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Everything posted by libgirl2

  1. I agree, a little bit more time would be nice. This isn't Chopped.
  2. Okay, I wrote on the banana "you are handsome". I'm going to have to explain it to him because he will think I'm a nut. The banana is a bit brown and it is hard to see.
  3. My husband likes to have a banana every morning with breakfast. Maybe I should write on it?
  4. Good point. They seem more the flower a partner would give for an anniversary or special event.
  5. My husband loves me very much but he wouldn't do that! And I would roll my eyes if he did.
  6. You would think she would, but even if she notice it wasn't his handwriting she wouldn't care. She can show the world how much he just loves her! 💖
  7. that is the other explanation. He might have even said he did it and she chose to believe him because of how special she is.
  8. Lighter flowers might have been nice, but red were just fine.
  9. Paris Hilton isn't grifting, she has money. Her children also appear to be well taken care of.
  10. Yes, I will say a pale rose might have worked best.
  11. In my experience, most men have pretty bad handwriting. That looks to "cutesy" for a guy to have written.
  12. On yet another getaway. Honestly, do they spend anytime at home WITH their children? And sorry Jill, but there is no way that is David's writing on that banana. I can so see her doing that or the hotel staff does stuff like this and David took credit for it (or Jill gave him credit.).
  13. I didn't like the Trixie/Matthew storyline, but what I didn't like most is all the sudden cuts. It seemed like sometimes scenes within half a second of an actor finishing their lines. Very jolting. I enjoy this show and enjoyed the calm pace of it, now it just seems like it is rushing for too much.
  14. I probably wouldn't want the dragonflies but I agree, it didn't feel like a momentous advantage. I guess in a way, that was good as they were more evenly matched from the start.
  15. He might have been better off putting the branches in the stained glass tile/ piece, surrounded by the black lines. I'm not sure I'm explaining it right.
  16. No problem! And it was lovely. I think Robert's would have been better with black lines. The thick brown lines looked too much like branches.
  17. Steven, and his butterflies looked lovely. Again, I think they were reaching.
  18. Roses are not Christmassy. They had to come up with something because the other two cakes were not stained glass. It really was obvious regardless that Steven would win. He did the challenge correctly, it tasted good, it looked good and he was pretty much THE baker the whole competition. I noticed they made sure to let us know that this would be based on this last bake.
  19. It also is bragging and boasting. Jill has a huge case of the vanities.
  20. While I liked NIkki, it did seem to be that way. Why did she not think she was never going to make a stacked cake. People need to practice! The winning cake was gorgeous, the other two not so much. Neither looked like stained glass. As soon as I saw how they were frosting it, I knew they were taking the easy way out. Steven hand painted his and it showed the time and care he put in it.
  21. The right person won. That looked like stained glass, the others not so much.
  22. Finally, the first episode this entire season that I teared up at. The story line for Miss Higgins was beautiful and sad. Her line about being there for his first breath and his last... I just lost it. It was all handled so well, no resentment just love. And the end with Sr. Julianne was lovely. Trixie, come back when you are yourself again. I did like the scene of Sr. Veronica throwing the wash rag at Sr. MJ's head though!
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