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THANK YOU. All those scenes were such a waste of time, and I really didn't appreciate the whole "we have to keep Boyd's soul clean, so let's have Sara do the dirty work" thing. As if Boyd hasn't already made questionable decisions, like covering up Tillie's murder. (Which, if he hadn't done that and instead locked Fatima up in the jail for her own and everyone else's protection... maybe Elgin wouldn't have been able to kidnap her so easily.) And Boyd smashing Elgin's hand wasn't going too far? Nah, Boyd's still Our Hero. I guess we can just write Sara off though, with no hope of saving her soul? Okie doke. But honestly, Elgin was literally on his way out and they could've just followed him to Fatima, but no. What a lazy, contrived way to delay the plot so Fatima can give birth in the cellar with the underground passage to the tunnel where they need to have Boyd see the Smiley monster in the end. I feel like maybe the writers have an idea for the "shocking reveal/ending" for their episodes, and then they write backwards from there... like, hmm, how can we get to that point and stretch things out in the meantime? I hear it's a common complaint that this show is full of filler, and I agree. Another thing that bugs me, is all the characters just delivering exposition and telling us things they've suddenly realized/remembered, which is pretty anti-climactic. What happened to "show, don't tell"? Maybe they can't afford more flashbacks? It was so underwhelming to have Tabitha tell Jim about her past life with Jade. And how about Fatima telling Ellis and Kenny that she somehow "saw what the monsters are" - people who sacrificed their children for immortality. We didn't see her figure this out, or even have a vision/flashback. She's just... telling us. I guess some viewers are excited to get any answers at all, but I find this method of giving us information to be... not very satisfying. But hey! Jim's dead! I was totally shocked because he was suddenly listening and apologizing and helping and having Caring Father/Husband scenes with everyone and I had NO IDEA the show might be doing that thing where they make a character more likeable before killing him off. :P
I understand Kenny had to be away for plot contrivance purposes...in order to leave his mom less protected (plus he would've been able to stop that group who stormed into their house stealing food) ...but I really hated the, well, plot contrivance! Like, did we see Kenny and Jim bonding in the past and I've just forgotten? I don't really understand why Kenny felt the need to go off with Jim. Call me heartless to Jim's loss of Tabitha, but if I were Kenny, I'd be like...well, you can risk leaving your kids orphans if you want, but I'm needed back "home" to take care of my mom and maintain law/order/peace. Leaving the children and elderly behind and expecting Boyd to take care of everyone with basically no help (no offense to Victor who's been very helpful but still)... just... pisses me off. I wish the writers had found some other way to keep Kenny occupied if they *really* needed to kill his mom. Which I wish they hadn't done as she was one of the more likeable characters on this show... I don't really care about most of them. I especially hate it when TV deaths feel more infuriating and... "this could've been easily prevented!" ...as opposed to feeling inevitable. Yeah yeah, I know death in real life is often senseless. But it's fiction. I'd rather not be irritated and questioning the writers' decisions. 'Cause then I'm not even as moved by the characters' deaths as I should be. I mean... whyyyy weren't they keeping a talisman on the barn door to protect the animals all this time? Sheesh.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Media
chrisrose replied to ottoDbusdriver's topic in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
If so that's a shame...to punish Jed Whedon & Maurissa Tancharoen (the actual showrunners) because of Joss Whedon's actions. My understanding is Joss was barely involved after season 1... Also wondering if it helps that Daisy Johnson is a character from the comics... would the Whedons still get paid when she's technically not their own original character? -
I could be wrong, but I think Maddox, Kelly etc were responsible for the deaths on Ark 3? Unless that was a different Ark and I'm getting them confused. :P And I think Eva's brother was the one who moved the dead bodies out of the cargo hold (where the Ark 1 crew moved them last season) and posed them to make this "museum" ...because he went insane and thought they were still alive and imagined they were his friends? I don't think he was even really married to "Millie" ...just chose her corpse to be his ...um.... Corpse Bride, after his shuttle landed there? I think there was some quick dialogue about this. I question how he was able to make the dead bodies stand up/stay in position...even if they were frozen. But I guess it's another one of those inaccurate science things the show does, so I shouldn't question it. :) I'm with you tv echo... it's so unrealistic they keep all these clearly unstable people unrestrained in the infirmary. The man threatened to kill you all and you're not taking that seriously... just because he's Eva's brother and you feel sorry for him 'cause he snapped due to isolation (I asssume)? I really didn't care when he died, and I guess I'm heartless but I don't really care about Eva either... or her mysterious criminal past. Haha... but did her eyebrows finally move? I feel like they're painted on, or something. (Sorry, that's mean of me. I think the actress is just trying too hard to be Serious and Intense all the time.)
Yup, I think you summed it up perfectly...that's why I wasn't digging this episode, even though I normally would find an alternate reality/universe/dimension/whatever story fun. But you're right - the fun comes in seeing how different circumstances and decisions lead to different lives...but the characters need to be recognizably themselves at their core, like you said. Instead it seems the writers just decided to make the alt. versions of the Ark 1 crew the opposites of the ones we know. For no discernable reason. Thus, an overly-emotional, somewhat pathetic Garnet, violent cheater Angus, jaded and uneducated Alicia, selfless Trust (but still brilliant, why? shouldn't we be consistent with this whole "opposite" thing? Trust #2 should be nice but not-too-bright, right?) and a randomly British Cat (huh? okay, I checked wikipedia and the actress was born in London so I guess they just wanted to let her use her own accent even if it makes no sense, and, unlike Alicia's actress, Cat's actress was convincing with her American accent.) Anyway....I predict that Brice in our reality was not as heroic during that Lunar incident and probably left Spencer's father to die instead of saving him. 'Cause that would be the opposite of what happened in the other reality. And I guess Kimi's trying to dig up dirt on Brice because she suspects him of some cowardice that led to people's deaths? Welp. It *was* nice to see Cat's actress again, at least. P.S. If Brice and Cat switched places 'cause their characters died in eachother's realities... shouldn't we have seen other characters pop up who died in season 1? Silly me, looking for logic in all the wrong places. :P The Ark writers live in their own wacky reality. P.P.S. Methinks it was a miscalculation to show any version of Angus & Alicia this way, if the showrunners actually want viewers shipping them and intend for them to be "endgame". To use tv echo's example of Stargate SG-1... just imagine if that show gave us an alt. reality version of Jack who cheated on Sam, and had her punching/kicking him in response. I think it'd be pretty hard for shippers to erase that visual from their minds and continue to want the characters together....even different versions. Because we *do* expect the characters to basically be themselves in any universe. I'm kind of waiting for Angus to show his "true colors" now. :P 'Cause surely these tendencies must be inside him, waiting to be unlocked, right? :P Luckily I'm indifferent to Angus & Alicia, but I feel sorry for their fans!
Ahh, thanks for the info...never seen that movie. :) Yeah I guess the electricity merged with the FTL warp bubble thingy when he ejected it...and did something... causing the lack of stars etc when they got out of FTL? So they're not where/when they should be? Time travel would be fun. This show is so silly but I do enjoy it.
I'm guessing the Juno Project paired her with Felix Strickland and that's why she was kinda unnecessarily aggressive and yelling at him about Kimi ...that scene happened soon after she read her Juno match... and just something about the way she said "Strickland" when she first saw him...she sounded kind of embarrassed/uncomfortable and trying to cover it up by being even more authoritative than usual. Like she wanted to emphasize that their relationship was super-professional, not personal, y'know? At least, that's how I read the scene. Also, Sharon's reaction when she read the Juno results was more utter confusion (which makes sense since Felix is gay) rather than disgust (which I imagine would be more how she'd react if it was William Trust :P) Also...we're supposed to be worried about that guy vanishing and leaving his clothes behind but... clearly he'll be rescued... naked. That's some wacky fanservice there. :P I mean...what a suspenseful cliffhanger! ;)
Yeah the showrunners should've just let Alicia's actress use her natural accent instead of trying to hide it... it's distracting. I'm just gonna think of it as her own unique "hybrid" British/American/whatever accent and pretend it's meant to sound that way to indicate how cultures have blended/evolved in the future, or something. :P Also agree with tv echo that they want to keep Kelly around and make her sympathetic...while still using her as a scary wildcard to create mayhem. Basically, the dialogue they gave Garnet where she said she feels sorry for Kelly and is also afraid of her....that's how we're all supposed to feel. And oh my goodness I rolled my eyes at the hole in the wall ...like ottoDbusdriver said, couldn't they patch that up?! And heeeyyy how about that love vs. eugenics/chipped tooth first kiss chat between Garnet and Spencer...plus his shmoopy grin at the end of the scene? I'm feeling pretty proud of myself that I guessed the writers were setting them up for romance back in season one.... I mean, I guess it was pretty obvious they were gonna do the Enemies To Friends (To Enemies Again To Friends Again) To Lovers thing with them, but I'm patting myself on the back anyway. ;) And now I'm gonna make a new prediction ... next up on The Love Ark... Dr. Kabir and Dr. Marsh? I mean, she called him an "insufferable man"... seems a bit Jane Austen-y to me. :P
I... like Kathryn Grayson. 🤫 In general, but especially in Kiss Me Kate. Not a big fan of The Taming Of The Shrew story...but it's a great musical. I also really enjoy the 1940 Pride And Prejudice... love the cast and the humour! I guess some folks are upset that the costumes aren't period-accurate? But I've seen so many dull adaptations of Jane Austen (especially those stodgy, stagey BBC ones from the '80s) that I really appreciate the almost-screwball MGM version. :) Also, John Hodiak's cute and all, but I thought Judy had great chemistry with Van Johnson in "In The Good Old Summertime" ... the banter...and also the build-up to that kiss. Whew! 🥵 (There should be a smiling sweaty emoji....just pretend that one's smiling. :))
I love The Harvey Girls too. :) This was my introduction to Virginia O'Brien and yes, she's great! Luckily Judy has so much charisma that I didn't really notice that I didn't really notice John Who..diak. ;)
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing that history! I feel simultaneously sheepish that I didn't already know that, even though I consider myself a big fan of hers... but also proud of myself that Judy and I were on the same page. ;) So nice of Angela Lansbury to try to help her out... It'll be nice to rewatch their rivalry in The Harvey Girls, knowing they were friendlier in real life. :) Thanks again for your reply! I don't have access to TCM anymore, but I love visiting this thread and reading people's thoughts/learning more about classic movie history.
Rinaldo, I haven't seen any adaptation of Auntie Mame, but your description makes me wonder if Judy Garland could've done the role? I might be biased as a huge Judy fan, but when I think of "terrific singer", "brilliantly funny but capable of warmth", as you said... well, I think of Judy! :) And she seemed very caring and nurturing towards children in the movie A Child Is Waiting... Anyway, despite my lack of knowledge of Mame, I enjoyed reading your thoughts and agree with you that "some innate qualities are hard to erase, or imitate"... even the best actors can be miscast!
Love your post, and your references.... nice quote from The Strawberry Blonde! :) (I just had to show off that I got your reference...forgive me ;))
This is such a mind-bending show. It makes me question everything I thought I knew about the laws of nature and science. :P I had no idea a dog (wolf?) or any animal would run into a forest fire instead of away from it. Also good to know if you're surrounded by flames that hiding behind a piece of cloth (someone bring a spare shirt?) will protect you even as everything else around is charred to a crisp. Dowel Jones... the dam stuff was dam ridiculous, indeed. :) I'm with you, iMonrey - hilarious that we have time for more sob story backstories for everyone. I can't wait for Scott to find new love at the last minute... maybe via a wordless flirty invitation by a heretofore unseen sinkhole extra... paying homage to the scene with Jon Cryer and Nameless Blonde in Pretty In Pink. Yeah! Why not? :) Didn't Sam also have a flirty extra approach him at the end of last season? Where'd she go? I think we've got time for a love triangle between her and Sam and Scott. ;) Funny you mention Ione Skye, Babalu06... she's actually the reason I tuned in to this show (remember her from Say Anything and also the short-lived medieval family drama Covington Cross) ... but of course she was barely in this. I keep watching for the snark. Kinda sad it's ending soon... it's nice to have a show that makes me actually laugh out loud... not many (intentional) comedies can do that!
The 96th Academy Awards
chrisrose replied to ProudMary's topic in The Academy Awards (aka The Oscars)
To be honest, I would've been kind of annoyed if (the overrated IMO) Greta Gerwig got a best director nom when Sarah Polley (my hero) didn't. I know I "should" support all women, but...sorry, I can't root for someone if I don't actually enjoy their work. I think the pacing/timing/editing of Barbie was pretty bad. There were jokes that worked better in the trailers because of the snappy editing and then when I saw the movie itself... oof. So many scenes just went on too long and lost their impact and/or became cringeworthy. I feel like editing is a big part of directing and also can make such a difference in how the actors' performances come across, and I think Greta botched it. (I wasn't a fan of her chopping up the story of Little Women either, messing with the timeline and again wrecking the emotional impact, IMO.) Anyhoo! I'm surprised about Margot Robbie though... feels like a personal snub since America and Ryan got nominated.