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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. Totally get that. I'm a musicals girl myself, although I do love me some good drama. Got to meet Jefferson Mays at the theatre where I worked when he was doing I Am My Own Wife. He's an incredible talent and a nice person.
  2. You learn quickly, young grasshopper. Very nicely done!
  3. I'm sad that Danny Burstein didn't win. Yes!! We will definitely have to go for a cocktail or two!!
  4. Because they are trying to get people to go see it...
  5. I would definitely go see that!
  6. He is really showing every year his age.
  7. Saw If/Then in DC. Not all that good. But she's killing it with this song tonight.
  8. I was just thinking that Lucy's dress was weird and I didn't like it much :) Aladdin is not happening for me.
  9. Hedwig seems like a show I must see...and I know I won't be able to. Congrats to Lena!!
  10. Wasn't everyone? That show made me want to cry all the time. And look - it's Les Miz. One day more... I can't with that show anymore.
  11. This. So it's worked out for After Midnight...
  12. He kept mentioning "bouncing". All I can say at this point is oy vey.
  13. Gotta keep those award show muscles toned :-)
  14. They are amazing (to use an overexposed word!) Is there a live stream of the awards being given now? The one I was watching stopped at 7:30.
  15. I can't say I've noticed many dresses because the interviews have been pretty engaging. That said, Idina looks great! I'm really grateful that I'm a cranky old lady because when I was going up to the city every month in my formative years, tickets were way less expensive and standing room was actually cheap. Saw Daniel Radcliff in How to Succeed. I've not seen one second of a Harry Potter movie, but I fell in love with him because although he's not the most talented song and dance man, he infused the evening with such joy it was a real pleasure to watch him. I'd love to see him in Cripple, but I just don't think I'll get there.
  16. 8 shows in 5 days... sounds like my trips to NY back in the day, when tickets were somewhat affordable. (In reference to one of the women being interviewed in Times Square...didn't just pull that out of my ass)
  17. How 'bout that Fran Drescher? She looks good... But really, her assistant went to see Violet because she's exhausted? Bless her heart. aradia22, I'd love to be able to get to some shows this month...and next month...and the month after! Unfortunately, I don't get to NY more than a couple times a year. Enjoy all the theatre you possibly can! I worked the stage door here in DC for 35ish years. The best job ever in history!!
  18. That's the show that's streaming on tonyawards.com. I think I was initially put off by the woman interviewing the people watching the show in Times Square. The red carpet reporter is actually quite good. Loved the interview with Kelli O'Hara and the one just finished with Jefferson Mays!
  19. Red Carpet show on Tonyawards.com now. I never watch these shows...and I'm reminded why as I watch this.
  20. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I'll say upfront that I'm a Yankee hater. That said, when they put the voting in the hands of the fans, you have to expect some people's definition of "all-star" could be different from yours and mine. I'm a baseball person - my definition is best player. Casual fan - definition is more than likely "star" as in celebrity. So if that's the way baseball wants to go, those are the "all-stars" we get. I can't be too upset about it. It's still a fun game to watch. Hope that makes sense...
  21. I have an irrational love for the new iPhone 5something that uses the Robert Preston "Chicken Fat" song. Takes me back to my misspent youth...
  22. LA Times live chat with Tom and Nicole. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/tv/la-et-st-join-sleepy-hollow-sleuths-live-chat-monday-20140530-story.html I'm only 4 minutes into it, but I had to share!
  23. Newhart was on with Craig Ferguson tonight. Unfortunately, I had fallen asleep and only woke up for the last part of his segment, but what I saw was wonderful. Definitely going to watch it OnDemand or online tomorrow.
  24. Her show is a play with music. I haven't seen it, but I've heard that although it's a weak script, Audra has totally transformed herself into Billie Holiday. It's only running until early August so I need to make a real effort to get there in July. Gotta be July (or August) in NY...or else the hotels are unaffordable!
  25. Even better, they gave each dance a name/description! I'm really gonna miss this show.
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