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  1. LOL OfJeffBezos scooting around!
  2. This! Why in the world does this show have a male show runner!? Bruce Miller is just so proud of himself but this show has become utter nonsense.
  3. My issue with the young dog/puppy is that nobody said anything like, “aren’t you a little old to get a dog? Who’s going to take of it when you’re old and feeble?” Kind of like, when Grace and Frankie went to get a loan for Vybrant and the guy at the bank basically said they were too old unless they wanted a one year loan. Just another example of how sexist ageism is!
  4. Agreed. The whole Peter story was horrible in so many ways. Watching the rehearsals and singing is like unnecessary filler - what is the point!?
  5. Episode 13
  6. Maybe I thought he was a puppy because he’s so darn cute!
  7. I really wanted Grace and Frankie to be more mad at the kids. The kids treat them like senile old ladies and they are VIBRANT! I’ve said it before, but IRL the health of the men would be failing more than the women. But Robert can sing and dance? We never saw him do any kind of cardiac rehab. And It’s all probably to show how sexist ageism, but I want to see the ladies get angrier about it.
  8. Episide 13 questions
  9. I’m only on episode 4, but Brianna is downright evil.
  10. “Get in the balloon, mon.” Grace imitating Frankie’s borderline offensive Jamacain accent.
  11. Agreed! I’m annoyed that June decided not to take her best chance at escaping Gilead. She’d have a better chance at freeing Hannah from outside, whereas by staying she has a better chance being killed.
  12. Can someone explain why Warren lost a hand for infidelity (taking advantage of Janine and cheating on his wife) and Eden and Isaac had to be drowned? Did the laws change? Or is Love a far worse crime?
  13. Agree. Vee was evil, but she was also smart. She had animteresting backstory and her betrayal of others was devastating.
  14. She was so bad I almost FFed past her scenes. We get it, Madison is an insecure loser desperate to impress Carol and max is harsh.
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