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YES! We thought the same thing.
AW HELLS NO! They would make Thor a Sonny-propper, put him with Carly, and have Sonny, as the most powerful mobster this side of the Bifrost, defeat Loki, Hela, AND Thanos, And without the Infinity Stones or Glove.
I'd like to say yeah, but he's left before and come back. Is this the last straw? Also, how much of his fanbase would go with him? This is the tightrope everyone is walking on. If they do "kill off Jason" to have him come back as, say, Peter Capaldi, I wouldn't mind. If the person has chemistry with KeMo, the JaSam fans would be thrilled.
It's been last Friday since Morbo saw the Nina Identify Theft Plot, so let go to the studio for his opinion.... ...and we'll wait for tomorrow for him to wrap up.
Yep, it's official! Sonny's back being Sonny!
The same reason we're suppose to cheer Carly for locking Nelle on the roof overnight and to hate on Nelle for not consenting to the non-life-threatening surgery. Because Wiley, Michael's son and AJ's Sonny's grandson. And because Wiley lived, darn those pesky mortality odds, so everything is ethically correct, Oh yeah, I posted this in March, but it needs updating: "The bitch of it is that you probably did the right thing. But you did it in the wrong way. In the inconvenient way. Now you have to pay the penalty for that. I know it stinks, but that's the way it is." -- President Susanna Luchenko, Babylon 5:"Rising Star" "WAAAAHHHHH!!! Cyrus is Teh EVUL! He fired Bobbie and Monica!!!" -- the Sonnyverse
I was reading the past posts and confusing Dana with Kim, as well. Between her and Cynthia Watros, GH is turning into Second Chances, and hopefully, Kim will do well enough that we'll hate her character and her acting. 🙂
Just to get the word out, both seasons are currently on Netflix. I'm starting to get a fresh perspective with Season 1, now that it's gone fallow without months of ads promoting the best bits. I still believe the Singing Monks were an opportunity wasted with a one-and-done musical number. And I SUPER Believe in Tad Cooper!
Since this is the last "new" episode, I expect they will wrap up storylines like crazy, including the custody battle, Nina's daughter, and the Ava/Nik marriage. They won't leave us with ALL the storylines solved. As the judge is ready to decide custody, Nina spies Nelle with the necklace and screams, "Oh. My. God. YOU'RE MY DAUGH---" Suddenly, Cyrus enters the courtroom, with an animated Mike, fully healthy, wearing Kitchen Moss on his head. Cyrus explains his long game has been using Moss to infiltrate Port Charles. Moss, as part of an alien species, is ready to invoke a vegetable uprising, where Cyrus takes over the world. Cyrus commands Moss Mike to kill Sonny. Sonny weeps and pleads Mike not to do it. Suddenly, we see Jason whip out his gun (in a courthouse, mind you) and aim. Cut to black. Sound of gunshot. Caption: "To Be Continued".
The Poo-Flinging Monkeys must have noticed Awesome Writer have a scene with Sonny and Ava having a conversation like adults coparenting. They got someone to plop Cyrus next to Ava (without her knowledge, thanks to Lucy) so that Sonny can see them together and he can say how awful she is. Um, WHY is Lucy doing business with Cyrus, Sonny? And she gets a commission from the sale, money from Cyrus. Why not dump on Lucy, Sonny? Do you care?
WE JUST HAD A STORYLINE ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES OF MANUFACTURING EVIDENCE... oh, wait, it's Our Heroine. Everything Works Out. There are no consequences. I was too, it would have been a sweet ending. Even as a Red Sox fan, that would have been perfect. (Although, I would not be able to resist to snark that the Yankees killed Mike.) It was truthbombing like it was Dresden, 1945. Idle thoughts: Colonel Tad is the Real Valentin Cassadine, Cyrus is Nelle's biodad (and Wiley his biogranddad), and is Frank Benson, unrecognized by Carly. Also, Liz has been on and off painting for decades. When she does retire from nursing, painting will be her Second Act.
"We have to take out Jason Morgan." Cyrus, let me tell you about Cesar Faison, and a paperclip.... And if Lucy didn't find that empty pill bottle, Jason wouldn't be here, so stop with the Cause and Effect, Sonny.
"The bitch of it is that you probably did the right thing. But you did it in the wrong way. In the inconvenient way. Now you have to pay the penalty for that. I know it stinks, but that's the way it is." -- President Susanna Luchenko, Babylon 5:"Rising Star" "Says you. I'm the fucking heroine of this show. The only ones who had to pay a penalty were my ex for saving our daughter with a kidney on the black market, and a teenager who had to go through probation for being forced to buy marijuana for a dying friend. Did I mention that Ava killed Connie Falconeri?" -- Carly Corinthos, General Hospital, "TFGH"
Show was too eager in showing that Sonny can hurt Cyrus by having Jason go GiJoeCartoon!Violence in having the death count in blowing up the warehouse be less than rescuing Cam and Trina, and only having the contents worth millions be the only casualty. Now we have Sonny and Jason going all "We CAN'T retaliate or hurt Cyrus or even kidnap him and put him on a meat hook!" It makes them look impotent (pun intended for Sonny) all of a sudden, rather than have Cyrus be all-powerful, and THEN have Sonny/Jason find a weakness. I'm also cribbing that Spinelli is being held to do Cyrus' dirty work because Cyrus has threatened Ellie.
Jordan: "I would never work with Sonny or his mob." Me: "Dawn of Day? Ryan Chamberlain? Hello?" Carly finding a bullet in Casa Cornithos is like finding a coffee bean in a Starbucks.