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  1. That was for Olivia Sharber when it was waived as they didn't have enough 3rd years to be all stars.
  2. Former DCC Amy T is engaged! https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPcOw7LnZEkV2znFv9NWgmlt_zfEuTHLWAeZA0/
  3. These belong to Tess, the others belong to Amy
  4. sadly, VK made it into tc but Lisa didn't according to a dcc fan group
  5. https://ultimatecheerleaders.com/2011/08/cheers-for-our-real-first-cowgirl/
  6. actually, Wendi White was the first Aussie cheerleader for the DCC in 1980.
  7. please share
  8. They turn their uniforms in before auditions start
  9. Yuko had her baby! https://www.instagram.com/stories/yuko_kawata/2696950611303345191/
  10. Tess has just had her 2nd baby recently too :-)
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