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Everything posted by JudgeyMcJudgyPants

  1. Oh sweet baby Santa Christ. They have to stop again for the night!?!
  2. I’m sad that she forgave her piece of shit father. Forgiveness is for the piece of mind of the victim, not to ease the guilt of your rapist before he dies (what was hopefully a painful death) and deservedly goes to Hell!
  3. “She gets what she wants with or without you.” HOW?!?! How is she going to get food without you????
  4. What’s up pounders? Eating habit was pizza and peanut butter egg. I’m also attempting to multitask tonight with watching this show on tv while chatting with y’all and watching hockey on iPad. Lord give me the strength to persevere.
  5. What the fuck is up with the gloves while eating?!?!?!?
  6. Does anyone else wish that the black title card said “Munt 8” instead of “Month 8?”
  7. Don’t tell me poundticipants don’t watch this show. That hairstyle to match Lola’s did not happen by accident.
  8. Well she obviously doesn’t know nothing about preventing babies.
  9. I feel bad for the EMT’s that we’re trapped with her in that ambulance all the way to Houston.
  10. The editors need to do a better job with continuity. She is in the exact same outfit from when she was talking on the phone with Dr. Now.
  11. It also matches the pillow she had with her in Houston. Rewind if you don’t believe me. She must lurve zebra print.
  12. Yep, she totally just hid that fried chicken in her fat fold.
  13. She’ll just have her write letter to all 4 of her baby daddies.
  14. Oooh “don’t stop me now”. I do love me some Queen. I even got little Judgey to tell Alexa to play that song and have a dance party with me in the kitchen. Love that kid!
  15. What’s going on with her hair? She’s got a conehead thing happening up there.
  16. Holy fuckballs!!!! I’ve been trying to get logged on for the past 30 minutes. Even tried to make a new account and apparently my devices can’t pass a GD security check. Yep, I’m going to shove a couple of flaming q-tips in my ears so I don’t have to listen to this chick’s voice. Oh honey, you blew her mind alright, just not in the way you think.
  17. You know what bitch. If you died tomorrow, you did not die trying. Go and watch Kelly’s story for someone who died trying you fucking drama whore!
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