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Everything posted by pieinmyeye

  1. Did Kasey use a paintbrush to put on her makeup? Geez, that crap was an inch deep.!
  2. Please, please, put Ya-Hoo in a raft and point it in the direction from whence he came. He is truly a legend in his own mind. You don’t want pizza? Then go make yourself a fucking sandwich!! Adam is not your chef, douchebag!
  3. I didn’t think about it at the time, but you’re so right, Bronzedog. The only raw food on the seafood buffet were the oysters. Don’t I feel stupid. Just slap my ass and call me Sonja!
  4. One of the reasons Sonja is not interested in someone is because she thinks they’ll want to live off her? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  5. I saw the scene where the nutcracker was delivered and Bethany went crazy. I didn’t see the scene where Dorinda showed her the nutcracker and said it was hers. As you all know, hugs and many thanks were given and yet Dorinda doesn’t think that’s enough. Geez!! Let.It.Go!!!!
  6. Sonja will eat seafood when she’s eating vegan because it’s raw. What in the hell is she talking about. Cooked or raw, it’s still not vegan is it?
  7. Thanks biakbiak and WireWrap!! I don’t know how I managed to forget the Mexican chucklefest! ?
  8. I missed it. Will someone please tell me why the only woman in the world to go to a blood drive in a pink sequined cocktail dress can’t give blood?
  9. Time to go Kasey and take ya-hoo with you. While you’re going, take these horribly obnoxious guests. I can understand keeping kosher and I have the utmost respect for that. What I don’t understand is the three hours between meat or chicken and dairy.
  10. I would pay to see one of them smash ya-hoo’s or whatever his name is, head against the deck. Or at least push him overboard. I’d love to see him work with Captain Lee.
  11. I wish Romana would take those extensions, which don’t do anything but age her, and cram them in her big fat mouth! Dorinda has certainly turned into quite the shit stirrer this season. I wouldn’t tell her anything.
  12. I’m a fairly new to this show. One of the first episodes I watched was Penny’s. I think it was her sister who said that if her husband doesn’t get exactly what she wants at the store she gets very angry. So what? It’s not like she can get off the bed and beat him up. Maybe he’s afraid if she loses too much weight she’ll lose her disability check and he’ll have to get a j.o.b. Personally I would rather do anything than sit at home and wipe her enormous ass. Of course he doesn’t have to clean her vagina anymore as she so proudly announced she can do it now. Isn’ t that something to proudly announce to the world on TV? SMDH!!
  13. Teddy coming back knocked up. Pretty much the same thing to me. And I thought Shondra was going to pull it off.
  14. I was very surprised they showed those coats. Anything made with real fur for someone’s pleasure, not necessity, is wrong on so many levels to me. Sonja bragging about having one, not surprising at all.
  15. Doing a cabaret show scares the hell out of you Lu? The thought of ever having to see or hear it, scares the hell out of me.
  16. Not to mention her asking how they could be cooked! There are only so many ways of cooking a damn egg! And I bet you don’t want any of them to touch.
  17. This may sound petty, but I don't care. I really wish they would not have have scary Sonja TH any longer. It creeps me out every time I see it. Asked in a very sarcastic tone; if her marriage was sooooo beautiful, why did they get a divorce?
  18. I'm still trying to figure out what she was expecting. Pendants saying "New York Marathon", someone firing off the starting shot in the foyer, water (or in their case wine), handed to them as they ran to the buffet. She truly sounded like a whiny child (or teenager) who didn't get what they wanted for their birthday.
  19. Does anyone remember the episodes before they moved to CA? I seem to remember Ernie wearing overalls all the time. I kept wondering when they'd put him in a regular shirt and pants. Anybody remember that or am I just crazy?
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