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    Hell, USA

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  1. I went looking for the answer last week. Reddit had a post about it, and people decided that Ken used to be a bartender. You'd think that he'd do fairly well as a bartender in Louisiana at least for a while based on his notoriety alone, but I guess coasting on Gypsy's fame is enough work for him. I cringe every time I see that very pricey-looking house they rent...AND she supports an former lawyer's entire salary?!? They are going to be broke very soon. Wait...her daughter DOES have the same name as her sister's dog?😭😭😭
  2. The Bureau of Land Management: "BLM".
  3. GOD. I thought Eddie moving to Texas meant I didn't have to see him anymore.
  4. No and no.
  5. I hate that I paid this much attention to it, but the dog was in the way when they were using the doppler(?). They told the dog, not the baby, to move. Believe it or not, they haven't revealed the baby's name nor shown her face on Instagram. I don't know about other social media because I'm not on any others. I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised that so far they aren't subjecting the newborn to the media circus that is their life.
  6. Give me a break. The reason "no one talks about" naked women on TV and in movies is because its so incredibly normalized. Poor man has people talking about his fake penis scene.🙄
  7. One can only hope.
  8. As a childfree woman who is completely freaked out by pregnancy, that birth scene was tew much. My husband and I were screaming at the TV and covering our eyes. Robby had his WHOLE HAND in there along with that entire baby.😵‍💫
  9. It's not showing up on my TV app at all for the foreseeable future.
  10. I don't understand the point of Kiid coffee. Old person rant incoming: when I was a kid (1970s-1980s), we didn't drink coffee because it was for grownups. Not everything is for kids or has to be for kids. Imagine that.
  11. I'm just as confused. McKay seems to be at least 10 years older than Mateo. I didn't get a romantic vibe from that conversation AT ALL. I, too, thought he was her babysitter.
  12. She looks older because she's let her hair go fully gray, but she's only 61. I say that as a 50-year-old woman.🫠
  13. They mentioned this when a guest died several episodes back (and they acted like they were in a Cheech and Chong skit wearing sunglasses while pushing with the body down the hall in a laundry cart). The flower fridge is cold enough to store bodies (and parts of bodies) until they reach land.
  14. I was annoyed at Buck the entire episode. You know what adults do, Buck? They TALK TO EACH OTHER ABOUT HOW THEY FEEL. Tell Eddie you're sad he's leaving (and then kiss). Sheesh. I'll be so glad when Eddie "Smells-a-Fart" Diaz is gone (please, lord).
  15. It's the constant shit-eating grin that I can't stand.
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