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Zevious Zoquis

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Posts posted by Zevious Zoquis

  1. Whether he's pastor material or not, he's totally unsuited for the job of negotiating a bride price!  lol

    I think any future congregations might be more concerned about Akinyi than anything else...not because of her skin color but because of her odd personality.

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  2. The Ben/Akinyi thing is really quite frustrating to watch.  I don't know what her game is.  She seems to be completely bipolar wrt him.  She's also so annoying with the baby voice and the weird sexual advances.  Her family is quite terrifying as well...although I can't tell if maybe that is just a test for Ben to see if he'll stand up and be a man.  Maybe all he needs to do is say "well I'm sorry if you think this gift isn't good enough but that and the fact that I'm going to take your daughter to America is what you get.  Take it or leave it" and the haggling over bride price will come to an abrupt conclusion.  Having said that, I'm not a big Ben fan either.  He's annoying too and certainly not in any position to be bringing a foreign bride to the US.  

    • Love 17
  3. I really wish Aladin would have just unloaded some reality on the world last night.  "Listen you ugly American pig, there isn't enough money in the world to get me to put my mouth on that dead animal carcass you carry between your legs!  It's all I can do to kiss you on your doughy gramma face!  OMG!  It's going to take years of intense therapy for me to put this experience behind me!"  

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  4. Agree ftmp with the above re: Ben & Akinyi.  She's a bit of an idiot.  Like I said, they are both weird.  I think though that Ben needs to recognize there is more to worry about than a drink...he should already be on a plane home really.

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  5. The Ben/Akinyi thing is beyond weird.  "What do you remember about last night??"  Come on!  When he asked her that I'm thinking OK, there must have been a lot of drinking that happened off camera.  Then, she says "I had one drink.  He needs to chill out."  And she's right!  Ben is a goof.  She's weird too though.  Hilarious that after all the crap he's been put through so far dealing with her family it's a single drink that has him concerned!  lol.  And the facial expressions he makes when he's concerned or thinking about something..."...so not just engaged...hmmmm" lol

    Cesar - "...but there was a problem with her plane ticket and she never showed up.  And then she ended up breaking up with me over the phone."  Hahahaha.  Yeah, that's what it was.  Damn!  If only there hadn't been that problem with the ticket she would have been there! And jesus man, quit talking about the chocolate candies!  Have some shame man!!  lol 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, LGGirl said:


    I have never gave a boyfriend a dime.  These women are just nuts. 

    I have to give Tom some slack.  Yeah, he is a passive aggressive snot to Darcy.  But who can blame him?  He has to be over the drama, pissed off at Darcy for dragging him to see her sister and having to endure childish sibling behavior.  I’ll give him credit that he’s sticking it out.  I’d be gone after the first day and tell TLC to stick it.  

    I think I'd have been gone the minute she tried to get me to open her bags on the sidewalk so she could buy shoes.  

    I have a lot of empathy for Tom.  I've been doing the online dating thing for the past couple years - actually met a lady a year ago and we have a great thing going.  I can totally imagine his situation.  Darcy isn't what he hoped she would be and now he's stuck in this nightmare and just trying to get through it and get rid of her.  He's not being very nice...but at this point I think he's pretty close to active hatred.  He's probably afraid if he reaches out to help her when she stumbles she'll try and turn it into a marriage proposal, lol...

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  7. 5 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Darcy wanted a sexy and hot 007,  but was willing to settle for a loving though lukewarm Lord of the Manor. But she's found no sexy, no heat, no money, no love. Tom is giving her just the lukewarm, like his beer. 

    Timmay seems to go for curvy women with masculine facial features. What I don't understand is why Jeniffer stays around! 

    I think they both got something different than they were expecting...and afaic Tom is far closer to being a "normal" human being than Darcy.  I don't have much sympathy for her.  She's a mess.   I also highly suspect that entire segment was very creatively edited to leave out a lot of stuff which caused the somewhat odd-seeming appearance of everyone piling on Darcy.  

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  8. 2 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

    RE: "Maria"- I thought that Caesar had sent her $$ for the plane ticket "so she can book her flight as she sees fit." I'm sure she was instructed to only accept $$ and not plane tickets (traceable). So if the account was over drafted thereby rendering the plane ticket "cancelled," it would be over drafted from "Maria's" end, right? I guess she liquidated the entire acct before dumping ole Caesar. 

    Caesar sent Maria money for the ticket...which she then said she needed for getting herself ready for the trip.  So he then bought her the ticket himself.

    or he attempted to anyway, lol

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  9. Yeah I'm sure the dating agency involved would prefer to not be tied to the show in any way.  Otoh, it's not like there's ever been any doubt about what was going on from anyone except Caesar.  😄  Literally everyone around him including complete strangers has been yelling "it's a scam" from day one.  So pretty much anyone with a brain knows what the dating agency in question is all about anyway...

    • Love 7
  10. Caesar's been the same since the start...sorta "dull-witted."  I'm not sure if it's bad acting or if he's just sorta "dull-witted."  lol...but the circumstances certainly fit with him being dull-witted so I lean in that direction.

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  11. it looks to me like that promo page has to be at least a few years old.  Caesar looks a lot more doughy on the show.  Either way, he's an epic simpleton!  It's painful watching him tell random people he meets all about his Ukrainian Love who he's travelled to Mexico to meet for the first time.  He's so deeply deluded himself that he is actually proud of the situation rather than embarrassed by it.

    oh, i see it lists his age as 42 on the promo thing.  Think he's actually 50ish now on the show?  I'm giggling at the "Friends: (0)" stat! lol...

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  12. 1 hour ago, renatae said:

    When you think of an actual "relationship" being conducted, that would be wearing, but I agree that when you aren't invested, it's easy to just repeat platitudes. I think I'd feel richly rewarded at $800 a month. Much better than doing actual work, especially for employers who don't appreciate you at all.

    "Maria, clear off those 10 tables, and don't lollygag around like a tortoise on Zanax this time!"

    I don't know...I think it would be no problem at all in an actual relationship.  I mean I'm in an actual relationship where there's distance between us and I love texting back and forth...and it's pretty constant through the day.  I can't imagine how grating it would be to have to "fake it" in any sense.  Even just having to read what Caesar would write - can you imagine the stuff he would be texting her/him/it/whatever?  You can hear the disdain in the voice on the phone!  He's so pathetic even the scammer can't stand it!  lol...

    I'm not really interested in Maria at all.  I don't care what the reality at her end is - it's a scam.  But I'm pretty fascinated by Caesar.  The level of delusion and the incredible willingness to be duped in spite of everyone around him telling him he's being duped is hard to believe.  Maybe its all a scam, but I kinda hope it isn't because the world is a bit more interesting with Caesars in it! lol...I mean imagine it!  The guy got on a plane to Mexico to meet his Ukrainian dream girl - who hadn't responded to his texts for 3 days!  

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  13. 13 minutes ago, Dobian said:

    We don't even know if Maria is the person in the pics and videos she sent Caesar.  Did she ever facetime with him?  If she didn't, that would be the clue that it isn't her in the pics and videos.  She could have gone on a cam girl site and gotten all those, and sent those to Caesar.  All those pics are of the sexy modelling/selfie variety.  There are no ordinary, candid pictures of her with friends and family.  And of course she would never meet him in person.  She is probably some plain Jane with good English skills who knows how to con desperate losers like Caesar.  And his insistence on getting her to Mexico was her signal that it was time to end the con.

    there was the pic early on of her with the $450 bouquet and holding the sign with Caesar's name written on it (I think).  I'm pretty sure the woman in the pics is on some level "real" - obviously a paid employee of the dating service of course.  Whether its the same as the voice on the phone doesn't really matter does it?  Either way there was somebody who was tasked with dealing with Caesar's communications...which would have been a very bothersome chore I'm sure!  lol... 

    1 minute ago, Zevious Zoquis said:
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  14. 13 minutes ago, RealReality said:

    If this is the case, it was incumbent upon akyini to take care of this ahead of time.  She never once brought up an expectation to stay in Fidels house until Ben was in a taxi. 

    That is pretty damn close to kidnapping someone by fraud "we are in a cab and you can't escape but we aren't going where you thought we were going.... surprise!"

    And then akyini further compounds the shenanigans by refusing to tell Ben what was going on or what Fidel said to her.  And he is staying in the man's house!  

    A continent away and I'm scared for Ben.  There were random people who were just loitering outside mother akyinis house and that was just bizarre. 

    If she loved Ben or cared for him she would have been completely candid with him.  If he said no, that's that, time to move on. At the very least she wouldn't have allowed him to be scammed by brother fidel of the too tight polo shirts.  She had no problem telling ben that he needed to get her a gift, but she couldn't tell him about having to stay with her brother?  

    If her father is a marxist anti colonialist (and I don't blame him for his political beliefs) then akyini/Ben will unlikely EVER get his blessing.  Unless of course his blessing can be purchased through the bride price.  If that's the case it's a basic money grab and all this negotiation could have been done over Skype. 

    If they will never get dad's blessing because Ben is a white Westerner, then akyini has to decide of she wants to leave without dad's blessing.  Or find out if she can.  

    Either way, I don't think akyini is blameless here.  

    The entire situation is ridiculous.  If Akinyi is any sort of real, loving partner why would she not fully inform this guy well in advance about what was going to be expected in order for him to succeed?  She seems like a child to me...playing a game.

    • Love 24
  15. Oh hell every time that woman says "jiggy jiggy" I throw up a little in my mouth.  I mean just the fact that she never refers to sex as anything other than "jiggy jiggy" is so childish and sort of pathetic...whatever Aladin's game is, he's paying a hefty toll to succeed at it.

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  16. Oh I know Maria (whatever she actually looked like.  No doubt she isn't the porn star she pretended to be) wasn't really having to invest a huge amount into the actual words and everything.  But just having to put up with years of message notifications from Caesar!  I would find it soul-destroying after a while!  Don't get me wrong, she's an evil person for doing it to him, but if he was actually sending her $800 a month she was essentially a paid employee.  

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