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Everything posted by GoldenGirl90

  1. NVM LMAO... I’m nearly a decade older, wow I thought she was older than she is, lmao
  2. I’m probably not much older than Zendaya (?) and I still don’t really know who she is... Before I google her was she on American Idol?
  3. Sandra has always been a hottie to me, in addition to her talent as an actress. #HeyBoo
  4. Sarah Silverman hayyyy boo! ?? also, yassss, the status quo doesn’t have to be the status quo anymore. Get ready for some more “Get Out” /s and “Black Panther” /s... We’re here and we’re not going anywhere.” ??✊?
  5. Me three. I think he’s dating my girl Angela Rye though. Idk though. Just rumors lol
  6. Omggggg Sara interviewed Whoopi (dressed up) on the red carpet for the Oscars... pics coming soon but Whoopi dressed up?! Sara is back and saying she misses Whoopi!? ??????
  7. How many times are we gonna hear that conservatives are under attack by all the mean, elitist liberals? Nunes and his ilk need to get a sense of humor, geez. There was nothing “dangerous” about SC’s segment. Statements like his are actually more dangerous than SC’s segment. Using such a broad brush to paint entire groups of people as “the left” is dangerous.
  8. Yassss! That clip made me nostalgic and I watched some old Colbert Report clips afterwards. I hope he does more segments like this.
  9. Colbert’s trip to Capitol Hill to “investigate the investigation” gave me major Colbert Report/Daily Show with Jon Stewart vibes. I loved it so much! I smiled throughout the entire segment. It was hilarious!
  10. Bill is a lot funnier when he has a week or two off. His monologue was hilarious. Jared Palin, LOL ?????? I agree. As well-spoken as they are, we must remember that they’re still pretty young. I’m assuming they’re fans of Bill and probably made jokes to appear “cool” to him and his audience. They obviously have some maturing to do but I’m glad they’re speaking out and taking action.
  11. Right. Some days she makes sense but as of lately she mostly comes off as preachy and incoherent. I do think it’s an ego thing with her. She likes to have the last word while cutting to commercial break.
  12. I like Whoopi and I’ve been a fan long before she started co-hosting on The View. That said, does anyone think the conversation flows much easier without her on the panel? Maybe not even the conversation, necessarily, but things aren’t as tense and we don’t have to worry as much about Whoopi interrupting a debate with her preaching and rambling. I’ve noticed this for awhile now.
  13. That vocal fry when she kept screaming, "I DEEWW-ONNN'T WANNA TALK ABOUT ETTTT!" (I don't want to talk about it)
  14. Did I hear her correctly - did she say conservatives, including herself, are under attack? So an award show makes fun of Trump and she equates that to conservatives being under attack? I laughed when Joy asked Meghan since when is Trump a republican and all she could say is touché. She just lovessss to bring up New York because, ya know, liberals.
  15. Yup, I caught that, too! She was definitely throwing shade towards Meghan and I loved it.
  16. She hit another right-wing talking point - she doesn't watch those mean liberal award shows anymore! She also mentioned Hillary! Take more shots! We'll all be drunk before the next segment!
  17. Tribal! Take a shot. And boooo-hooooo, the big mean liberal award shows are hurting poor, widdle Meghan's feelings. So glad Joy told her that nobody on those shows are calling Trump supporters dumb.
  18. Ana has been on sooo much within the past several months. Just replace Meghan already, girl, we know it’s coming *crosses fingers* She gets a lot of support on social media. I don’t understand - The View higher-ups will listen to requests for more Ana on the show but less Meghan never happens?! Unfair!
  19. I nearly choked on my water when she called him a leftist but are we really surprised? This is her modus operandi. She expects every republican that comes on the show to be on her side. It's so childish. Her own damn mother wasn't spitting out the usual Meghan "As A Conservative" McCain talking points.
  20. She also used a new word! She called Trump a "Leftist" something-or-the-other during the conversation about gun control. Drink up!
  21. For the UMPTEENTH TIME, Meghan, nobody is coming to take your damn guns. I love how Condolezza Rice took a subtle dig at Meghan by saying that one of the major problems we're having in this country is all the labeling and assuming - she said something along the lines of "oh, you're in the NRA, you must believe xyz." It's a dig at Meghan because she kept bringing up the fact that she's a member of the NRA. Also, did anyone notice how much Meghan was glowing when Condolezza Rice was announced as co-host, but during Adam Schiff's segment, she had that stank face on the entire time? She is truly insufferable. Not once has Dr. Rice said "as a conservative/republican/ect." Meghan should take notes.
  22. I’m not really crazy about him either but I did want to watch this particular segment with Meghan. LOL no. To fight and debate their opinions is not why it’s called The View. They were not “fighting” when the show initially aired.
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