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Everything posted by AmbrosiaL

  1. Oops! They didn't get Holly edited out of that intro video sequence!
  3. Me either and I guess now we know for sure they were wanting the brother vs brother angle, only he wouldn't bite!
  4. What's important is to be at or near the top of your class and score well on your USMLE exams. Me too. I watch this show and now Nashville since it migrated from ABC. Period.
  5. MCATS ran through the summer into Sept (last chance) for applicants for Fall 2018 entering classes. She would have finished up her AMCAS application too. Now secondary applications are being completed for schools she applied to that request them, then after those are reviewed, interviews commence and run through the first of the year.
  6. I just re-watched and MAN a lot of the vets look really soft on the field next to most of the rookies (Christina is an exception)!
  7. As a college professor, this kind of thing goes down in my office several times a year re: cheating. Jenna did OK. Humble, took her licks. Holly, on the other hand ....
  8. Hanging (of course). To be continued ...
  9. Gina only rookie in the RaeLynn freestyle so that's telling re: her acceptance maybe? As for Holly, she stared K&J right in the eye (and hers certainly are spectacular) and LIED, bald-face lied, multiple times, before she caved. That woulda done it for me. Jenna didn't, although she tries to hedge. How embarrassing ... doing something stupid and having it plastered all over the TV. :-(
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