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JillyMuffin Duggar

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Everything posted by JillyMuffin Duggar

  1. Irene is a SEVERE Jill Rod leg humper. She's one of Jill's Plexus downlines and she thinks everything Jill does is just wonderful. I can imagine her taking up for Jill on a Facebook post that has nothing to do with her. Of course Irene lives in New Mexico or Arizona, so she gets to worship Jill from afar without inhaling all the hairspray, perfume, BO and farts.
  2. Someone who's smart and resourceful and has been around fundies and their weddings. I was a figure skater and there was one skating mom who sewed her daughter's dresses and always brought her machine with her to competitions. She saved more asses over the years, including those of her daughter's competitors, and made some nice side cash by sewing up a snapped seam or zipper that decided to break at the last minute. It's not the same as a wedding, but I was at a wedding where the bride's zipper broke, and there was no help in sight. So when someone knows his or her way around a sewing machine and is involved in a function where fashion is important, it makes total sense for the person to bring the machine along.
  3. Yep, Pastor Caldwell definitely is a copycat.
  4. Perhaps it has something to do with last night's cutesy stunt with the guy rappelling in with the ring to save his ass? It was so cheesy, these people don't have any sense of humor.
  5. Ahh yes, don't want to "stir up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled" between people of both sexes, yet oddly enough they don't think that Joe and/or Pastor Speechonmyphone would get turned on. Apparently they don't realize that maybe Joshy and David Waller were not just having "manly fellowship" when they were wrestling in the mud that time.
  6. Thank you. Fortunately since then I've gone down in weight and then back up and have realized that while I PHYSICALLY feel better when I'm fit and smaller, MENTALLY it has nothing to do with body size. I'm still thankful I didn't stand up in her wedding because it just wasn't something I wanted to do, but today Aunt Alice wouldn't have me shrinking and crying, she'd have me telling her off in the sweetest way possible that at least I don't look like an emu.
  7. Oddly enough not every sibling WANTS to be a member of the wedding party. I was asked to be in my twin sister's wedding and declined because we had some incredibly rude relatives still alive at the time and I was feeling very self-conscious about my weight and I knew that if Aunt Alice came up to me in my periwinkle chiffon and cheap satin tent and asked, "Why are you so fat?", that punches would have flown. For whatever reason it's not everyone's cup of tea. Personally I think it's a huge waste of cash to buy a dress that you CAN'T wear again, but that's just me. It's an honor, I suppose. Kendra's continuous giggling was annoying. She clearly knows no other way to express herself and her emotions than to giggle. She definitely is barely 19 years old. I'm sure with time she will mature. The father of the bride's speech was sadly unoriginal. I've heard it many times, so while it may be indeed true, the sentiment isn't quite the same. "Butterfly Kisses" - if that doesn't scream out that the bride is too damn immature to be marrying, I don't know what does. I felt like Kendra should have been dropped off at college to live in the dorm and experience life away from mom and dad, not be making a lifetime commitment to be a helpmeet and breeding machine.
  8. Truer words have never been posted...those poor kids, they have no say in who they are born to.
  9. Fraternal twin (my twin is also female) here. My parents encouraged us to develop our own personalities and interests and thank God for it. We are so remarkably different in terms of interests, personalities, likes and dislikes, everything. My aunt once said that if my twin and I hadn't been born into the same family we would have never met and I totally agree. The owner of our preschool had identical twin daughters who were in high school when we were enrolled at the preschool, and these girls still dressed exactly alike and were like Siamese twins. Our preschool teachers automatically assumed that because Jenny and Patty (the owner's daughters) felt lost without the other, we would to, and whenever our two classes combined for an activity we were forced to pair up while everyone else got to buddy up with a different person each time. Thankfully our teachers in elementary school and junior high saw us as two individuals, and we went to separate high schools so it wasn't even an issue.
  10. Must be nice to have so much money you can have two weddings. Maybe it's just me but after two kids I'd be throwing a simple party, not a one year "re-wedding". She already had the wedding, even though the guest list was small. It's tacky, but that's just my opinion. Don't forget gift grab too! Those "#DeBoerFamilyForever signs and other crap from etsy aren't going to magically show up on the doorstep of their castle without at least some free beer and food. I'm so happy to find some others who don't worship the counter Chelsea stashes her makeup on. She's just always annoyed me.
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