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  1. Loved the cat and the actor playing the inspector. Loved the actor who played Dickie too. I thought the whole thing was superb! I didn't want it to end
  2. I can get into clichéd romances as long as I root for the characters to get together. The issue here is the show hasn't shown why Cole would be in to Jackie. She's got no personality. The actress is cute enough but blah. I'm only on ep. 4, and I'm enjoying it enough, but I just wish the romance worked better
  3. I enjoyed it a whole lot
  4. Not a fan of this episode. Glad to see Tess again
  5. 2 episodes in and what a great little show!
  6. You're in luck because Fringe is on HBO Max. It's also on that Freevee tv. Give it another chance. It does take around mid to late S1 for the shows story to really draw you and for its mythology to begin to come together. S2 (especially mid S2) and S3 is some of the greatest seasons of tv that I've seen. Anna was terrific especially in s3!
  7. I love Anna Torv! I so missed seeing her play a bad ass. The best!
  8. Loved it and Anna Torv!
  9. such lazy writing. Ron repeating these stories. Sad he's never going to get fired before the show is cancelled
  10. Marcus Hunter was like a brother to Steve. Jada and Steve and Kayla should be family but instead they have Jada hanging out with Kate??? Wtf. Ron is a hack. Why aren't Stephanie and Jada hanging out? Why isn't Kayla giving advice to Jada. What was the point of making her Marcus's daughter. Ron is such a hack. Why is Johnny in this story with Ava? Why isn't it Steve, Kayla, Tripp and Joey. That's where the history is but instead we have this plot writing just to put Johnny vs EJ. Ron writes for the Dimera and Black family. Everyone else gets scraps
  11. Oh boo hoo Nicole. Gawd, I'm so over Eric and Nicole Steve would never let Ava hug him
  12. Ron and his favorites. John and Marlena and the never rending Kristen the cartoon villain. Over all of it. I'll tune in when these folks aren't on. I guess Kayla is still in the hospital? Who knows because Ron has his favorites that he has to write story after story while other vets get peanuts
  13. Why was it only John's decision regarding the cure for the 3 women?
  14. Stephanie wasn't the problem in that John scene. John was. Or more Drake was. He was so OTT it was embarrassing. Abigail Klein was fine. Drake on the other hand... I loved seeing all the Johnson kids together. The guy playing Joey has potential. Hope he's sticking around. Cried when Steve was feeing Kayla the pizza and Kayla was crying because her entire family was there. MBE was good there. I liked Stayla story in 07 when Steve was brainwashed. I also liked Ava kidnapping Stayla and Bope in 08. Under Ron I liked Steve being blind but like all of Ron stories it never reaches its full potential.
  15. As if the possession rehash wasn't bad enough Ron's going to rehash some old story again with Marlena and the clones isn't he? He really can't come up with his own stories and the old stories he revisits are some of the cheesiest of cheese.
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