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  1. One or two of us thought Margot Kidder was a good actor as well. I know she had issues she struggled with, but I like to think she's welcome in their little heavenly chat, too.
  2. WTF, I open this page and it's like someone just took a sledge hammer to my tv memories of the late 80's and early 90's.
  3. I wouldn't have guessed her age. She's perpetually young in my head.
  4. Wow, he really looked like his brother.
  5. Damn. I loved him in everything I ever saw him in. Caught him at a local convention once and he was a lovely guy, too.
  6. Peter Boyle should be named there, too.
  7. Aw, damn. He always seemed like such a nice guy. And James Evans was America's dad long before Cliff Huxtable was. RIP, Mr. Amos.
  8. One of the stars of one of the most recognized (even iconic) shows of its time. I realize they can never get all of the names in, but that's a glaring one to miss. As usual, there are a lot that left their mark on the industry and pop culture but wow, that final three of Sutherland, Jones and Newhart.
  9. She was only twenty-nine years old. And according to the article, she and her mother died one day apart from each other. My heart hurts for the remaining family.
  10. I know the "all connected in the great circle of life" is the goal of that scene, and it's beautiful, and his voice is so majestic and yet warm and caring. But right now, it hurts hearing him say, "one day the sun will set on my time here." Because 93 years is a good long life, but I'm still sad that the sun set on his time here. Each year, we note so many celeb deaths in this thread. And each year, two or three are really painful ones, because they're people who've just contributed to our world and culture in a way that we feel more than the rest. Mr. Jones is one of those. At the end of the year, he'll be the one that I'll think that of. It's the next day, and I'm still kind of teary-eyed seeing the tributes and hearing his voice.
  11. Oh, this one hurts. What an incredible voice Mr. Jones had. There are at least a dozen things I could point to, but honestly, the first thing I think of with him is his recitation of parts of The Raven on the original Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror.
  12. My Two Dads and Perfect Strangers were always my favorite opening songs. And Twin Peaks, for instrumental.
  13. Halloween Wars is coming back for 2024 on September 22nd. Sounds like this year will be eight teams, and two qualifying rounds. Six of the eight teams move into the regular challenges. This year's twist is apparently that each team will be captained by a former champion. Jonathan Bennett is back (yay!!!), and so is Shinmin Li (also yay!). Aarti Sequeira is also back. Halloween Daily News article about this season's Food Network lineup. Season 14 Episodes titles and descriptions (still incomplete), on Food Network page.
  14. I hadn't heard of her. I just now read the articles linked (thank you, @MissAlmond ), and two things stood out. 1) Cancer, again. Fuck it. And 2) this little bit from the Hollywood Reporter article, because what a fantastic way to live. I'm sorry she's gone too soon, but it sounds like she really lived while she was here. "...attended Emory University to study medicine. She took a break and went to Japan, where she “fell into a background singing gig my first week there” and did some modeling, she told the Los Angeles Times in 2017. “Then my modeling team was doing a show for the royal family of Japan at this hotel and the ringside announcer thought I should ringside announce. Literally, one thing led to another, so I tell people I’m the Forrest Gump of my field. I just blindly, by faith, walked through life and said ‘yes’ to things that were presented to me, and it led me here.” Yeah, I know they weren't Shakespeare, but they were a little piece of my childhood. RIP, Ms. Pascal.
  15. Damn. He really was one of the legends. RIP, Bob.
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