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I liked the episode and dean was just so awesome as always. I hated those witch sisters and Jamie was lucky to get a kiss from dean. I’m glad Rowena is back but I hated luicfer. Glad that cas was t being a dumbass like he was last episode. Sam wasn’t as annoying in this but still dumb to let Rowena have that spell. Hope she won’t turn bad. I have liked these episodes so far and I even like wayward sisters. But I still hated Claire. And spn will always be awesome to me no matter what. Looking forward to next week. As I said I dont see why dean and sister jo shouldn’t hook up. It wouldn’t be weird plus dean needs love now more than ever. I rather Donna and dean to hook up but damn writers!! Oh well still love spn and love dean the best:) Ps danneel is the luckiest bitch ever just saying. Anyway I still love Jensen/dean
I liked this episode and dean was awesome and his speech was sexy:) susy was lucky and I disagree with wayward son. And come on any woman would be crazy to turn down dean just saying. Plus she wanted him too duh. So I don’t get why it was wrong cause it wasn’t.
LIked the episode and Cassie was so lucky! I didn’t like her but loved that dean was with a black female. Also come on dean sex was hot!!
Loved the pilot but I disagree with dittydot cause deans voice was rough and sexy and it wasn’t bad in later seasons. I still liked his voice then too.
I liked Buffy but spn is a more awesome show. But Buffy is great. I hated Angel and I hated Xander he was such a asshole. And spike was overrated. Riley was boring but at least he wasn’t a vampire. And Dean Winchester from spn would have been the right man for Buffy. Yep I ship them too. Also the idea of bangel and spuffy was gross. I’m glad Buffy wwasnt with Xander either yuck. I mean really Xander was the weak link in the show. Anyway I liked this show but spn is more watchable. Plus more seasons to enjoy the awesomeness that is Dean Winchester;)
The Buffy Characters We Can't Stand
Sassyfangirl replied to Spartan Girl's topic in Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I can’t stand Xander he was annoying and I can’t stand spike or angel. -
Supernatural Bitterness & Unpopular Opinions: You All Suck
Sassyfangirl replied to mstaken's topic in Supernatural
Another unpopular OP I didn’t like Doug and he wasn’t the right man for Donna and I wanted more scenes with dean and Donna they would have been awesome together. And I was annoyed with Sam. He seemed like he didn’t want to help anyone . I mean yeah I get why he misses Mary but jack? Yeah as I said I don’t like jack and it seems like Sam misses jack more than his mom. So Sam needs to stop being a bitch like dean would say lol. I’m still not a Mary fan. I hate luicfer. I want someone to end him. I didn’t miss cas that much. Oh and did I mention that deans voice is sexy:) cause it is. The more I look at new photos of danneel as sister jo the more I kind of like it. I mean I am not a big fan of her acting but she and Jensen have chemistry and I would not be mad if she was his love interest. Also they were hot in ten inch hero so why not have them hook up? But yeah danneel is such a lucky bitch lol. -
I also want to say that I loved the dean and Anna scene and she was so lucky. There was nothing wrong with the dean sex:) plus we get dean back shot yumm. And I agree that cas has done some shady stuff and Dean had a right to be mad at him.
SPN Eye Candy: Drooling Over The Actors And Characters
Sassyfangirl replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Supernatural
Oh loved this thread;) and love all the hot pics esp Jensen/Dean Winchester. I mean yeah Jared is hot and handsome too but Jensen is the whole package. Any when he was in days of our lives he was handsome too. Jensen then and now is very sexy and handsome. And the fact that he seems like a down to earth guy makes me swoon for him even more :) -
Cool thread:) I had to say that I was a mulder fan more than scully. I mean scully was cool but sometimes she came off as bitchy esp in later seasons IMO. I hated doggett when I first watched season 8 and I had no problem with Reyes. Also it seems funny that some people would hate on mulder but act like scully is the best FBI ever . Yeah I like her too but sometimes the hype with her is too much. Anyway I watched the x files cause of mulder and the crazy storylines. Oh and I wasn’t a big Mulder/scully shipper when I first watched the show but now I don’t mind shipping them . But I hate the scully/doggett or scully/skinner ship ugh. I haven’t watched the new season yet but I will catch up. I so watched that c files would crossover with supernatural. I would love to see mulder and scully work with Sam and dean:)
I loved er! I used to watch it back in 2001 and at first I watched it cause I had a major crush on Doug and come he was cool how can anyone not like him. But I really loved him with carol she was my second favorite. I liked carter and mark. Susan was ok but I loved Corday. Benton was cool but he could be a jerk tho. I just really loved the first early seasons better. When Doug left the show wasn’t the same and I didn’t like Luca at all. He was boring. I still watched a few episodes but when mark died I didn’t better to care about other people on ER. Oh and I never liked Kerry. She wa such a bitch to people esp Doug. I have rewatched the show on pop and it was good the ending was awesome and it was great to see Doug and carol again. Oh I will say that I liked Pratt and Morris friendship to bad Pratt died. Morris was annoying at first but he was cool in the last two seasons. I guess carter was right after all he did set the tone.
I have been rewatching season 10 on TNT demon!dean was awesome! I just loved how Jensen plays him and the looks that he would give Sam in soul survivor gave me chills in a good way:) btw I love all of the dean gifs and picks here.
I love this thread! And I am a huge dean fan and Jensen fan. I still can’t believe he is 39 now and dean still looking hotter than ever:) I agree that dean Winchester is the best hero and character in the show. I have so many fav moments of dean.
Supernatural Bitterness & Unpopular Opinions: You All Suck
Sassyfangirl replied to mstaken's topic in Supernatural
Thanks for the welcome Diane! I first I was nervous to post on here but I’m happy to let out my feelings. There are some opinions I agree with and some I don’t agree but it’s all good. Oh and speaking of unpopular opinions I don’t like destiel at all. I only see them as friends nothing more. Plus the ship is overrrated in fan fiction. I also hated bela but I liked the actress who play her. Ruby was ok but I didn’t like kaite or gen. I liked both blond and brown haired meg. I shipped Sam with Eileen and I hated that she died! I was more mad about her than Charlie. I liked Charlie but she was too much of a Mary Sue in season 10. I ship dean with Donna. I think they would be really cool together and yes Donna would be so lucky to have dean:) I also read fan fic of them and yes sex with those too would be hot IMO:) I rewatching spn on tnt I don’t blame dean for letting gadreel possess Sam and Sam was a total asshole to dean in season 9. I loved demon!dean he was more interesting than soulless Sam IMO. I was dean had a real dean fan girl in fan fiction episode. It’s not fair that Sam has like two fan girls in the show. First it was Becky which I hated her. And then it was Marie. She was ok but still king of annoying. I liked the episode but it would have to more awesome to see a true dean girl in that. One last unpopular opinion: spn is more watchable than charmed or angel. -
Supernatural Bitterness & Unpopular Opinions: You All Suck
Sassyfangirl replied to mstaken's topic in Supernatural
Hi everyone I’m new here and I have been a lurking on this board for a few days and I thought why not comment and share my opinions:) I love spn and even tho some episodes have been meh I still love the characters. But let me say some Un popular opinion: I loved seasons 9,4,8,1,2,3. And 10 the most. I didn’t have a probe with season 11 or 12 but I hated amara and lucifer. I love deans voice it doesn’t sound annoying at all(plus it’s sexy) I can’t stand cas, sometimes I wish he would have stayed dead. I love the Winchesters but I’m a dean girl all the way. I thought Sam was annoying earlier this season with the whole jack thing. I think dean and Rowena have more chemistry then Sam and Rowena. I also think dean/Jensen has great chemistry with all the ladies he met. I know some folks here won’t like it but I wouldn’t mind if dean hooked up with sister jo. I mean why not? Plus we need a great dean sex scene it’s been awhile IMO. But I think danneel is not a great actress. I love watching the convention videos j2 being awesome. I love to hear Jensen talk about the show and dean the most. Jared can be too goofy at times. I don’t like jack and I hate Clarie she is the weak link with the spin off. Anyway I might have more later:)