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Everything posted by deacondahling

  1. Sam is also in the movie The Princess Switch with Vanessa Hudgens.
  2. I really wish her the best. I really hope she isn't struggling emotionally.
  3. So..I'm taking this with a grain of salt since it's a tabloid, but several are reporting it, and generally there is a grain of truth to these eventually. Sounds like Hayden is not doing so well. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/08/hayden-panettiere-drunk-mess-wild-night-split-wladimir-klitschko/
  4. I would be down with that as well. It makes total sense. I'd still want to see Javery though!
  5. Because the ending of Nashville coincidentally coincided with my completion of graduate school, I have found myself with nothing to obsess over. So, I was thinking about what the future of Nashville might look like. If there could be a new Nashville or a spin-off, which characters would you keep? Who would you lose? Anyone you'd bring back or add to the cast? What storylines would you like to see? Personally, I'd keep Deacon, Daphne and Maddie (in smaller doses), Avery and Juliette, Gunnar, and Will. Maybe Scarlett very occasionally, but limited to scenes with Deacon, or with Avery, Gunner and Will. I would bring back Kevin to be Will's partner. Avery and Juliette would have a baby boy. And of course Emily, Glenn, and Bo would be there. Teddy would be mentioned by the girls, but not a main character. Tandy would be back occasionally and helping with Hwy. 65 and in a relationship with Bucky. I always thought they hinted at those two anyway, and wished they'd followed through on it. While I didn't love the storyline, I guess it would only make sense to have Gideon around, but without all the angst. I would like to see Deacon with a love interest. I think he would be great with someone not in music, like when he was with Megan. But it would have to be someone strong, but not steamrolling like Rayna was, someone not intimidated by his history/feelings for Rayna, but still genuine and soft. Someone like Kaitlyn Black (AB on Hart of Dixie) comes to mind. I would want the show to focus more on music again, with Juliette and Avery performing both together and apart, like Tim and Faith. I'd like to see Gunner develop some rational thought and confidence and maybe find a love interest too, and I pick Emily for that. I think she and a more mature Gunner would work. I would also love the return of Juliette and Deacon's friendship. And maybe Maddie's too, because they never addressed that again after the S5 finale that I can recall. Anyone else want to brainstorm with me? And particular guest stars you'd love to see?
  6. And the writers totally disposed of that relationship. Of course, Hayden barely interacted with any of the cast in season 6, which was a real shame. I'd love to know if there was some kind of drama amongst the cast, with both Hayden and Clare pretty much off doing their own things all season.
  7. I agree with many of you on several of these. Something else small that has always bothered me was when Rachel came to Ross and Emily's wedding. But not because she shouldn't have gone, but because she was wearing what looked like gym pants the entire time. If she knew she was going to a wedding, why wouldn't she have packed a dress or something more appropriate. It just seemed like another way for Rachel to undermine the importance of the occasion.
  8. Whew... so I wasn't completely disappointed in the episode. And the last 15 minutes or so made up for it. I was a bawling mess. A time hop and musical montage were really the only way to get things wrapped up, so while cheesy, it worked. I cried so hard when Avery and Juliette reunited. I would love to see a show with just them. I'll just go through my thoughts by character. Deacon--so happy the Rayna thing was a dream and not some "all this never happened" crap. I am totally overjoyed that he ended up getting a tour and that he and Jessie didn't end up together. I do like him with the other lady, she seems more charismatic and stronger. Of course, we'll never know if they actually ended up together. The girls seemed happier with that possibility than with Jessie, I will say that. Jessie-Ugh. More crying. But I was proud of her during the Brad scene. Juliette--did you notice her hair at the end? That's how it was when the show started. Not her most flattering look, but I appreciated the sentiment. I also loved her song and was so proud of her for being so strong. Avery--so happy he came back to Juliette and left purple hair. And so happy he reunited with the guys band. Will--Eh...the show didn't know what to do with him. He was their token gay character for diversity purposes and they couldn't figure out anything beyond that. I'm not happy he ended up with Zach. It looked like Zach's happy ending, not Will's. Zach the jerk, which caused Will to dump him in the first place; then it was all Will's fault, and then Zach comes back to save the day and Will takes him back. Ugh. Maddie--the whole Jonah/Twig storyline was pointless since she dumped him anyway. And leave it to Scarlett to meddle and encourage that. The show really messed up with Maddie. They made us hate her with that whole emancipation crap, and now she barely even makes music. Daphne--glad she finally got a moment. She was totally gorgeous, but the song was very lackluster for a singing competition finale. Glad she didn't win because of Brad, but that would have moot anyway since Hwy. 65 bought him out. I really thought when she opened that necklace that it was going to be from Teddy. But no, effing Gideon. Scarlett--another character they ruined. Her scenes with Deacon were always awesome and she could sing the hell out of it. It's stupid that she was given so much airtime and basically no story at the end. The writers were so lazy they just had her real-life husband show up to end her story? Please. I've heard rumors that she was angling for him to be on the show for awhile, and he was part of the issues Clare and Sam had in real life. Gunner--Glad he ended up single. He has a lot to sort out before he ends up with someone. I'm not even going to justify the others (Alannah, Brad, and Gideon) with a response. They took up too much stupid airtime, even last night. The Me Too story was ridiculous and contrived. I was scanning the crowd so hard last night to see all the older characters. I saw Tandy, Beverly, Juliette's mom. I didn't see Layla, Luke or Zoey. I thought I might have seen Teddy for a second. I have other thoughts but my co-workers are being annoying so I can't think of them right now.
  9. Just saw this article. https://www.etonline.com/nashville-series-finale-juliette-wants-a-new-beginning-but-averys-on-to-her-secret-exclusive-106567
  10. Yeah, I took it to mean that Avery wasn't with a label, or was still singing with the guys, not in any kind of official capacity.
  11. I am so worried this it is going to be a dream of some sort. And what I'm most afraid of is the last scene is going to be the bit where Deacon asks, "Is this real?" And then we'll never frickin' know what really happened. I want closure for everyone, whether romantic relationships work out or not. I want something sentimental that points back to the real purpose of this show, something from season 1, I want Juliette to have nice things again and love herself and her daughter, I want Deacon and the girls happy and drama free. I don't really care too much about the others. I just want the last episode to remind me of why I watched this show in the first place and not make me regret it.
  12. New article on the Stella sisters, http://www.cmt.com/news/1797113/lennon-and-maisy-stella-we-lucked-out/
  13. It is also unbelievable that Teddy wouldn't at least show up for Daphne at the singing contest finale next week. I doubt he does though.
  14. Wow, so much to say here. But my mind is reeling from other things I have going on, so I'll try to get it all together. First off, are they teasing the viewers with Gunner and Will? There were totally some moments last night! But, I don't think Gunner is into it. And Will is kind of being like early Will, kiss any guy that he's with. From the preview, it looks like Zach is back next week, so who knows where it will go? Juliette and Avery...I teared up when he said that bit about when she smiles the pain goes away. Then, @#$% purple @#$% calls. I'm glad he didn't answer though. I'm so glad Cadence wasn't more seriously ill. I really figured they were going there. I really thought she was going to tell him she was pregnant at the hospital too. And she's bought a house? What about that land she had bought in the 1st season, where she and Deacon went skinny dipping? I guess it makes sense that celebs have lots of real estate, but it was never mentioned again. Scarlett and that other ding-dong...Geez, what an effed up plot. His wife comes to you, telling you she's knows some shit's afloat and you still get on stage and sing about falling for someone you've just met, complete with "come hither" eyes. And then she's gonna take the high road by telling him to go back to his wife, but not before she lets him stick his tongue down her throat. I will say that Scarlett looked beautiful last night, hair and makeup wise. Clothes are still fresh off the Goodwill pile though. I enjoyed Daphne and Maddie's scenes together, being happy with each other. I'm glad the Twig and Maddie thing is resolved, because maybe we've seen the last of them. Deacon and his dad...I agree with the others that Chip acted his ass off. I just can't fathom why he isn't more famous. I mean, I had never heard of him before watching Nashville, and anyone I've mentioned him to IRL hasn't either. I really hope he can break out, he's just amazing. I think if show writers ever needed an example of how introducing minor characters can ruin a show, last night's episode was it. They've run out of time because they've been so focused on people who don't matter (yet we're still having plenty of scenes with them) that the show was chopped into short little segments that didn't even make sense. Avery is at Juliette's with the baby, watching her press conference, then minutes later he's at the bar with Alannah. Gunner sits down to write a song, but we don't even see any of that. (I did love his final product though, along with his "I'm a douchebag jingle.") Suddenly the lady from the cult and her son are back, but we didn't see any of that happen. The cult thing is barely even a thing now, save for her press conference. It was just so all over the place, because they are trying to sling things together at the last minute. They've wasted our time on Alannah, Brad, Jessie, Gideon, the cult, and now we just have to make do with what they pieced together. These writers should never work again. I have to admit I teared up at the preview when they said, "Next on the series finale of Nashville." As much as this show annoys me at times, the thought of no more of these awesome characters,musicians and actors makes me incredibly sad.
  15. In the preview for next week, yes. They are sitting in a restaurant and she asks him why he's not writing again. Or something like that.
  16. They didn't find out that late because before this season even started they announced that it was the final season. So it seems they had time. I do agree that Hayden was leaving either way. That's been obvious since season 4. I am actually surprised she is still on the show.
  17. This show....ugh...I just can't... So the Juliette storyline was the focus of the episode until it wasn't. That was all just dropped so we could see two teenagers having sex and the writers retconning Deacon's dad into Mr. Goodfather. And when Scarlett left the Bluebird, I KNEW she was going to get him. Fuck her meddling self. That must be where Maddie gets it. And all of the sudden she's back on the show without her pet project, like nothing ever changed? Regarding Gideon. I too thought Daphne was going to find him either dead or gone. I actually never saw the drinking coming. I didn't assume everything was magically fixed, but I didn't expect them to open this can of worms so late in the game. Ridiculous. And it bothers me that they've never addressed Beverly dying with him. That's not a big thing really, but a conversation I'd like to have seen. I like Twig and Maddie together because she seems like less of a douche with him. But he did her wrong. Of course Jonah is his livelihood so I guess it makes sense. In the end though, I'd like to see them end up together. Alannah looked gorgeous last night. I'm not worried about her and Avery. We all know he'll either be back with Juliette or with no one. When she said, " I need more time," my teenage son said, "Well, you better hurry up lady. You only have 2 more episodes!" And Emily and Glenn were back! Hurray I loved the millisecond scene with the guys, but it seemed like it was just a piece meal for Will and Gunner to be in the episode. The preview for next week? Ugh...Not looking happy or resolved. ! I really hope they don't have Cadence be really sick. It crossed my mind that they'll give her leukemia since they kept mentioning the fevers. The reason I thought that is because they seem to be about raising awareness and Chip Esten's big cause is leukemia research since his daughter had it as a child. BTW, did anyone catch that was his daughter in the Bluebird scene? I totally did! And Scarlett and Gunner meeting up again? Who didn't see that coming? It's hard for me to fathom that the writers knew from the get-go that this was the last season and this is the best they came up with.
  18. Rewatching season 1 for the umpteenth time and I have come to the realization that I may be one of the few who actually liked Deacon and Juliette sleeping together. They have chemistry, and it's much better than the co-dependent doormat he was with Rayna, and the mental counselor he is with Jessie. I liked him with Megan too.
  19. That's really exciting! He's easily my favorite cast member, though I'd never heard of him before watching Nashville. He is so talented, and should be much more famous than he is.
  20. Chip has picked up a new role in a show called Tell Me Your Secrets on TNT. I am happy for him, but I do hope he continues his music career too! https://tvline.com/2018/07/09/charles-esten-cast-tell-me-your-secrets-tnt-nashville/
  21. I have wondered if there was some jealousy on Clare's husband's part regarding Sam. I knew they didn't get along, but I have also heard that Clare's husband wanted to be on the show as her love interest and well...thank God that never happened.
  22. Oh y'all, this episode gives me hope that all will end well. Deacon at the AA meeting was priceless...I've been waiting for a scene like that for over a year. I think to not even show him at a meeting after Rayna died was really misguided. That's when he would have needed support the most. So, I'm glad to see him back at AA. I even teared up when he put his hand on his dad's back at the end. But the preview shows more fighting so... Julliette's response surprised me, but maybe it shows some growth. I am tired of her "I'd take it all back if I could" line though. How many times have we heard that? Good for Avery for being strong, though I wouldn't have left my child alone with her. I love Juliette, but she doesn't get to just waltz back in like nothing ever happened. And I am so excited that Glenn will be back! I actually liked Alannah last night. I hope she steps aside for Javery to commence. And I believe she will take down Brad. I never really rooted for Jessie and Deacon until the scene last night. If she can get past her drama and Brad goes away, I think they can make a go of it. I truly want to see Deacon happy at the end. And not just scrubbing pots in the kitchen. I loved Sean telling Scarlett off. Kudos to Daphne. And I totally laughed when she flounced into the car and Maddie was like, "What's your problem?" This episode had shades of the old Nashville. No Gunnar or Will though.
  23. This show breaks my heart more each week. Last night was so painfully boring that I loaded the freaking dishwasher during it. The storylines are just so disjointed. These writers just didn't give a damn. Even my husband, who only watched all the seasons on Hulu last month for the first time said, "There is no way Avery would date that purple hair chick." I love Daphne, but I can't understand a word she says when she's singing. I did enjoy seeing Deacon a little weepy over Rayna. And I hope the break-up sticks. Not that I don't want him to move on, but there is too much drama with Jessie. And the whole Scarlett storyline seems like it's not even part of the show. It's like watching an unrelated commercial in the midst of the episode. As insufferable as she is, I'd much rather see her and Gunnar mind-screwing each other. I was so excited to see that Juliette will appear in the next episode. But I totally agree with the above poster who said Avery better not have to apologize. He's done NOTHING but be there for her and raise their daughter. She should be kissing the ground he walks on.
  24. Eh, this one was a little boring. I agree with your assessments. I'm ready for the Deacon and Jessie ship to sink. Honestly, as much as I love Deacon, if I were Jessie I'd end it. I could never let a man cause me to lose my child. And I don't even think Deacon was in the wrong. But you sacrifice for your kids. Can't stand Alannah. She's so slimy and calculating. And what is up with the high waisted pants? I'm not worried about their relationship though. We all know he and Juliette will be back together, especially since she's pregnant again. I can't believe they are gonna go there with the Rayna coming back. I'm sure it's just a dream or vision, but still.
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