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I really hope Melanie comes back next year and makes the team. Her look reminded me of Sydney Durso.
Question: So the actual Dallas Cowboys are really good at football this year. They are pretty much guaranteed a home playoff game this year...if not multiple home playoff games. but if the Cowboys make the Super Bowl, I'm assuming the cheerleaders will travel to that event. Does anyone know if the entire team travels to the Super Bowl or is it just Show Group?
I'm just catching this Marrisa story. I feel so bad for her. Those text messages can so easily be faked. Yikes this has Colton Cassie vibes from the Bachelor. That's not just creepy its downright scary. Besides there really wouldn't be a market for a tell all book about DCC Making the Team. The show itself is the book. It's pretty darn transparent.
Haven't posted in awhile... Just wanted to say....this is by far my favorite Rookie Class for DCC KayDianna - She seems fearless and is such a fresh update to DCC Rebecca - So cool to have a Dallas girl that crushes at dance be humble enough to come home and rock the uniform. Lea - Unique look and obviously an amazing dancer. Kelee - So beautiful and such a amazing look for DCC. Tori - Just so humble, she wants to be that amazing ambassador and not looking for a platform or attention. K&J gets a lot of heat on this board from time to time, they crushed it with this rookie class.
Made it to page 59...wow question - Does anyone know why rookie last year Taylor P retired?
So I'm going through all 100 pages and wow...on or around page 40 something... 1) Stunned Hannah was cut 2) Not stunned Meredith was cut. Not to sound cruel...she's awesome, always liked her....but she was like 28 or 29 years old I believe, not the strongest DCC style dancer and barely made the squad last year. Maybe not the right fit in 2020. 3) Brennan's cut....wow she had Covid19 twice already??? Yikes...I wonder if DCC got a little gun shy to have her on the squad. I know that sounds unfair but who knows. I'm not trying to throw her under the bus either for having Covid19 twice, it happens. 4) So Hannah, Meredith and Brennan were all in Victoria's group last year. Whoa....my parents always expressed not to believe in coincidences. Makes you wonder. I'm neutral on VK, I think she's been a fine DCC, but if just some of the insider information we are getting has any truth to it, then that might not be a coincidence.
OMG, I've been out of the loop on DCC for months and see there is a 100 pages posted on the board....what did I miss, did anything crazy happen? This is going to take a while to go through this. Wish me luck.
So DCC doesn't need a Football Season to still make an amazing impact on the community...but how can they pull off a safe auditions. I get it, you have the first round via video. Wouldn't it be safer just bring back all 37, or if 4 retire bring back 33 and just make that the squad. Maybe cancel Auditions at this point. I'm curious to see how K&J pull this off, I'm sure they are up for the task. Just seems like DCC Auditions will force people(candidates and family) to travel from around the country to Dallas, just increasing the chances of spread of COVID19. K&J should ask everyone to not retire and come back. This is not the time for Amy or Tess to retire, DCC needs them more than ever now.
Was their Instagram hacked.....that's a rather bizarre caption to that picture.
Lauren and Bret were so classy....really hope both return next year.
Why do I have this weird feeling that the final two houseguests sitting in the chairs will be Holly and Kat.... Holly is kinda wallpaper and Kat is playing this dumb personality....something tells me they will slay the rest of these house guests as everyone underestimates them.