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Everything posted by MissScarlett

  1. I think Davina expected what she was sold, which is that all of these psychological tests, instruments, etc. would help find her "perfect" match. She went into her wedding day with the expectation that he would be the perfect person for her. Their wedding day WAS perfect by all standards. They had crazy chemistry at first. So, she went to sleep on the night of her wedding with a smile on her face thinking that her knight in shining armor had finally arrived. Then came the BOOM and she realized that he wasn't fully invested in this. I agree that she had high expectations and wasn't able to successfully adjust those expectations once the problems started. BUT ... for her to even have a chance to adjust those expectations means that Sean would have had to be "present" in their relationship. He was not. Her protective mode kicked on and she sort of held herself above it all. Now, her friends did say that she had trouble moving past the second date... so I think it's definitely fair to say that she has unreasonably high expectations.
  2. Agreed @lordonia ! They did not set themselves up for success like they did in Season 1
  3. Seasick, you and I definitely see eye-to-eye on this! I can't like your post enough! I thought the comments were made by Dr. Logan to take the heat off of poor weepy Sean. He totally had them fooled. I think the only person Sean did not fool was Dr. Pepper. She said nothing to attack Davina but definitely spoke up about how Sean checked out early and never checked back in!
  4. Dr. Logan looked like she was on the verge of crying during every segment, except when Davina was by herself being interviewed. Then, she just looked plain pissed. I was expecting laser beams to come shooting out of her eyes. Dr. Pepper looked very sad and heavy hearted throughout. Sean & Davina: I'm not surprised that Sean turned on the waterworks. He came out shoulders hunched, head down and respectfully waved at the "experts". I felt it was just an act. I love Davina! I know that she's not very popular but ... I find her to be brutally honest and someone who tells it like it is. This woman knows who she is and does not apologize for it. I respect that. How could she take accountability when Sean was barely around? His absence served to piss her off even more. When he was around, it seems he only wanted to open up about his issues. Something was always wrong with that guy. Sure, she could have looked outside herself and been more attune to his needs but he would have needed to be "present" for that and he was not. Davina is not a chaser. Everything was about Sean in the same way that everything was about Davina. Neither person budged. Each person wanted the other to "take care" of them. I will say this... when Davina said "I will be here for you but I need you to be here with me"... I believed her 100%. If Sean would have tried more, toughed it out, and truly courted her, I believe the loving / soft hearted / caretaking Davina would have come out and been the person to nurture him. The "experts" failed Davina and I don't blame her one iota for being pissed and a little petty. I think Sean was there simply to get his feet wet in reality television land. RyanD & Jessica: Ryan is like a petulant child. He apologized but I don't think it was sincere. He just wanted to wash his hands of the whole thing. I don't know that I believe he is a wife beater, but I definitely think he is someone who is very emotionally abusive and runs his mouth without considering the other person's feelings. He seems hot tempered and impulsive. His friends are thugs and he seems very thuggish himself. Not a good guy. On the other hand, I thought it was in poor taste when Jess tried the $100 burn. It was awkward at best. Also, she broke a watch that his grandfather gave him. Obviously she chose to be reactive instead of proactive but I can't say that I blame her? Ryan put her through a lot. She agreed to stay married and then the bastard said he needed his space and that they should return to separate apartments. I think the "death threats" trumps anything Jessica may have done. Ryan is very obviously a bad guy. Still, I don't think either can claim innocence in this marriage. RyanR & Jaclyn: America's favorite couple? Uhm okay? Personally, I am glad that they are through and I hope that Jaclyn DID NOT give him the time of day after the reunion. Despite not being attracted to him initially, she really threw herself into the experiment and into the marriage while Ryan remained very selfish and guarded. He wasn't ready for marriage. He probably went into this to up his real estate game. Jaclyn deserves better and I hope she gets it! She is a class act all the way and Ryan fucked up royally. I didn't see a man sitting on that couch, I saw a momma's boy. I am relieved that these two are over. Whoever marries Jaclyn for real, will be a very lucky guy. In fact, all of the "men" this season were really boys. None of them were men. Drawing a comparison to last season -- now those guys were men. Doug was so patient with Jamie. When she opened up to him, he was right there with her 100%. She said some terrible things about him and he stood by her, falling in love with her. Jason gave his all to Courtney and to the experiment despite his mom having terminal cancer. I believe Courtney was the rock that helped him get through when his mom died.
  5. Thank you for posting that! Sean is forever the victim here. The experts have some nerve asking Davina where her accountability was in their relationship. Where are the "expert's" fucking accountability when it comes to matching these people? That's what I want to know. I'm sorry but Sean was a shithead.
  6. If you think about it though, why would the good Dr. admit that production had a hand in the people cast / matches? For one thing... it blows their standing on the so-called "professional instruments" used to make these matches and second, it blows their credibility as "experts". I would prefer that they protect the integrity of the show and their own integrity by taking a whole year to match people versus quick matches thrown together so that they can have back to back seasons. I can't get over how thuggish Ryan and his friends are showing themselves to be. He might be pretty but he isn't very smart. So glad Jess lawyered up. She had to play the game. I'm sure production influenced her to stay with Ryan so that they could have their 66% success rate. I would also bet the farm that production took Ryan aside and told him that he needs to be nicer to her if he wants to extend his 15 minutes of fame. Part of all of this is playing nice on social media.
  7. What I really hope happens tomorrow during the reunion show is that Davina calls the "experts" out on the shitty matchmaking. Monet tried to do it last season but was shut down pretty quickly because there were 2 smiley happy couples on the couch that the experiment did work for. No one is smiley and happy this season!
  8. Ryan is obviously placing himself as "the villain" of MAFS. I'm not sure his bully-like behavior will be good for his acting career.
  9. It's odd that he feels vindicated. The article was pretty general and a different unnamed insider said that drug abuse was not mentioned. But who knows the truth at this point? Exactly! Something much more serious than emotional abuse or cheating.
  10. YES! Not to mention, the face to face interviews really mean next to nothing. Obviously all of these people had their game faces and attitudes on when they went into the interviews to be on the show. If they really want legitimate insight into the participants, from this point forward, I think they need to look at social media and involve the participants' families as well! You don't really know someone until you can see where they've come from. I feel like the guys from Silicon Valley (tv show) could have run a SWOT analysis on all of the participants as individuals and as potential couples and done a better job matching them up. WOAH! Great find!!
  11. Agreed! He's making things worse for himself! Poor Jess. :(
  12. That thought has crossed my mind more than once, @ketose! Given the utter incompatibility of all of the couples... I'm going to say that S2 was an experiment on the couples AND the audience. :\
  13. True story! When Davina reprimanded him for not being able to read her mind on the honeymoon, that was it for Sean. He started to pull away and she started to push him away (being the guarded - red flag seeker that she is). These two need to deal with their issues before getting married. Getting married has only exacerbated their issues as individuals, which helped to further torpedo their relationship with one another. I still don't believe that Sean was ever "in this for the right reasons". YMMV of course. I do think that once he saw that he and Davina were incompatible, he began to back away slowly all the while trying to soften the blow for Davina (giving her false hope, lying, refusing to be present, re-locate, etc.). He didn't do these things in an upfront and obvious way, which is where the slime factor comes in. As for him being accommodating and the only one to compromise -- i'm sorry but I just didn't see it. Other than agreeing to live in their Manhattan apartment a couple of times a week (which, i'm sure the show made mandatory) -- where else has he compromised? On some level, Davina knew that Sean needed a lot of nurturing and she ignored it. He wasn't fulfilling her needs, so she definitely wasn't going to fulfill his. She tried to communicate but he didn't care. He was dunzo. At this point, I can't blame Davina for rolling her eyes. It's always one thing or another with Sean. The dude needs to man up. Davina needs someone who has his shit together and chases her. Sean needs someone who can give him undivided attention and nurturing. Jess & RyD are making noble last hour attempts at making their relationship good. I was kind of bored with their segment to be honest. I don't get warm fuzzies from this union but appreciate the attempt. Jaclyn & "Waking up from anesthesia" Ryan -- they make me sad, I think. I was so hopeful for them and and still am... but Jaclyn is definitely more guarded and Ryan is now more excited. It doesn't appear to be very balanced but the potential is there. All in all, this season has been a disappointment. THIS! This is exactly how I feel about him. All talk and no action. His actions have spoken louder than all of the words he used this season.
  14. Davina posted this on her Instagram account yesterday: https://instagram.com/p/3WJC34v0v3/ and then to back that up, this to her Twitter account: It's obvious that they do not make it and it seems that Davina might agree with us about Sean being all talk and no action.
  15. There were 3 co-workers that outed him in the first thread on that forum, not just 1. Also, I believe they asked to be removed from that community because Sean had caught wind of the board and would know who outed him despite anonymous screen names. From what I saw in the first thread, they answered all of the questions that the other forum members had. It didn't look to me like they disappeared because people were asking too many questions but YMMV. I knew something was off about Sean after the first couple of episodes. When I say "off", I simply mean... my bullshit meter was triggered. The comments from his co-workers only confirmed my suspicions. They didn't say that he skins puppies and kittens on the weekends but they did say that he is not the person he has portrayed himself to be on this show. I don't think he is a psychopath, but I definitely don't believe he's on this show for the right reasons. His actions have spoken louder than words -- imo. Do I think that he's crafting an exit-strategy? Hell yeah. He knows that Davina isn't the right person for him. He's been showing us that in little ways, each episode. He doesn't want to look like the bad guy... so he's going to do what he can to spin this. It's a defense mechanism. He doesn't seem like the type to engage in confrontation -- thus the lying. Now, do I blame Sean 100%? Nope. I think that the "experts" share equal blame here. Did they really take a good look at this couple? Did they not see that perhaps her defensive and confrontational nature would trigger his anxiety? His anxiety then also triggered her confrontational and defensive nature. It's a toxic cycle. Going forward, I think the experts really need to assess the negative aspects of each candidate's personality and the potential downfall of a match. Your mileage may vary on Sean. I don't think he's evil incarnate but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed in this match and that I think a lot of the reasons behind why it failed is due to the fact that he wasn't being honest when he signed up for this show.
  16. See, that's how I view it too. Which is probably why their fights never bothered me in the sense that I thought Jessica was endangered. Can you imagine if we had cameras following us around and those cameras picked up a 5 minute snippet out of our day where we were fighting with our spouse? I doubt many of us would look like we had good marriages after that. In the last few weeks, we've seen progress with this relationship. Not *just * civility (which we saw with Vaughn and Monet toward the end -- season 1) but actual care, concern and effort. I don't think it's love... yet.... but I do think they are trying. This shows in their actions and demeanor and not just their words (i'm looking at you Sean and Davina).
  17. Either that or nobody cooks and they eat out a lot.
  18. The most interesting thing to me about this episode is that 2 of the 3 couples spent time with family and friends. Jess & RyD: Maybe it's the romantic in me... but I can see them making it for the long haul. Especially if they continue on as they have been for the past two weeks. Now, do I think the past two episodes are enough for either of them to *want* to continue on in the process? Maybe not. They had one hell of a bumpy ride in the beginning. Neither of them were the best versions of themselves. I really questioned whether or not they could be the best versions of themselves together. Some people just bring out the worst in others. That seems to be what we were seeing with Jess & RyD in the beginning. The thing that kind of endears them to me just a little is that they brought family and friends into the process -- together. It makes me think they were both sincere in wanting this to work. Otherwise, why drag your family and friends into it? Not to mention, even though they both have "actor" attached to their resume, neither one strikes me as actor material. It was refreshing to see Ryan around his friends. Jessica seemed to fit in well with them and I noticed that she's more vocal now than she had been. Jac & RyR: Now that Jaclyn has backed off a bit Ryan seems to be coming around. I love Jaclyn's relationship with Ryan's niece, Kayla. I love that Jaclyn reached out to Ryan's mother. All of these things tells me that she really cares. Her comment about moving to Long Island when the experiment was done, was refreshing. Ryan seems to be getting into this much more. He seems to be falling for her a bit. Davina & Sean: Neither of them have the support of their families in this experiment (as in their families are not around). I believe that in order for this to work, the families need to be on board in some capacity. Davina's friends have been around, but what about Sean's friends? At this point, it is easy for both Sean and Davina to walk away. They literally have nothing that ties them together as a couple. Both Sean and Davina seem to be excellent communicators....but when they are together, they speak in circles around one another. Neither is really listening (or caring about) what the other person is saying. They just want to "have their moment to talk and analyze". If that makes sense. There's a lot of talk about "what they should do" and "how they should feel" but very little to indicate that they are doing anything but talking, at this point. My hope is that Davina says "no" when asked if she wants to stay married. She should marry her best friend (assuming he's straight). ~~~~~~~~ Dr. Pepper's visit came too little too late. Even though the "experts" try to stay neutral during this experiment and do not get involved with the couples, I think that is a huge mistake. In order for this to work, the couples need support and some hand holding along the way. It's more than obvious to me that they are looking for what makes good for tv rather than what makes for good marriages. In that way, it makes hate watching much easier. :/
  19. Is Dr. C. very vigilant in finding the truth though? Of course he would take Sean's word for it. I don't think he feels he has any reason not to. I happen to believe the spoilers on the other board, re: Sean and his so-called promotion. I think it's very possible that he made up this promotion thing as an excuse to further his fuel of saying "yes" to divorce and "no" to being married. He strikes me as the kind of guy who avoids confrontation at all costs and will throw in lies when it suits him. Better to lie to get out of things than to be upfront and face possible conflict and confrontation. It's a defense mechanism clearly learned from being bullied.
  20. I think Sean just isn't into her. Once she started giving him shit on the honeymoon, that was the nail in the coffin for him. Too much work. I don't believe on any level that he was looking for a wife or for a commitment. I think he was hoping for a hot hookup and a stepping stone to Survivor or The Bachelor. I will say that I think Davina has been giving off a vibe of sexual desperation the last couple of episodes. I don't know if it is her last ditch effort to save this steaming pile of crap of a relationship or if she's really that into him. I'm going to guess the former.
  21. Exactly! Jaclyn seems like the type who got in her own way when it came to relationships, prior to this experiment. I believe that she found qualities in Ryan that she didn't know she wanted/needed until now.
  22. Last season felt much more authentic in the way that the "experts" matched the couples. Not to mention, it seemed that they met with the couples early on to discuss issues or potential issues. Which, I think in this process... a little hand holding is much needed. Especially when the families of each person involved in the experiment are not always on board. This season, it almost feels like they were gunning for some drama with their matches. Last season, I almost thought that they threw Monet and Vaughn together full well knowing that they were not even almost a match.
  23. I finally got a chance to watch this episode! None of the couples really seem to be moving forward much. I can't believe they only have 2 weeks left to make a decision on whether to stay married or get divorced. Davina & Sean -- I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I really like Davina. I think she is a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it. I think she tried very hard to communicate her wants and needs to Sean but they fell on deaf ears. Let's be honest, Sean only cares for Sean. For all of his proclamations and "aha moments", Sean is clearly dialing it in now and has been giving a series of half ass attempts since episode 3. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he only shows up when the cameras are around. I thought it was interesting when Sean said (in a VO or a TH) something to the affect of "I know that Davina feels a connection with me". He didn't say... "Davina and I feel a connection" just that Davina feels a connection. This very much told me everything I need to know about their relationship. I think Davina's best friend Chris did a nice job cutting through the bullshit. Probably ended up going back to Davina to tell her that he thinks Sean is full of shit. Also, Sean looked super awkward giving Davina a back rub toward the end of the episode. It didn't look sexy or very Christian-Grey like to me. Suckiest and least sexy back rub ever. Maybe he needs to take a class on back rubs from Ryan D. I hate that the "experts" lay all of this blame at Davina's feet. YES... she definitely has challenges. She is a red flag seeker, she becomes defensive very quickly and she lacks self awareness in her relationship with Sean. However, Sean is just not there for the right reasons. I can see it plain as day. I think Sean and Davina equally own the mess that is their relationship. Davina deserves better. Jessica & Ryan D -- If these two could actually have a soul baring, deep conversation, I think they could work. Ryan has anger issues and he can be a petty asshole when he's pissed off, but I don't think he's abusive. I think Jessica all too willingly puts herself in a victim role because she refuses to speak up. Hand to God... if that girl would put him in his place and be more aggressive, I think Ryan would actually like it. I don't know if it's in her nature though. It seems that Ryan cares about Jessica but he's obviously not in love with her. That's what I took his comment to mean when he said that when you care about someone, you want to be affectionate, etc. Jessica seems to care about Ryan a little too. I thought the sushi treasure hunt was cute and it was her way of being more aggressive. In this episode I saw her open up a bit more and I saw Ryan be a little more passive and responsive. Maybe i'm being overly optimistic, but I don't think they are a terrible match. They just need to learn how to navigate one another. Jaclyn & Ryan -- I think this week is the beginning of hope for Jaclyn & Ryan. The last few episodes have shown their rough patch, but this week, Ryan seemed to enjoy hanging out with Jaclyn. He voiced his need to take charge and Jaclyn willingly took a back seat and let him do that. When she fell from the rock climbing wall and he caught her, there was a giddiness in Ryan's TH that I hadn't seen before. Jaclyn still likes him an awful lot and though she was hurt by the fact that he pulled back, in the end they seemed to start to drift toward one another at an equal pace. I think it was great when Ryan told her that he didn't like his cheeks pinched, etc. because it made him feel like that was something his grandma or a grandma would do. From what i've seen of Jaclyn and Ryan they are opposites in personality BUT they seem to have similar values and goals in life. I think Ryan has what Jaclyn needs and vice versa. If he can take charge and continue to be honest with her and if she can treat him like an equal and not mother him, I think they have a solid chance. They have great communication with one another, they have attraction and the foundation is there... they just need to reaffirm their roles in the relationship. I think Jaclyn would be a great role model and stand in mother figure for Ryan's niece. I think Ryan would be a fool to give up on Jaclyn. In my opinion, she's the complete package.
  24. I can't get enough of that thread! Interesting things keep coming up!
  25. Twitter is such a tell when it comes to Sean and Davina. His Twitter profile does not have any background photo of MAFS or wedding photos. Sean seemed like a sensitive guy and one who would be all about showing that stuff. So you know his relationship with Davina totally implodes.
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