loss, in my case) I do put up a note at the beginning of my chapter to warn people. I've never had complaints from my readers so I guess it's ok if they're not greeted by a whole wall of them everytime they click the story. Not sure how much you're into (new version) Magnum PI or Rookie fic, or somewhat older 12 Monkeys or Haven fanfic but if you've got time to spare, this is my profile over at A03. https://archiveofourown.org/users/LucyRasmussen/works It's not stellar stuff by any means but it keeps me busy and got me through the pandemic in one piece.
  4. Yeah, I had been thinking towards a Desi rehash plotline too. I hope the actress is prepared for the heat she'll be exposed to, and as a very good Twitter comment said: They don't need love interests, they need a decent villain. Not sure where Ivan has been in s3 (he seems to be a very wishy washy villain, to say the least), but wouldn't that work better in the long term? Then they can have a cliffhanger in the season finale, which by s4 should be a given but anyway.
  5. Five seasons is fine, sad that it's ending but I've long made peace with it. From what I've heard re: spoilers
  6. So I got back into fanfic writing during the pandemic, because you have to while away the hours somehow. I don't do Tumblr because I'm old and I can not figure out how it works and I deleted Instagram because it was driving me insane. I don't really advertise my fics, didn't know it was a thing. I enjoy comments, but it's sort of two fold for me. I put a lot of work into writing and I do hope that people will like it. It's disappointing when you check back after 24 hours and only one person has commented. On the other hand, I can tell that my story has has been clicked (and hopefully read) about 15.000 times and counting so I consider that a win. The thing I dislike is one word comments like "awesome" or "cute" (I think I may have gotten an actual sentence once, but only once, but usually just one word) because that doesn't really tell me anything. Not that I'm sitting around waiting for harsh criticism, but still. I haven't posted at ff.net in years. I find Ao3 much easier to use, and they have a save as draft feature.
  7. I do wonder why they think these Higgy leaving plots are worth repeating every year. Barring the s1 finale (I thought it was going back to MI6 was discussed there but that's s2), she's always getting the same storyline. In the s4 finale, she and Magnum can hash out their feelings while locked in the wine cellar, ok. Let Rick or TC have the big finale plotline for a change. That must be so much fun for Perdita Weeks as well. Oh, where am I leaving for this time? The Kenya storyline was a little more bearable then the visa bullshit one, but it was still ugh. If your relationship is on the rocks (sort of), why would you go live with that person on the other side of the world for six months? That and she hasn't actually lived together with Ethan, I doubt she'll see much of him over there anyway and yeah, the writers needed to RESEARCH this storyline before writing it. I don't know if they actually have female writers but they direly need a good one. I just feel Higgy is very much written from a male POV. Pretty sure it's why I'm always yelling "ask her to dance" or "you don't know how this works, do you?" at my screen. I have no real issues with Ethan, hissy fit notwithstanding. Um, when was he going to tell her about Kenya exactly? Because I think her holding back about her past does not trump going to Africa out of the blue for six months. The trouble is that he's just nice. Nothing more. IF they decide to have him back (and if Jay Ali wants to come back, given the fandom boo hissing) I hope they'll do something more with him then just nice. I also hope for more balance in s4. It's still an ensemble show and I'd like them to go back to their season 1 format more. Without the stupid childish bickering, that is. But you can tell the dynamic has shifted a bit too far now.
  8. Now that I did watch these two episodes and didn't want to edit my previous one:. Death Row Fugitive He must have been one charismatic son of a bitch to pull that off. Or he bought off the guards. In the era before the Internet, I am sure lots of important warrants never came to pass. It's why we have such a wealth of unsolved mystery reality shows. Because people delayed reporting a sister missing or someone assigned typing up an arrest warrant decided to go get coffee instead. Japanese Ghosts. I liked the Japanese spirituality angle too. Those reconstructions though. I understand that they think it's normal, but driving into your garage to find a bunch of strangers standing there would creep me out beyond measure.
  9. France was robbed. I have been force fed Hooverphonic five times a day for three months and I I am not sorry they ended up where they did. They were never going to be better then mediocre. Someone somewhere thought the German entry was worth giving points. It baffles me. They didn't even try to send something decent! Countries who pull shit like that should be excluded for a year to think of the error of their ways, seriously. I had no idea the UK even had sent a contestant until last Friday. Now I understand why. They should join Germany on the one year time out couch.
  10. Finally got around to season 2 Jack Wheeler Yeah, I'm not buying the professional hit theory either. More like he had a bad episode which got worse as that night wore on. I think he forgot or lost his briefcase somewhere and it triggered a psychotic episode. It would explain why he went to the pharmacy. Where did the hoodie come from? I also think he climbed into a dumpster for warmth or shelter (no matter how upstanding he was, mental illness doesn't care) and was tossed about in the compactor and dumped at the landfill without anyone noticing. Dead Woman in Oslo I honestly thought this case happened in the 1960's (I think there might have been a similar murder back then, though) not in 1995. Someone must have paid someone a lot of money to keep the case under the radar. Checking into the hotel without ID, the mystery man, no camera footage ... I promise that not all Belgian mayors are not like the one depicted. He just seemed so excited to be on tv. Perhaps she passed through there once, or visited at some point. I think I read an article about the people who own the phone number on the check in card. They hold a similar theory, but they're equally baffled about it. It's a shame that the city didn't at least pay for a modest headstone. Something to mark where she is should someone come looking.
  11. Finished last night. It was so good. As a Dutch speaker, the Dutch really hurt my ears. I credit the British actor playing Knippenberg for actually learning to say the words but it was still a bit jarring. Perhaps it was just odd to hear it in a BBC series. I think he went back to Nepal to see if he could get away with going to Nepal. If he'd be able to walk away again. I doubt he'd actually go there to commit more murders. 70's hippie-ism is a far cry from 21st century backpacking. It still carries risks, but everyone always knows where everyone is, right. I didn't feel sorry for Marie-Andree, but I did understand her plight. I liked that she was eventually dealing the final blow from beyond the grave though.
  12. I have no idea what anyone is talking about half the time, but I'll give it a go. The Soviet Russian type wardrobe. It just really drew me in. I was sort of meh on the giant bat attack in The Fold, like I sat there watching the same way I'd watch a scene where people eat ice cream. My shock meter is running low, I think. The actress playing Milana was terrible. Like, really? You're being kidnapped by a slew of gangsters and you're whinging about wanting to get back to whoring? It gets points for killing off a character in cold blood, it was the only thing that actually did something to my heartstrings.
  13. The ratings were fine. I mean, circa 5 million (perhaps somewhat less lately due to scattershot airing, but not dramatically so) in what is supposedly a powerblock is not terrible. But yeah, the whole thing makes Macgyver look like an unprofessional asshole for wanting to date both women on his team. I am not hot or cold about the MacRiley thing, I just feel they got it going too late in the series. Mostly, Desi deserves better. It's been two weeks and I still find it really baffling. I'm not sure if it has to do with the previous behind the scenes drama or if they were just contracted for five seasons and they decided to not extend them out of spite or something. I'm also just getting into MacGyver after four previous tries and now it'll always feel unfinished. And the fact that it ends on April 30th rather then May 7th like Magnum PI and Blue Bloods makes it sound like they can't get rid of it fast enough.
  14. Yeah, not sure why 3.05 was a bottle episode when nothing of significance happened here. It did get me wondering though. Do they really only charge 900 dollars for their services? I figured with the whole former SEAL/MI6 experience, they'd be a bit more pricey then that. Not sure what the going rate for a private detective is, but that seemed a bit cutthroat. I mean, I suppose they don't charge that amount for lost cats or whatever, but missing rich women must bring in a higher paycheck, no? Does Robin not pay Thomas a wage? Since he's the security consultant for the estate and everything? If the bar tab is really that high, say a few hundred bucks, why the hell does Rick even serve him anything other then tapwater anymore?
  15. Yeah, about those visiting hours. Had it been Magnum, she'd probably go camp out by his bedside, hell or high water. Just sayin'. re: first date. Apparently cheap schrimp and expensive wine are a better deterrent against bad dates then a fancy restaurant would be.
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