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Everything posted by Tammee

  1. Thanks for that. lol. In the words of the esteemed Robin Roberts....why it gotta be fat?! Heh j/k. But seriously though, theres plenty to snark on mentally and orally with all the shit she says
  2. Yes i wouldnt hesitate to check into it. He will be in so much less pain and will love you for it
  3. Somebody call a Wambulance! 🤣 We here in Mountain time zone (Denver anyway) were preempted for 45's press conference. You'd think he'd won the fucking Oscar. We got the Mayor's intro and thazzit. Bitch was on a tear just from the few minutes i got. Maybe i actually dodged a bullet not getting the show heh Ps...pardon my french. There is no one who can make me curse more than the *ahem* MM
  4. OMG I just discovered this show and am in the middle of a binge. It is so funny!!!!!! Im dy'n here!!! Tell me theres more than 6 eps! How has the world not discovered Matt and his crazy as a loon but with love family??
  5. What really pisses me off is Whoopi APOLOGIZING!! In her own words 'WTF MAN!!'. When are they going to stop treating this bitch with kid gloves?! I cant stand it.
  6. Ahhhh yes. That would def do it! Was that the question she said she wasnt going to ask? What was it and when did she ask it?
  7. I dont think she was necessarily wasted, i think she may have been having dental work done. She looked like she had a kind of retainer or something in her mouth. Ive had a ton of dental work done. In the beginning i could still talk fine. As more and more was done, i was lisping horribly and just like mashmouth. Anyone i talk to can barely understand me. Forget about saying anything with an 's' in it. Dentures in, no lisp. I could be way off base but thats my entry in the was she wasted pool heh. I thought i had heard her say on another show that its only been like a year or so sober. Thats still pretty fresh and i wonder if its too soon to be baring all *shrug* P.s. was that her parents in the audience? I didnt hear what she said. I cant imagine she would be wasted with the folks there. P.p.s. i could see how all the other scenarios are a possibility. Absolutely. I hope not though. You would think though if those were the case, there would be reports of her falling over or waliking into walls or being a bitch, etc etc. I havent heard of any. Im going to go with the botox filler theory for my entry in the pool heh
  8. So is Ryan not doing the open annoucements anymore? It actually sounds like Scott Wolf now
  9. Yeah. It annoys me when they do it on the View, and gets maudlin here too
  10. Please Pet Lovers take care of the teeth of your beloveds. It is soooo important. If you leave them to rot, it leads to infection, which leads to seizures and stroke. My sweet cat Beau had to suffer thru having all his teeth extracted from infection. I worried how will he eat etc. The Vet reassured me that his appitite would jump because it wouldnt hurt him anymore to eat. She was right, he gobbled everything in sight. I thought we were out of the woods but the infection was bad. First he had a stroke, right in front of me. I was shocked, like did that really just happen right now? Then the seizures started. At first i chuckled and thought he was just having a nitemare. Then i realized what was happening. They put him on anti siezure meds that left him like a zombie and didnt anti much. He was still having them up to three daily by this time. His quality of life was nil and it was time. My baby Beau. We were together 20+ years and i know you say he had a long good life and i dont disagree, but i miss him so very very much. Get those teeth cleaned. The life you save maybe your beloveds.
  11. Correct. And Debbie was such a petite tiny little person, he could have snapped her over his knee, but he was brutal to her. When i hear her evps, I'm happy, but sad at the same time because then she hasnt crossed over
  12. I thought it was a take on the organ music of horror movies. Especially the oldie classics. They're way of saying somethings gonna happen
  13. And they swore they would never go back there. That last time was the third time and no more! They kind of got their closure of the Constantino deaths. I havent watched yet but wonder if Debi evp's them again. Hmm correct me if Im wrong but they arent actually investigating anything right? They're just re-reviewing footage and doing commentary of it. Either way I love it!
  14. Plus, ive noticed several are changing that now that the names and identities have been released. They are saying ALL that were on the copter, and have been naming all the souls.
  15. I think its becz her dresses are so tight. She often says that just sitting in her chair
  16. Thanks Scorp. I wasnt sure where to go. I just deleted them all and it hasnt recurred. There was abt 75 of them. Bizarre.
  17. Yeah that sounds like it wasnt a mutual decision or amicable in any way and that bridges were burnt. On either side, it could be Paula or TPTB. In any case, i think she's really taken to her job change and sometimes shes on GMA more than when she anchored. I like her a lot more now. I dont know if that would change were she to be daily.
  18. Im not a big Abby fan, found her annoying many times lol. However it does seem a lil off. Abby, and Sara before her, provided the lightness, the silliness, goofiness etc thats been badly needed between heavy stuff.
  19. Anyone else getting flooded by the Primertimer digest? Ive got a TON of emails of the digest, all sent at 2:25pm over and over. Someone may want to shut it down for a while
  20. Hah! Joy quoted us, quoting her 'so what, who cares!? Heheh
  21. I did too. She acted differently than normal. Maybe some will rub pff on MM. You know Mrs Cummings was very Michelle Obama-esque. Like i could see them as college buddies. She just has that same calm, cool demeanor. I hope you're listening Baltimore. She can help you...vote her in...
  22. It was very very touching. The music brought some tears. Yes, yes i am a crybaby lol
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