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Everything posted by Tammee

  1. Thats what i had said also and someone made the good point that all had not seen due to the impeachment hearings. I cant find my darn email to give her credit but it did make better sense to me. Addendum dot dot dot. Hehe. Ok found the author @falltime. Thanks!
  2. Lasagna-gate 2.0 Lasagne vs the Cactus! Who will win!! Lasagna is savory......Cactus is...um.....green ?? Ding ding ding (betcha thought i was going to dot dot dot there didnt ya). Point to Lasagna!
  3. A couple of the newsfolk visited the local Childrens Hospital and in the lobby theres a 'Seacrest Studio'! Ive never seen that before. Its an actual woeking radio statio the plays throughout the hospital. Its run by the kids, for the kids. But how cool is that! I thought that was just such a nice thing to do. I wonder if he's put them in all the CHs? But in a time and day when we are so on edge, well this just warmed my heart. Ryan took the thing that brings him the most happiness, and shared it with the young'ins, possibly even setting them on their future employment..
  4. I think George is just shy when it comes to those things. But i do think he can laugh and find humor in himself. But anything not behind a desk just makes him shy. Imho.
  5. Does GMA Day have its own link yet? I didnt see anything. I just wanted to say that im really enjoying the show lately. I think they have started to bond, and get a routine going. I was worried for Sara when Keke first started. I like the threesome, but no bueno for just two. Theyre funny and the hour goes by pretty quick. Its the only show i leave on to do stuff. Otherwise i usualy turn off the tv. So Cheers to All at GMA Day. Youve turned it around and its enjoyable now (imho aniyway) 🥂🤗 one thing: Keke and Sara could be a little less PDA. Sometimes its funny, sometimes meh. I get the sentiment. Ok.
  6. Well George is out because he does the Sunday news shows. Hes there most of the othertime.
  7. I wonder if there is a spot on the app for remarks or comments or ratings. Just something to let them know, no bueno.
  8. Oh ok, i dont mind then. Im usually doing something anyway and not paying too much attention. Spoiler alert: watch JLC give MM the side eye of ridiculousness towards the end of the interview. MM asked some question and thats when JLC looks at her like wtf. I dont recall the question but i think it was something that was already asked but differently. It turned upbeat again at the end.she is a classy smart lady, i like her a lot (JLC)
  9. Much as i love JLC, if they're going to show a repeat, maybe show one from a month ago, not five days ago.
  10. 'And thats why we all can get along as adult best friends who are allowed to voice their opinions' ding ding ding (bell reappears)
  11. With a stiff shot of Hyperbole thrown in
  12. Yeah i could see that. Or maybe he saw a chance and took it. It didnt seem like he was reciting anything, like he practiced. It sounded off the top of his head. Graham was in a no win sitch, and plus arent they on a time limit? So he probably had to haul ass just to get back there. Would have been nice if he had conveyed that to the Vet though. Two seconds to say Im Sorry, I have to get back to Chambers. Anything.
  13. MM..three words for ya....'I Recuse Myself'. Then you'd never have to address again. Isnt that how the Reps do it? Lol
  14. Oh thats right. I remember now that being said many a time lol.
  15. When its run its coarse , and you think about retiring it, maybe getting another. So with your beloved pocket size Constitution. . . Dot dot dot...you can bronze it! Maybe with your favorite page facing up. I like that idea....me being stupid. Bummed my football team didnt even show up to play. Apologies.
  16. Is she Catholic? (MM). Im not sure if i ever heard her affiliate with a religion. Im just curious knowing their tenet on birth control. So is she just as disgusted by other methods of birth control? AND with all her gay friends, she should understand the importance of condoms. Yeah theyre not the end all be all, but they help.
  17. You know what they say dot dot dot... GMTA! Im stuck on that dot dot dot. It just me chuckle. I will try to do better. Anybody know of a dot dot dot support group? 🙄 Much Appreciated
  18. Missy Missy always looking pissy...dot dot dot Missy Missy is a sour pus(s)..... dot dot dot The opportunity is endless!
  19. I do think she could help by taking anger mgmt classes. Its not that shes mentally ill, just hot tempered with a quick trigger. The classes could help by giving her coping skills and working on her shrill speech. Theres a woman attorney on GMA thats been doing impeachment analysis with George Stephanopoulos. She is soooo soft spoken and low volume and i find myself listening to her. Whereas, when MM starts climbing the shrill scale i tune it right the F out. I call it my WWE(F) reaction. On occasion i will watch wrestling with a friend, and i just find my mind wandering. He would ask me whats up? And all i can say is Theres something about grown men, all shiny in speedos, screaming at the tops of their lungs, thats makes me tune out real quick. I attribute the same factors to MM. Its a physiological response.
  20. No but i rewound it to watch. BawhahHahah. Too funny. Yeah shes above the words 'used condom'. Bite my big ass bitch.
  21. The bell! The bell! Whose got the friggin bell!??!!?
  22. Wow, harsh, but i hear ya. Can i ask a favor? My student is an beautiful singer and played, and she just wants to celebrate too
  23. I love Jamie too! We're sort of close in generations, i aspire to someday learn from her.
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