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Everything posted by nittanyvolleyball

  1. I feel like I've never seen a girl wear a pantsuit type outfit to panels, it's always been a dress. I love Brennan's outfit, white looks really good on her
  2. I thought so too, but Lacey has a whole suitcase full of navy blue practice outfits and she said this is what she has to turn in
  3. Lacey's instagram story had her showing all of the stuff she has to give back to Kelli and Judy. They don't even get to keep the practice outfits, that seems odd to me. She has no real souvenirs from her time as a DCC other than probably the group gifts and photos.
  4. Heather is a gorgeous girl, but nothing about her dancing stands out to me. I recall them calling her pastel her rookie year and I don't think she's brightened it up any more.
  5. Gina is gorgeous, I don't see porn star when I look at her. Any action shots I've seen of her, she looks fine and nothing looks off about her.
  6. I honestly feel like they're going to put Maddie at point and then I will die
  7. I've said this from the beginning, I think Gina is one of the most supportive girls on the team. I think she realized her attitude was coming off as entitled and worked to fix it.
  8. Do contracts for cruise line start right away though? Assuming her contract started in October or November when she was actually rehearsing for the show then that would be home in June or July. If she was telling people she was expected to be home in August then her contract wouldn't have started until she was on the ship in December. Either way, she's home now whether it be she left voluntarily or was terminated. We're not going to know what happened unless she posts about it and I doubt she will.
  9. Lol you're right, but I think if you have enough money it's like a drop in the bucket
  10. I think the girl who does her hair gives money off for the promo cause she does a lot of the Bachelor girls hair and they always post when they're there. Normally those extensions probably cost like $500
  11. Someone really needs to fix her hair. I get that auditions take a lot out of you, but don't they usually give them time to fluff and puff before they do the routine at Semi's? Other than that, she does look really good.
  12. I think Tess is 5'10 and they're around the same height?
  13. Marshall's probably like 5'8 at most and the girl is probably like 6'1 so not that tall. I think Lindsay from a couple seasons ago was like 5'11
  14. Despite the sucking in, she does look thinner in the arms and thighs.
  15. Tiffany Taliaferro is one of my favorites this year, found her on instagram yesterday and she's been super dedicated to this over the last year
  16. I think her and her fiance broke up, so I'm just hoping she's mentally okay right now 🙂
  17. The one that annoys me: Rachel Yuki Wyatt The one who I hope stays healthy and takes care of herself: Bridget and Daphne Ones who I rarely think about: Caroline, Amber, Brennan Ones who grew on me as the season went on: Erin Ones who I think don't get enough credit/are underrated: Erin, Madeline, Cianna. Ashlee My favorite ones this season (If any of them get cut I may riot....or just simply come onto the forum and complain about it 😉): Bridget, Alanna
  18. I agree, but people still can be homophobic and wish their friend well even in a same sex relationship so idk
  19. Now I'm curious as to her reaction when Jinelle came out
  20. Jenna's scar looks way more pronounced now that she has gained weight. I'd be super self conscious if I was her, but good for her that she isn't.
  21. Rachel W is on my list of cuts, but that's in my ideal world. I think they absolutely adore her and everything she stands for.
  22. I think Hannah looks better in motion than she does in still pictures because she looks really good in the video
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