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Zevious Zoquis

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Posts posted by Zevious Zoquis

  1. 26 minutes ago, Gobi said:

    No more ramen noodles for him, it’s Rice a Roni time!


    The more you think about it, the more you realize just how much effort must have been involved for Maria.  All those years!  She had to try and maintain the illusion of actually being in some sort of relationship with this guy...he thinks they are a "couple" and is likely telling her about his daily life and blah blah blah while she either makes stuff up about her life (which would get exhausting quickly as well) or maybe at some point stopped even trying because she realized it didn't matter - Caesar just kept going anyway even if it was entirely one-sided.  And to have to engage in text message conversation and pretend to be emotionally or sexually invested??  For years??  I couldn't do it.  I happen to be in a LDR myself - only a couple hours apart though and we spend weekends together - and there's no way I could fake the text messaging if I wasn't actually in love.  It would get very very old very very fast.  

    • Love 12
  2. I've seen recently an ad for another of those aggregator sites (like trivago et al). This one is for cars.  The ad features various users of the site extolling it's virtues.  The first girl in the ad says "it tells you if the car is a good deal, or a great deal...or maybe if it's an average deal." The way she says it...omg she sounds like an idiot! Especially the word "average." It comes out something like "africh" and it makes me cringe! Every time I see the ad I imagine her continuing on to list all the possible options for what the site could reveal about a "deal." 

    "...or if it's an OK deal, or if it's a slightly above africh deal, or if it's an awesome deal, or if it's a pretty good deal..."

    • Love 4
  3. 3 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

    Trivago.  The one thing I noticed is that either the Tim "Trivago" Williams is rather short, or all the other guys are tall.

    I noticed the Trivago Guy has a weird smile...right at the end of the ad he sorta looks sideways at one of the other guys and has this smile on his face.  Looks strange...something about his mouth.

  4. Saw an advert recently which I assume was for a cell provider who offers insurance on their phones.  Anyway, in the ad a group of people are out boating and one woman has her phone sitting on the edge of the boat (I mean why worry?  It's insured right?) and it falls in the water.  You see the phone sinking in the lake and then the woman pauses for a sec before sitting back with a laugh as the boat heads off across the water.  Yeah right. I don't care how well-insured my phone is.  If I'm on vacay and it gets lost or destroyed I'm going to be pretty upset.  I doubt the company is mailing me a fresh phone anytime soon and no matter what it's a pita...

    • Love 10
  5. Shows like this one or You Gotta Eat Here or the waterparks show...I sometimes have them on just to have a moving picture on the screen (without the human carnage of stuff like Forensic Files or Mayday).  Often I don't even have the volume on.  Ideally, I don't want the show to grab my attention enough that I end up focused on it for 20 minutes.  Carnival Eats unfortunately often does grab my attention...because it's just so frikkin disgusting!  The host is pretty creepy for one thing.  He's got a job to do which revolves around being enthusiastic about the globs of crap he's shoving in his hole but even so, he's really just not a very appealing guy.  But the biggest issue is the food and the sexualized nature of the way they display it.  The close up slo-mo shots of stuff being sliced and pulled apart and having goop drooled upon it and what not and then the nearly orgasmic response of the dude once a mouthful has been slid in his gullet...just gross.  Mountains of sugar and dough and corndogs dipped in peanut butter and what-not...gag.  One ep I caught this morning had a nice long slo-motion shot of a piece of pastry being pulled apart.  It was totally non-dramatic!  Just a thin piece of dough being pulled in two...I mean at least if you pull a couple slices of pizza apart there's some cheese stringsstretching between them, lol.  Then we're treated to another slow motion shot where one of the little pieces of dough gets about 2 table spoons of syrup drizzled on it.  Again, GAG!  

    lol...probably not needing a thread for this but I was inspired.  😄

    • LOL 1
  6. Unlike some of you, I'm not a fan of Danni D.  I find her annoying and insincere for some reason.  I suspect she's probably pretty cool IRL but her on air persona bugs me.  And Robbie is sort of dull afaic.  I mostly just think Mike & Frank make the show watchable.  

    • Love 3
  7. any "dot com" ads in which the spokesperson over-hears someone's conversation in a public place and then leans over with their phone to show the stranger the wonderful solution to whatever their issue was.  Trivago guy does it now.  Car Guru.  Those credit score apps which seem to suddenly be a huge industry for some reason.  My response to some stranger leaning in to offer advice in response to conversation I'm having with a friend would be "MYOFB!"

    • LOL 3
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  8. 23 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

    I'll give a generic one: any retirement or investment service commercial where I'm supposed to believe the people reaping the benefits have some intimate relationship with the person administrating their account. Like they invite their retirement counselor to their kid's wedding. Get. The. Fuck. Out of here. AI and spreadsheets do most of the work, assholes, that dude is just collecting his commission. THe guy calling his customer out of nowhere and saying "I think I figured out how to get you into that home made airplane business you told me about so many years ago!" as if he were eating dinner with his family thinking about some client. Go fuck yourself. 

    lol, yes! There's a company called Assante that advertises a ton during hockey games. They hard sell the whole idea that their agents take a personal interest in their clients.  It's such utter bs...

    • Love 1
  9. On 6/23/2019 at 7:13 PM, Hellohappylife said:

    I actually like this officer, and so far all of the other new OK officers. But I do think his tattoos look ridiculous . Marvel/Comic book tattoo themes can actually look really really good. But his look sloppy,too spaced out with all of that blue scribbled in. he has way too many colors going on so that the whole thing looks like a kids artwork.

    lol, i only watch LivePD very sporadically but I had to pop in here and just see if anyone else had noticed this guy.  Those tats are terrible!  And a shirt two sizes too small doesn't help.  The officer looks to be playing to the cameras pretty hard...but yeesh, that's some low-grade body art.

    • Love 2
  10. lol...The ad with the good-natured chubby little A&W dude sitting at a table in an A&W interviewing the Beyond Meat guy.  "So...what is beyond meat?"  The feigned focus and interest is too much!  The way he casually rests the tips of his fingers on the edge of his coffee cup while he nods his head with comfortable fascination as the beyond meat guy opines on his non-meat philosophy.  A&W is sort of the champ when it comes to "soft sanctimony" in advertising.  

    • Love 2
  11. the Wayfair ad in which the wife makes up her own words to the tune of the Wayfair jingle.  ugh.  when she's in bed and she whisper sings "i can plan my room while I'm falling asleep" i get a little stabby.  Then when the husband sings the actual jingle and she says "no. not good." She really trips my bitch alert system...

    • LOL 4
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  12. On 5/22/2019 at 4:15 PM, Brattinella said:

    Dear Chevy:

    Every time you create a new ad, you include the following unbearable people:  Mr Potsch, who leers and preens.  But even worse, you have the "real people" who attend your unveiling, with FAKE joy, and they even DANCE and clap their hands at the gorgeousness that is Chevies.  Please stop!  I would never buy any of these vehicles due to your commercials.  Thanks.

    lol, the lame dweeb wearing shades and a bizarre rainbow sweater/jacket and walking backwards looking at some drop-dead-dull chevy suck-mobile and exclaiming in awe "that is sharp!"  hahaha...

    • LOL 1
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  13. Epclusa.  A med for Hep C.  The ad features various people happily going about their business and pausing to describe the unique nature of "their" Hepatitis C.  It comes off sounding like they are proud of the disease..."My hep C damaged my liver." "Mine is common."  "Mine is rare." 

    these drug ads are a real nasty virus on TV.  There's dozens of them and they are all really dumb and annoying.

    • Love 12
  14. for me, the worst, most-annoying ads are always for things like dental products and shaving products.  These entire giant industries built up around teeth whitening and blades that "adjust" to the curves of your face.  I just get so sick of tooth brushes and razors that look like Formula 1 cars!  And then at the grocery store you stand there staring at a crazy wall of different little brushes for your teeth!  dozens of different ones...it's ludicrous!

    • Love 4
  15. 18 minutes ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    I like both.  I can get books I can't get elsewhere through Amazon, but with online shopping you lose the joy of stumbling across something you didn't know existed while browsing the shelves.  I miss the original Borders and I really miss all the specialty bookstores that used to exist.

    I stumble across stuff on Amazon all the time.  Probably more so than I ever did in bookstores.  Those "other things you may be interested in" lists are utter rabbit holes!  And the prices are much better and the books get delivered right to my door so I don't have to go to the mall and risk being near other human beings!  It's a total win!  😄

    • Love 15
  16. saw a Nissan ad last night which was promoting the computer assistance in their cars.  The ad features a woman making her morning commute to work.  Of course, she's in heavy traffic.  Luckily she has a computer to help her out!  She switches the magic computer assistant on and we are treated to one of those lovely shots of her car in a lane with a nice magic digital laser show painted on the road in front of her.  Flash back to our heroine in her magic car and now she has a cocky grin on her face as the computer magically makes cars in front of her disappear from existence (since I can't think of any other way this can actually work) and she gets to work in excellent time! Thank you magic computer!,

    its a pet peeve of mine in ads when some feature or product is presented doing something way outside its actual parameters.  There's an ad for a Gillette razor in which a fireman talks about having to shave every day in order for his safety mask to seal properly to his face and how this one gillette shaver does the job without irritating his sensitive skin.  he's then shown heading into a blazing inferno! lol.  every time I see the ad I say to myself "Gillette - Saving lives one shave at a time!" 

    • Love 7
  17. Could RBC have possibly chosen a more annoying little twerp for a spokesperson?  The first ad where he walks around his apartment asking questions about things he could do with his money ("like a tur-ducken of savings!") is bad enough - I imagine this gimp spending several hours on a saturday hassling some bank rep online with his endless goof-ball money scenarios while he carries his laptop around his apartment doing chores and fixing himself a snack - but now there's a whole series of them.  The "squirrelly-bank" one is another gooder,  

    I just saw a Weight Watchers ad that has a very brief clip of Oprah out for a bike ride.  LOL...I think she's wearing some sort of whole-head protective gear.  Not a bike helmet but a padded item that encloses most of her head.  I assume it's something one of her companies markets.  😄 She looks so happy!  Oh Oprah...always so enthusiastic and energetic!  I hate you.  lol...

    • LOL 1
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  18. OMG the AMSR stuff is so bloody annoying!  It's for people who enjoy when a live bug gets stuck in their ear...


    I'm finding those weird little O'Keefes hand cream commercials more and more annoying.  You see a few seconds of what they consider to be a "lame" commercial for a product like theirs, and then the real spokesperson takes over and talks about O'Keefes.  I get the point that they are pushing - that O'Keefes isn't some dainty cosmetic lotion or something - but the setup is weird.  It's always someone out skiing or putting gas in their car and for some reason there's a TV screen there for them to watch the lame ad on.  The contrivance annoys me, lol...

    • Love 2
  19. 17 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    Not every one who has bad credit is a dope who can't manage their finances.  Stuff happens, sometimes it's in your control and sometimes not.

    But that commercial is stupid.

    yeah, i know.  most of the complaints we have about annoying ads have reasonable counter points but where's the fun in that?  lol...actually, the ad would like come off better if the dude actually said something like "...and a medical situation left me with some credit problems" or something like that.  Makes him a sympathetic spokesperson.


    i'm pretty sure there's nothing altruistic about what the car dealership is doing though.  I doubt their primary concern is to help people improve their credit situation when they sell them an awesome truck.  

    • Love 6
  20. the ad for one of those online credit score "services" with the two incredibly annoying "bro chicks" talking about an apartment.  When the one girl describes how great the apartment she saw is and she breaks into song about how it's "a 15 minute commute to work" I get a little stabby.  Then when the other girl tells the guy at the next table to keep his eyes to himself because "this apartment is hers" I get a little more stabby.  

    And wtf is the benefit of being able to look up my credit score? I love these ads that make it seem like there's some great mystery about credit ratings - like a person would be shocked to discover they had a bad credit score or something.  "Hmmmmm, let's see...I failed to pay off that $30k student loan 25 years ago plus I missed 6 or 10 mortgage payments over the past few years and I currently owe $50k on my 12 credit cards.  Let's have a look here at my credit ratinnnnnnnnnnng......BWAH!!!???? 3???? my credit rating is 3????  out of 1000?????  whyyyyyyyyyyy??????????" And once I do have this credit score revealed to me how does that change what I'm doing?  "Oh if only I had a numerical rating telling me exactly how bad my credit is...THEN I'd be able to finally figure out how to manage my life!"


    There's an ad I see all the time for a car dealership who apparently don't care if you have bad credit.  The ad features some dude describing his experience buying an "awesome truck" (because everyone wants an awesome truck). As he describes his situation when he was shopping for an awesome truck he notes off-handedly "aaaaaaaaand I didn't have a very good credit rating."  In essence, we've now been informed that the guy shilling for this car company is a dope who can't manage his finances.  Just the kind of guy you want to get advice from about major expenditures...

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