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Everything posted by AzraeltheCat

  1. ADA's most likely work CRAZY hours too....and for a lot less money than private practice. I've got friends who do it in a much smaller city than NYC and it can be overwhelming. In fact, one friend who is the single mother of a perfectly healthy toddler changed jobs because she felt like she was missing so much of her child's life.
  2. Okay, I just was reading through this again and watched the two bathroom scenes [plus a few more]. The first bathroom scene is so tight, the shot doesn't have the things in it that the later one does except that in both you can see a door or door frame to Kevin's left that leads to bedroom. [Just fyi, in second scene, in addition to toiletries, we see an extension mirror and blow drier on the wall; a little bit of the sconce beside the main mirror; gray or white tile on one part of wall, etc. Can't see any of these in first bathroom scene b/c it focuses on K's face. So I think it's impossible to tell if the same bathroom]. The hotel for Kev/Mads' failed wedding is def not the same as Kate's flashforward wedding though. When Mads comes to break up with Kevin, it is clear that the hotel room doors are white and the numbers are not located on the doors themselves. In Kate's future wedding, the hotel room doors are dark and they have fairly large numbers on the actual door; it is easy to see the number 405 on the room that Kevin walks out of, as well as other numbers in the hallway scene with Randall and Nicky. I wish I could flash forward and know if he marries Sophie and then maybe I'd save myself the trouble of watching. I HATE them together. I did see that the actress's other show is renewed for 2 more seasons so I'm hoping we won't see her again. 😬😆 I really want him to fall for Madison.
  3. ugg, I did not like the family dinner scene. Nothing wrong with being close with family and probably typical for family to ask about marriage but NO, mom [Joe's mom said something like "that's what people in their 30s do" re marriage/kids] not everyone in their 30s gets married/has kids or wants to --guess which camp I fall into? 😆 Also, even if you want those things, they don't happen instantaneously. You have to find the right partner and even then it may not happen [See, e.g., Rocker Joe and Amy's miscarriages]. He seems the most "stuck" in this timeline - became a cop because of family pressure (an assumption), hangs out with his mom/uncle/best friend from elementary school on a Friday night... I hope he doesn't still live in his childhood home! Also, I think Nurse Joe is the only one that wears glasses. This! And not only is he clamping the aorta, he seemed to running the trauma. I was sure he was going to be a medical resident but the convo with his son sure sounded like he was a nurse. Interesting premise, shaky execution. I liked Rocker Joe in the beginning - musical dreams realized; seemed to be down-to-earth and a loving husband; still friends with someone from pre-fame days.... and then sorta out of nowhere he acts jerky - like he doesn't want to be with wife anymore if she ain't birthing him some babies STAT and not being at all supportive about her career. Also, really don't like that Jenny didn't tell him of pregnancy during two timelines. They were supposed to be these super best friends with benefits but he missed one night with her and she doesn't tell him? Call him or see him the day after graduation to tell him? Makes me not like her but maybe we'll get more explanation.
  4. I SO hope Kevin ends up with Madison and not Sophie. With only one season left, it wouldn't seem like enough time to bring in someone new so it has to be one of these two right? But Sophie, ugg. Give it up, they are not good together.
  5. This is why I cannot buy Sophie as a viable love interest for Kevin. That phone call should have been a text. If all she wanted to do was congratulate Kevin on the birth of the twins and wish him well in his marriage, all she had to do was text Kevin, "Hi this is Sophie. Congrats on the babies and the upcoming nuptials." But, she decided to call him, and include the "don't ask" about her new number which of course means ask about why she had to get a new number. It's some passive-aggressive bullshit and not romantic. I do have a suspicion that the writers think this is romantic though. They seem to have a warped view as to what is romantic. It's like they read a bunch of romance novels and took away all the wrong things. Second chance romance is a thing, third time's the charm is not. Totems like the emerald ring are a thing, but the conditions set forth by Sophie's mom in regards to the totem are not. Now Kevin and Madison is a complete romance novel. One night of wild sex. Madison miraculously getting pregnant from that night. Madison going over to tell Kevin she's pregnant just as Kevin is having the fight to end all fights with his adopted brother. Kevin deciding he wants to be in Madison and the kids' lives and moving in with them for reasons (pandemic here, in a romance novel it's other reasons). Forced proximity FTW. Kevin and Madison deciding to make a go of it and getting married for the wrong reasons is a modern update of the marriage of convenience trope. I could go on, but the story is there. THIS TIMES ONE MILLION! I am SO over Kevin/Sophie but have a horrible feeling they will be endgame.
  6. Ugg, this times a million! I mean first of all, even if you feel a pang when your ex says he's getting married, who the heck responds like that? You just grit your teeth, smile, and say "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you" even if you don't mean it! Plus, she's with someone so that should ease the sting, and she never wanted kids. So that was just way crappy and I really hope Kevin shakes it off. Also, I HATE Sophie. It's not the character per se, but more the idea that this childhood friend, turned GF then wife, is the absolute LOVE of Kevin's life and no one else will EVER do. They've tried multiple times. They haven't made it work. Kevin has changed a lot and I like to see him move on. I really like Madison [though I'm dying to know whether she works/what she does or if just lives off a trust or inheritance] and would like to see them work out. Also, that wedding dress was GORGEOUS! And yay, pockets!!
  7. I have to admit that when Mer first said that Derek was fine after his dad died, I screamed at the tv "Well, Amelia wasn't!" So I was glad that Derek said that, though laughter was probably not appropriate. And while Amelia is a great surgeon and in a good place/relationship emotionally, JUST last week she was talking about the COVID pressures and isolation making her want to get high. So she still struggles. So, yeah, Mer, death of a parent can have long-lasting repercussions. Plus, as others noted, Derek and his sister still had a mother! If I remember correctly, at some point after Derek's death, Amelia and Mer actually had a big fight about this, or at least partially. Amelia said maybe she could've worked a miracle and Mer said it was too late, and that's why turned off life support... but never gave A a chance to consult or at least say goodbye to Derek.
  8. She has ALWAYS been like this to him which is what drives me crazy. He is a grown ass man and talented surgeon and can make his own decisions about protesting and relationships. It's fine for her to offer an opinion or advice if he asks, but damn! Yes please!! I'll admit that it would have been weird for the show not to address it, but I'm tired of COVID stories, Meredith on on death beach, Amelia stuck in the house with kids. I actually like Winston and have since he joined the cast. Granted we haven't seen a lot of him but he's a smart, charming guy who seems to be a good doctor. Unlike Maggie's previous love interests, I really feel the chemistry between these two. And I was so infuriated by his treatment during the traffic stop. Yes, I know not every person in law enforcement is a racist asshole. But there some; these things DO happen; and they happen more often than just the ones we see on the news. And as I white female, I can imagine how differently that traffic stop would have gone if it had involved someone who looks like me. I think that is the point of this scene - showing folks that are still unaware/"unwoke" that it happens, even to nice guys like Winston, simply due to race.
  9. Same for me re Lexie, and the excitement of seeing Mark. And yes, Winston is great, let's continue with that please. Yes! I never thought he was good fit with Mer. I like him better with Jo [and she and Jackson have no chemistry, so let's just nip that relationship in the bud] but damn! the man would not stop interrupting her -- wanted to slap him. So, so tired of Teddy and Owen. Love Cristina texts! Ha, this made me laugh! The problem with his intern class [and maybe the new ones] is that they are just sorta there and annoying, but don't have much interaction. Obviously, our original 5 had conversations, and fights, and relationships, etc. And then, other than Lexie, the interns were just here and there, not a cohesive group. Then we got Jo, Stephanie, Shane and Leah, and they were more like the original 5 [not that i liked any of them really] but were shown fighting or being friend or both. But Glasses et al all exist separately. And what happened to Casey Parker? He was my favorite of all of that intern class and he disappeared.
  10. I wondered about this too b/c it seemed like by May 2020, everyone had figured out the doubling up and that some month, some doctors from my state (SC) invented some some sort of device that allowed FOUR people to share a vent.
  11. I did feel like Beth's mom was judgy. The little comments about how the dinner needed more spice; or how it's not that hard to remember the correct pronouns. I have a TERRIBLE time with this because I come from a family of teachers who were super strict about grammar. I never would've said, as Beth's mom claimed, "Someone left THEIR umbrella at work." I would have used "an umbrella" if I didn't know if who the umbreall owner was. So it has been difficult for me to reconcile the grammar so ingrained in my head with one person being referred to as "their." [I'm trying to do better!]. And it totally fits to me that Tess would throw a snit fit when Beth messes that up. I think most teens are obnoxious at some point or another, regardless of the strictness or whatever of the parents. Plus Beth and Randall are walking a fine line- they are not pushovers, but they also want Tess to be able to come to them...esp considering she has been dealing with her identity and her anxiety. Toby annoyed the heck out of me, but I can understand his feeling pressure as sole breadwinner. But dang. 1) If your wife wants to work, be supportive! 2) WEAR PANTS DURING AN INTERVIEW, even a Zoom one. Also, I'll echo the others on setting up inside and having someone watch the baby. And don't talk about your 30 interviews. 3) I was glad that he and Kevin apologized to each other. I love Kevin and Madison. and Uncle Nicky! But Kevin babbling on about gifts from Jessica Alba and Glenn Close, etc., even without knowing Toby lost his job, was sort of obnoxious. And I understand his offer to help came from a good place but was not the right time or place. Issac! I might have to name my basil now. 😉
  12. I didn't love DeLuca, but he was cute and I was interested in the mental health storyline...and love his Italian. Plus, there are so many others I care about less - Glasses and his boyfriend, for example. Or, McWidow- who we have little info or insight on; he's a widow, a father, and most of the time. an ass. Of all the potential mates Mer has had since Derek, he is my least favorite and they have zero chemistry. I did see a spark with him and Jo though... Also, those scenes with with Maggie and her BF....I just can't believe they are have nonstop sexy times while her bra is on. I realize that this is regular network tv and not that I want to see explicit scenes but that constant bra drives me crazy [GA is not, of course, the only show to do this]. Wake up Meridith!! Teddy and Owen, please go away. Together or separately, I don't even care any more. Finally, like so many others said, STOP trying to make Station 19 happen! I had it on b/c I knew that DeLuca's story was going to be on there, but I don't like anything else about that show - except for feasting my eyes on Boris Kodjoe! 🙂
  13. I love Madison! But I'm so worried that the powers that be are gonna screw them up so that Kevin can reunite with Sophie [whom I hate] because everyone seems to think they are "soulmates" or some such thing. I feel like that is forced - they met when they were kids; married, divorced; have tried again and again, but they just aren't good together or good for each other. Thought Mads was a twit at first, but she grew on me as Kate's friend and now I really like her and Kevin together. And Miguel! What a guy. I liked that Rebecca acknowledged how hard it can be for him to be her husband.
  14. I just watched this episode again and ugg, Kathleen was awful. She and Link, as "Owen," are setting the table and she immediately starts telling her sister's "husband" all kinds of crappy things about her - like it's a miracle she went through with the wedding and didn't run; that she always runs away from things; that she's addicted to drama not just drugs... I'm not even saying it as mean as Kathleen did. Then she says "and she thinks we gang up on her." I really, really wanted Link to respond, "Well since we just met 5 minutes ago, you've said a whole ton of nasty things about your sister to me so I'm gonna agree with Amelia on this one, y'all DO gang up on her!"
  15. Yes! I was yelling at the tv- "You have 3 young children who've already lost their father!! Get on the damn vent!"
  16. It does seem unlikely but weird things happen in real life. Way back in the day, a gal I knew right out of high school broke up with her BF, had a one night fling, and got pregnant. While he wasn't a movie star, it was still someone she had only known superficially, not been dating. They've now been happily married for over 20 years [and had another child]. Danny Bonuduce [from Patridge Family] married his wife on their first date-- a blind date at that!-- and they were married for 16 years. These are the exceptions rather than the norm, but I'm okay with this for Kevin. Honestly, his romance with Sophie seemed like more of one out of a romance novel...meet as children, have first kiss, first love, etc., like they have to be some kind of soulmates for life instead of just first loves. Plus, hated that whole spiel from Sophie's mom about "earning the emerald ring." Blech. Like Sophie said in one ep ""We tried to squeeze a puzzle piece in because it fit once when were kids....Just leave me with the past. Let me remember you at 10 or 17 or 20. Just let me remember you when it was good."
  17. When I was about ten or so, my family was invited to a reception for a home town sports hero [he played in NFL for winning Superbowl team] that my dad was friends with. Most of the folks there were black. I am white and at the time, had really long, straight blonde hair. While we were waiting in the receiving line to congratulate the hero, I thought I felt something touch my hair. Ignored it a first and then felt it again. I turned my head around and the little girl behind me, probably only 7, had jerked her hand back and looked guilty. I just smiled and told her it was okay. I figured she was just curious as to what it felt like. The other times in my life that some one touched my hair without asking have been similar; I was older, but it was still usually children - that I guess had not seen hair like mine and were just curious [and some times the kids have asked and I’ve said yes]. It’s a little weird but never bothered me because they are kids. But for any adult to do it - whether to a child or another adult, and esp after the person has asked them to stop - is weird and disrespectful and so many other things.
  18. With Tess, I agree. I think they should've discussed better way to react in the future. But also, I agree with Tess and her friend on the frustrations both of them were experiencing...and teens don't always react in the most logical ways. I also think the punishment was a bit excessive. Someone also said it could mess up Tess's chances for college but she's got what, 3 years before applying? That video will be LONG forgotten and probably hard to find if someone googles her 3 years from now. Plus, it wasn't that bad, can't see a college rejecting her for that. Also I agree with this assessment of Madison's personality. I think it was a cover because she didn't want to reveal her feelings of inadequacy etc. This! So much of Kevin's previous lovelife has been about these crazy romantic notions and big gestures, not real life. Someone also thought Kev would've known that Madison had an ED because Kate would've said where she met Mad, but my guess is that Kate didn't admit going to an ED group or at least maybe didn't discuss it in depth. Also, maybe it's a bit like AA, where you don't going around spilling info on other members of the group. Also, I hated the Sophie relationship [I know some people love her, but I do not] and just think it is time to close that book for good. And maybe it will change, but I find myself not caring anything about who the old man and his granddaughter are or whether or not Kate and Toby get to adopt that baby.
  19. Oh, and Teddy was annoying. When she confronted Owen in the parking lot, all she did was tell him she loved him and made a mistake. She didn't tell him any of the stuff she told Jo ... that she got scared and sabotaged herself or whatever. Not that he would or should have accepted that, but she didn't really explain. Also, people are bagging on him for saying he hated Cristina... I don't think he meant in the general sense, but just in the moment that he cheated, he was so mad he hated her and wanted to hurt her. I mean, it's not a good look, but I think some folks took it to mean he never loved C which don't think is accurate.
  20. Yep - not gonna watch it either, wish they'd stop trying to make us. At least Jackson and the gal from Station 19 broke up. Tho, I'm not digging him and Jo...yet anyway. I had to mute the Kat/Maggie scene; and the later one with Maggie yelled to her about Richard. Stop.yelling. I get that your overworked, exhausted, mad, sad, etc., but that is just annoying to watch. Please convey your emotions in another way. Also, I'm sorry, but Kat bugs me. Jackson made that speech about how the bigness of her love makes her for all of her faults... and I was like, ummm, no. It's almost like an abusive relationship where the abuser tries to rationalize his/her excessive control and manipulation, lack of trust, respect, & consideration with the excuse of "it's just because I love you so much." No thanks. I think this was a riff on some real life events from earlier in the pandemic - states/hospitals were ordering PPE from companies outside of their normal supply chain and a lot of them turned out to be fraudulent or not the right quality product. Early on in the episode [or maybe on S19 b/c I did have it on even tho I wasn't really watching], someone said something about being careful who you order from, foreshadowing Koracik's screwup. I love Amelia and Link and "Gabe Lincoln" was hilarious... but someone else pointed out that Linc's real name is Atticus and now he's named his kid "Scout." WTF??? Why didn't they just go with the obvious "Derek." Speaking of which, WHOOO, glad to see him. The problem is though, it just reinforces to me how that Irish doc just doesn't work as Mer's love interest. The only post Derek one I liked [and I think I'm in the minority] was the one that was friends with Owen and dating his sister.
  21. I really, really liked it. But then again, Turn of the Screw [actually, I think it was The Innocents] was one of the first plays I ever saw... my mom took me to a little theater production of it when I was a kid. It scared me but I also liked it. I can't really say if I liked Hill House better or not. I loved it at the time, read all sorts of recaps and analysis, but I swear, I've already forgotten most of it. The only I thing I really remember is the Bent Neck girl [won't say anything else about that so as not so spoil for others]. Anyhoo, I liked this one, predicted Jamie as the storyteller around episode 4 or so. But the whole telling of the story to the Flora.... okay, so the kids supposedly forgot... but did she change the names? Because it seems if you're telling a story about someone named Flora and a brother named Miles and uncle named Henry [even if those were all middle names]...and they are sitting right there... they at least as questions right? And what about the other names? Or did old Jamie always say "the chef" "the Housekeeper" "the au pair" [I do remember her saying that last one a lot, but did she never refer to them by name? ]
  22. I don't like it either, and I don't know what it's supposed to be, but that ain't southern. Born and raised in the South and heard a LOT of accents but hers is not.
  23. It's the Southern equivalent to "fuck you". mmm, sometimes. We also say it genuinely. I think about being a church and hearing about how someone is going through a hard time --e.g., "Mary just had twins, then her husband got laid off, and then a hurricane knocked a tree through her roof. Bless her heart, she's got more burdens then she can handle" or something to that effect.
  24. That's not that unusual if the town is as small as they make it out to be. I'm only part way through this ep but annoyed by the sous chef's lawsuit. First, in SC wrongful termination is unlikely unless he was fired for something like being a member of a protected class or because he was injured/file workers' comp, etc. As we say here, employees at will can be fired for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all. I can't even think of any lawyer that would take that case. He also has no copyright claim on any of the dishes he might have created [assuming Dana is still using them, it seemed like she was using some of her own and some by the new sous chef]. Unless he and Dana had some other type of agreement like a non-compete or similar document regarding the sous chef's signature dishes, he's out of luck. The Noreen/baseball scenes are just painful - I find myself muttering "someone tell her to SHUT UP!" And for her to refer to Tyler as her son is just mind-blowing. He's not even her stepson at this point!
  25. Agree a million times! Zoey has been honest with Max that she doesn't want to risk losing their friendship, at least not now. She also told him she would miss him on 4, but recognized that he was getting a well deserved promotion. But he's sulking because she wouldn't say she loved him, didn't beg him stay, and that no one on 4 thought he was any good.... but Zoey did. He's just being spiteful now [also, yes to whoever said both 4 and 6 should get the basic code as written and the 2 floors can compete from here on out]. I really, really, don't like him now. Also, someone can be a wonderful friend and love you, but you can't always return the feeling or not in the same way. It doesn't make Zoey a bad person for not being in love with him. He can feel hurt about it but it's not like she led him on. I think Simon and Zoey have a lot of chemistry, and have the dead/dying dad connection, but it remains to be seen if there's more. I don't know anything about the actor that plays Leif and what he did before, but I do think he is one of the better singers and the songs he's given really work with his voice.
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