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I’m a total magpie: LOVED Olivia’s dress. She looked amazing. Also loved her getting tired of Madison’s nastiness and calling Madison out on it. The rest…meh.
This is good shit and I won’t hear otherwise. Pretty much every recipe they had shows up at nearly ever southern potluck I’ve been to. Dang. Now I’m hungry.
Checking in to see if they’re all still complete psychos. …yep, they’re still complete psychos. It’s going to be hard to find the desire to watch any more episodes.
I mean, I do the same about my enemies when blowdrying my hair in the morning…🤷🏻♀️ (hate being unprepared, y’know)
Yeah when she waved at the audience her palms were COVERED in self-tanner 🤣
Living for Little Lamar’s faces when Leva said, “Mommy’s doing exercise, it’s ok!” 🤣 Also…wtf with all these acid washed mom jeans/paper bag jeans. 1986 called and said nope she has a headache.
Yes, Chleb gave me massive whiplash in that scene, shittalking out of both sides of his mouth. I had expected him to just try to placate Katherine with something like, “oh we were just chatting about old times, no big deal” and then he turned around spewed venom three steps later.
Pringle, whatever his faults may be, is well versed in social graces. I wish he was back to being a major character. Chleb with the “Shleb,” oh how I laughed. Olivia is an idiot. Austin is an idiot. Shep is an idiot (and a jackass). Chleb is a backstabbing idiot. Katherine’s boobs are idiots. Madison’s veneers are idiots. People in their 30s and 40s acting like high school idiots. So mach idiot.
Sixteen minutes in and I’m nodding off. Well ok the differences in Marcie’s pregnant vs not pregnant talking heads are cracking me up. She seems fairly down to earth…everybody else sucks. edit: I don’t know how we went from scorching hot party to Leva and Venita chatting outside in coats…but Leva needs to stick with that low-key makeup look. She is much prettier without all the slap, especially on her eyes.
I read that as “classy vag” and thought “Do what now? On THIS show?” I noticed Venita’s tennis bag moved around on the seat behind her, landing just so perfectly centered, so that viewers would remember her name.
Yes, I know, it was just hilarious that they were every. fucking. where. At home! In multiple restaurants! At ya momma’n’em’s home! In the studio! I’m surprised they weren’t in the bathrooms for continuity of teethbrushing. I wonder if there are anodized ones available. If you’re gonna go samesies with distracting drinkware everywhere, go all out and make them pretty at least. Or color code the couples to see if the viewers can analyze which ones will last by the color of their glasses, in the manner TLo did in analyzing Mad Men costumes.
Randall is the only one worthy of coming out unscathed. Colby is a calculating, manipulative shitbird, as evidenced most by Madlyn’s mom’s assessment of their first and second encounters. I appreciated that he was direct about not wanting to be with Alexis or April, but based on their reactions and his tendency to lovebomb up front and then be evil, I suspect there was some footage left on the floor where he perhaps led them to believe he was interested. Madlyn seemed high as hell during her first fight with Randall. She reminds me of a B-list actress but I can’t think of her name. Shanique. Whoo she is a lot, her reactions are wildly immature. I felt so bad for Randall trying to get her to communicate and hear him while she stomped her feet and stormed off. Rae, I don’t know, she seems ok. Zay is a jerk and their break-up is for the best. I had the hardest time trying to discern what he was really trying to say when he was trying to convey complex thoughts…so many filler words and no real message. I wanted to like April but then her third-person elevator soliloquy sent me down the elevator shaft so…. The child/childfree couple…pfft, they’re both idiots. That is a dealbreaker full stop and they’ve only set themselves up for misery. Alexis is insufferable. I hope they end up getting married in an excruciatingly expensive wedding and then file for bankruptcy and divorce within six weeks after she’s gotten pregnant and he’s had an affair with a crunchy granola bartender from 5th Street who is also pregnant. As to whether the people on the show were locals from Austin, not sure. One was wearing scrubs to head off to work but she could have been a traveling nurse as those were/are in high demand these days. The editing looks like all the original couples break up, so I’m sure every single one of them will get engaged and head off into a fabulous life together… As always I find these shows fascinatingly trashy, a reminder that I am a terrible judge of character, and an opportunity to identify similar behaviors in myself that I can try to change. OH!!! I am TOTALLY fascinated with the omnipresent stainless steel wineglasses that were everywhere. Definitely makes drink levels one less thing to worry about when it comes to continuity and editing!
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It’s a silly nitpick on my part, but upon rewatch just now I noticed that all the men stood for Agnes.
While trying to fall asleep after watching this episode my mind got lost in the absurdity of having a huge staff to help rich people just sort of hang out and be rich. It was particularly evident when Agnes was so testy with the temporary Bannister (forgot his name) for errors that, in today’s world, are astoundingly minor. Then again today’s rich and powerful have similar staff to help them hang out and exist/be rich, just with some slightly different jobs. Yesterday’s maid helping a lady to dress is today’s stylist/MUA. It’s all so absurd.
May I pull up a seat? I unabashedly love it. Christine Baranski is amazing, just the expressions on her face were a work of art as she took in the Russell palace and tried to figure out what to do once she’d crossed that last threshold into the luncheon. Loved the scene with Audra McDonald and Denée Benton as well, just fantastic work by both of them.