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Everything posted by Horrified

  1. Oooh, Miss Ukraine has a delay with her Visa? Ka-ching! 6 more months of getting him to send you money, maybe take you on a couple of nice vacations. I see what you are doing there Missy!!!
  2. Tania needs a decent bra. So do both of her friends. They are all wearing bras that are too small, and/or that are unsupportive. Crikes! The show is so boring tonight, that all I have to comment on is saggy boobs.
  3. Glad to see that lawyer getting another wear out of that bridesmaid dress.
  4. I think Jeremy heard "Charlie CHAPLAIN" and lo, he was pleased.
  5. Yuck, she wore a dress that she got out of her Mom's closet??? Nothing says sexy like a too-small polyester dress with someone else's B.O. in the armpits.
  6. at least Paul and Karine had two cell phones to keep the conversation going at a decent pace.
  7. To show us all what a GOOD tell-all host should be like
  8. Jeebus - is Tania 12? Bringing her friends everywhere, making Syngin wear an eye mask (with embroidered eyelashes), having a sign made up? She is and will be exhausting. Syngin sounds like he may have some brain cells that he uses for reasoning and logic. How did he get past casting??
  9. Get the tranqulizer darts out for Bryson please.
  10. Anybody watch The Politician on Netflix? January Jones' character says--when someone says she was a prostitue -- "I was an ACTRESS. And I performed for an audience of one."
  11. Wine guy sure lives in a sad bachelor pad. No art on the walls? shoving clothing on shelves like he's in college? Folding pants like he was raised by wolves. Ack.....I have a feeling this guy makes $100K a year and thinks he's in the billionaire boys club. All hat and no cattle as the saying goes.
  12. Is that a jewelry store or a pawn shop or a tourist gift shop? what are all those papers pinned to the back wall? Why the sign on the cash desk "No refunds, exchange or credit only" ? I have so many questions. Is this dude like Jorge and buying at a consignment store?
  13. He was like a juvenile version on Mr. Rogers - and not in a good way. I think sleeping with him would almost be akin to child molestation (sorry, sorry, sorry If I've offended) but he is just so darned emotionally and intellectually underdeveloped. Did the wife just marry him so she could get on the teevee?
  14. If I were to watch this stoned, it would play like a horror show. Don't go to The Farm!! Beware of the Pale people!! Legend says they're called.....Plaths.....If you talk to them, you'll become like them: your iQ will drop and your skin will get bad. Especially beware of Moriah--she is the siren song, the hottie who lures the unsuspecting.
  15. But OUR love is different. We were meant to be together.
  16. Hoo boy. Carmen's Tania's Mom's back yard looks like it belongs to a crazy lady. And they'll be living in the She Shed. I think Carmen TAnia needs to put down the vibrator for a few days so that she can clean that mess up. Edit: sorry, her intro music was from Carmen. She's NOT Carmen.
  17. Hallmarks of a super insecure guy. Made a lot of moola and got a gorgeous girlfriend to make up for the fact he was a fat, bullied kid. I'm just speculating of course, but he's a candidate for Jesse's self-help seminars. Guaranteed.
  18. Cheers everyone! Thanks for hanging in there and keeping me entertained through this hellish marathon of misery. 'Til next week.
  19. WTF kind of segue was that Shaun???? "Does anyone think any differently about Maria?" Yes, Shaun, some people had some things to say. So Shaun immediately says "First, let's look at how hard it is to say goodbye" I know I'm punchy, but hell woman.
  20. Is Zied possibly handsome? If he got a haircut, I think he might be kind of mm_mm_mm
  21. Yup, definitely ssounds like Tim is a submissive looking for a Dom.
  22. Ben has a weird tic where he swallows without closing his mouth. Nervous jervis.
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