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Aisha Tyler posted that image to her instagram 6 days ago along with a very eloquent post about understanding, empathising and having grace about what black people have experienced through their history. I think it’s good that Stephen seems to be reflecting if you looked at the post isolated from everything else. The fact that his first instinct was, whether intentional or not, to come off as apathetic if not insensitive to the cause, by giving greater concern to material objects and the safety of property then the safety of black lives and then takes 6 days to publicly show empathy through a simplistic meme/image that his black friend posted, which he relates more to himself as a father then reiterating or showing support for the message Aisha put with the meme- it feels hollow in context. To give him the benefit of the doubt at least it’s a mea culpa and maybe he does feel shame that his initial reaction was obviously disappointing to people he’s close to. But I’m just not sure the apathy that he seems to have for anything uncomfortably outside of his status quo will ever go away.
Did Mark Pedowitz actually imply that Marvel is mimicking the Arrowverse? Lol 😂 I mean a. Marvel was making movies years before Arrow started and b. Greg and crew basically mimicked Chris Nolan’s Batman for the first couple of seasons of the show so.
And yet despite all the crowing their fave still probably wont get more then 90 seconds of screen time 🤷♀️
Lol at Beth thinking Mia being the Olicity child didn’t get out. Honey, one of your actors blabbed that before the season had even begun.
I’m pretty much expecting the finale and EBRs last episode to be as meh as the rest of this season has been 🤷♀️
Wow not even the live plus 7 ratings are anything to write home about.
If you mean serious that Olicity fans took out loans then no I highly highly doubt that happened lol But that didn’t stop some obviously jelly people from claiming the only way the billboard happen was due to loans and starving their kids. 😂
I think the funniest thing I’ve read is the claim that Olicity fans had to take out loans to rent the billboard.
I don’t get why though. Seeing as they don’t appear to be in the cast list of this movie and it’s not even a WB movie nor does John Wick appear to be a DC character.
On twitter people were saying that the reason Colton cancelled was because con organiser wouldn’t or didn’t pay for his plane tickets or hotel. Which my question is- why couldn’t Colton pay for that himself? Especially since they take home tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars from those events. Which brings me to the conclusion that there’s nothing sketchy or shady behind this, but simply it being about money. The con not wanting to pay money that the talent is owed or feels they are owed and the talent wanting more money then the con organisers are willing or able to give. Which is why Stephen is able to book a con for the same city and dates as a con he cancelled without feeling any guilt about fans who are going to lose out money from dodgy con business practices (which were probably in place when Stephen was involved financially in the con and happy to attend).
Given the current viewership it seems like less and less people are caring lol.
Well viewership has seemed to taken a dive since the announcement.
Kirk will never not be pathetic. In the comments to that tweet he’s actually repeatedly denied the fact that he died on the show and that Emiko was the one to kill him. And he’s kind of being a misogynistic ass about it too.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t get what’s so great about Tommy. In season one Oliver and Diggle has a far more realistic and deep friendship then Oliver and Tommy and as far as acting goes I don’t think Colin is anything special. Also I’m sick of Arrow bringing people back from the dead. 🤷♀️
I think the most unforgivable thing about the himym finale is the fact that not only did they put Robin and Ted back together when the show acknowledged they are a terrible couple but that they crapped all over Barney to do it. I also really hate That 70s show for ruining Jackie and Hyde for the sake of having Fez end up with Jackie to statisfy a season one plot point.