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Everything posted by Tammee

  1. YES! I loved that show, it was great! Funny as hell, great comedic timing. Do you remember who the other guy was? I thought there was one othsr guy. I dont even remember the name. I thought i remember them going ro TBS and then were there for a pretty long time. And eventually she left, might have been pregnant for the first time. But yeah, that was a great morning program.
  2. Omg tell me you pasted this! My hands would be in that claw shape permanently. Thats awesome @General Days! Dont know if this group/forum has any kind of history saved...but if so I submit the preceding document to the Archives. Can you imagine? Maybe this is finally it. the beginning of the end of the reign of terror. It should be documented for all of history.
  3. Release the hounds! 🐕🐕🐕
  4. Cute, Comical, Creative...dot dot dot ...the list is endless hee @Sarah Heart
  5. Oh trust me, I'm a click'n! Its just annoying.
  6. Joy made me chuckle 'ok' heh. I wonder if W saw Fridays show or heard about it and vented about it all weekend just waiting to go off. Im sure she was pissed because shes big on respect etc regardless who the guest is. Ask your question but do it respectfully. And since Missy 'represents the table' it made them all look bad. I would have been shooting daggers out of my eyes. Just STFU already.
  7. Whaaaaaa? Are you saying this is f - f - fake???? Heh j/k. @27bored She totally is a villian. Probably thinking it would be fun then changed her mind when they threw pop on her heh. She ended up going to GLOW for conversion therapy and the redemption arc begins.
  8. You know, i think thats the hardest smackdown, that Ive seen anyway. Finally finally finally. Thats all i can say. Now i would say backing down would be if Whoopi followed her off stage to comfort or calm her down. She didnt do that did she? Tell she stayed at the table please Is anyone else getting these pesky pop up ads at the bottom of the page, and they seem like they're floating, so they cover whatever youre typing. Its very annoying.
  9. I think Whoopi just finds Annoy humerous in what she says. Plus she is the lessor of two evils lol. Hmmm maybe she can go back to whom ever brokered that deal that. brought MM here, and say 'look we made a mistake, it was our own inexperience. We want this other FemBot instead. '
  10. I dont know if THAT high, but its usually about some snark MM said and was on the daily rags, that she takes great pride in. No such thing as bad press right? Its all good lol.
  11. I know Im thrilled too. But they gotta play it right or the opportunity will be lost. If we high five Whoopi too to much after a while she will start to feel its excessive and sorry for MM, W will lower her voice and get back to getting on. She'll do some kind of Mea Culpa but wont actually apologize. We will get the Kumbaya we are family and families fight speech. Stand your ground there Whoopi. Dont backpedal. Do it for all us little people lol
  12. When did she backdown? I dont recall seeing that @Cementhead
  13. Maybe thats how we can finally get rid of her. Keep shutting her down, she'll get so frustrated at not being able to talk, she'll walk. Pipe dream i know
  14. SmackDOWN!!! Heheheheheheheheheheheheh! Im sorry. Im taking way too much glee in this but it has been such a loooooooooooong time coming
  15. YES Whoopi! YES! YES! YES! Dam i missed you!
  16. Oh yeesh. Its the she of the sparkling eye makeup ep. Bleech. Time to find a better ep to watch.
  17. She's on a motherhood journey? I thought she didnt want kids. Its that whole bio clock thing methinks. It will just get harder as time goes by. However i dont think that will make it any easier for her if she is trying to conceive because of her age and not because she knows its the right time. Thats just adding pressure.
  18. Hahahahah you just made me laugh so hard with 'disgusted her'. That just cracked me up. More like disgusted by her heeeeee. I sense a whole new drinking game being created. Bad bad humans 😎 now Im seeing zombie humans 'we're coming for you Barbara'.....dot dot dot..... P.S. i do agree with you, i have seen that face on her. Its kind of a ( drinking vinegar thinking it was water)(i did when i was 3 lol), or doing a shot of pickle juice, or smeeeeelling like onions or urine or garlic. Or a mash of all those together.
  19. She just needs to bob her head a couple times and make us all disappear lol. RiP Grumpy Cat.
  20. I tell you what, if i had been there in ANY capacity, worker, crew, audience member, whatever, i would have been ashamed to be at any place this bitch was at. Barbara please! I beg of you! Doesnt she have any kind of say, as creator? Get this bitch gone! We dont like her ways, she is NOT a good fit for daytime at all. Put her on Nightline lol. Then she can co host with Andy with WLwAC or whatever the hell its called. She can downsize to one cohost, thus increasing her talking time. Do you hear me PTB? These are great ideas.
  21. About the MM crossing her arms all the time. As a person of a certain size (lol) and of ample bosom, there are some chairs where thats the only way i can comfortably sit. I will usually tell the host though, please dont take my body language and arms negatively, its just the only way i can sit. Their chairs also do not have arms. She has no place to rest her arms.
  22. Omg her level of rudeness hit an all time high! Dont tell me she wont get any kind of reprimand. I bet she wont. Bitch! Whoopi would have shut her ass down.
  23. A little while ago there was some other anniversary that i think was Time also. The cover was of all women, all ages. But they were in silhouette, no details. I think it was the MeToo women. So they could do the same for the WB. They could also do dual covers. That same back issue i was talking about had 4 different covers, if i remember eight. Also SI does it, TV guide. Pretty prevalent.
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