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Everything posted by jukie

  1. I don't believe that there is a requirement for the boys to have their own rooms, growing up as the youngest of 6, my two oldest brothers shared until they moved out, my sisters shared until they moved out, my bother and I shared until I was 13, we always had a guest room, not sharing was not an option, dependent on the size of the rooms we had bunk beds or two singles. Sharing a room is a good thing in my opinion, you learn to share, you can have late night chats, you learn to tolerate others and if they do decide to have another blessing where are they going to put it?
  2. It is a wonder I am still around, I was a sickly child growing up, living in middle eastern countries due to my fathers postings...I had German measles (Rubella), Mumps, Chicken pox, bronchial phenomena. I obviously survived 🙂 however there are lasting affects, my immune system is compromised, I am susceptible to every bug going, and it hits me hard, my digestion system sucks, I get lung infections every winter, and I have lasting memories of the hallucinations I had as a child when I had the mumps, and being segregated from male family members for two months. Immunization needs to be done to protect the herd, for those that cannot get the shots.........ugh it makes me so mad!
  3. Love this! I didn' say the hair dresser did a good job at it, Jingers version is for wall huggers lol! 🙂
  4. I wonder if Jinger's colour is a 'half head'? I have so much hair that a full head of highlights and roots took from 11am to 4:30pm the last time I had them done, my hairdresser and I discussed having a 'half head' done instead which makes it look like you have highlights throughout your hair with your hair down, but if you put your hair up you will see that the back of your head hasn't had any. It doesnt work for me as I wear my hair up a lot, but if you a. wear you hair down all the time, b. want to save some money, c. dont have time to spend at the hairdressers, a 'half head' makes sense.
  5. She looks fabulous, I hope Derrrrrick and others compliment her so that she feels a little extra perk in her step because that is a big step for her.
  6. Well this is where the phrase 'don't throw the baby out with the bath water comes from'.... I am not sure if the story is correct but we were always told when growing up that a family bathed once a week, the man of the house got the first go, and on it went through the family to the baby, and the water was so dirty.... I grew up youngest of six, and although I didnt share baths with my siblings due to age gaps I did share with my cousins, and family albums are full of 2,3 ,4 plus children all in the bath together. I love a hot steaming bath, (I am guilty of fainting in my younger days when I got out as the cold air was such a contrast to the hot water in the bath) I will have a shower to cleaning myself and then I have a bath to relax and unwind....and since I have normally used all the hot water Mr Jukie has been known to get after me as the water is still so hot 🙂
  7. From watching another 'youtuber' they said that 100,000 views equals about $2000.
  8. urm, I go to bed with wet hair sometimes cause I am a. too tired to spend the hour it will take to dry it b. I am sometimes to lazy to dry it 🙂 I have a lot of thick wavy hair and it takes a lot of work to dry it and sometimes...well I just don't lol!
  9. I will take myself to the prayer closest...but I see the joker when I see that chin
  10. above everything all I see is the lack of Health and Safety, I am trying to spot if they are even wearing steel toed shoes while operating those saws.....
  11. White gravy, sorry this is a foreign concept to me, is it like a bechamel sauce?
  12. What is on that plate? it looks like something a cat would throw up?
  13. Seriously... Israel you are not perfect, but your siblings may well be.... In this house we always throw out the the first pancake as it's a dud....I don't have children but I am pretty sure even in my unmaternal brain I would know this is not an appropriate comparison to my offspring!
  14. If I read this right, unless they had licenses/permits for them there guns, they broke the law in the Bahama's https://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/bahamas
  15. As they say (whoever 'they' are) that you never know what happens behind closed doors. These two may well be going at it like two teenagers when the parents are away for a weekend....but if I had to guess it's going to be 'Wednesday night sex' you know where you enjoy it but you go through the motions a bit, nothing too exciting happens and you role over and go to sleep. It will have none of the passion of being able to make your toes curl, your finger nails bite the inside of your clench fist or the slow meandering sex of a Sunday afternoon where you explore each other and fall asleep in each others arms for an hour or two. I am now going to invest in the brain bleach to remove these thoughts from my brain.
  16. I am going to have to admit, I think Abbie looks lovely in that dress (top/skirt combo?) and I don't see much wrong with what JD is wearing, but then Mr Jukie wears jeans or shorts all year round, and if he has to wear 'slacks/pants' it is panic stations to try and find them in the wardrobe. These two come across as a young couple who are enjoying each other, as all newly weds should, they seem to have a genuine connection.
  17. He got to the title page, and that will be the end of his learning of New Testament Greek
  18. Thank god I am not married to a fundy, because having sex 5 to 6 times a week would kill me, this girl has to get up for work at 5:30 am in the morning, and I need my sleep 😂
  19. I was on the good ole twitterverse and I saw an article linked by the 'Quiet Interesting uikipedia' Normally I would scroll on by...but I just thought of our Jilly and her love of the emojis and her need for affirmation and validation from her #besthubbieever and her need to lotion
  20. I am amazed that they didn't superimpose 'NIKE' on those 'skirts'
  21. Joy in a skirt I can understand, 1. she is used to wearing them 2. the cool breeze up the skirt....well might be refreshing lol. But Gideon in jeans, he must have been so hot but it looks like it was dusk so maybe the air was a bit cooler?
  22. My Mum had 6 by 30 just (I was born exactly 1 month after her 30th birthday) but we are talking the 60' and 70's in Ireland where precautions were not readily available and she was done after me, literally lol!
  23. I think the suit is similar to one of these, where the flotation is part of the suit. I am a little impressed the child is in something that is giving him sun protection (sleeve) https://www.swimoutlet.com/p/swimline-lycra-floating-swim-trainer-44361/?q=1&richrelevance&PersonalizedClickCP&generic_page.rr1
  24. When I read Jill's 'Sermon on Sex' I kept thinking about that circa 1950's how to be a good housewife article ... http://realhonestmom.com/happened-lived-life-according-1955-good-wifes-guide/
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