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  1. THIS. After the Brennan/Hannah fiasco I am done. I love the boards and follow a lot of the old cheerleaders, but the show? Dunzo. Not a big fan of bullying and emotional abuse. Empowering women my arse.
  2. I’ve had time to mull and grieve and rage. I bought the last episode so I could watch Brennan and Hannah be the queens they are, but that was the only episode I could stomach this season. I, like Brennan, have a lot I’d like to say, but refuse to give TPTB any more of my energy. So, nothing against the new rookies, I’m sure they’re something, but I just hate it. I hate the whole thing. The lack of character, support, or concern those women showed the last three vets (who were frankly some of the classiest women to ever grace the organization) broke my heart. Sisterhood my arse. I wish the current squad (and most especially the cut vets) well, but I’m done. I can’t in good conscience support this team anymore. I’ll keep following the boards, because I love YOU all, but no. What I watched was cruel and calculated. It heartbreak for sport, during a pandemic where the trauma these women (and all of us) cannot fully be comprehended. Who does this? I just... felt sick. Still do. Those gorgeous women will pull through, I know. They are much too good for the Cowboys organization and I look forward to watching them blossom. I’ve been sending Hannah DMs because I worry— but she’s so resilient and such a fighter, I know her battle to de-stigmatize mental illness and journey to help others will literally save lives. What a warrior. Let’s continue to support them in the way they deserve and continue to lift each other up as well. Love you. Thank you for providing such a fun, safe place to share our thoughts, feelings, and love of dance and community. Stay safe. ❤️❤️❤️
  3. Thank you. Sincerely. 🥰❤️
  4. FREAKING THIS. So does not only does this incredible woman suffer from mental illness, but she’s served as a beacon of light and HOPE to others who also suffer from mental illness, despite the stigma—which is ALIVE AND WELL. Additionally, her mom is on the front lines fighting Covid. So she gets to worry about her mother on a daily basis, her dancing (which is superb), all while attending school full-time, and dancing in an unsafe (physically, mentally, and emotionally) environment. As a woman with mental illness herself, I am absolutely at my breaking point and have been since June. The amount of medication I’m taking almost scares me. Yes I have a psychiatrist and yes I have a therapist— I meet with them twice a week. I recently lost my grandfather to Covid. It was difficult, but he was old and had health problems and we could see it coming. If I lost a parent? One of the few people on the planet who truly understands me, my fight, my plight, my heart, and loves me unconditionally? I would be over. Done. I hate them for this. I really do. I’ve watched from the beginning but not this season, and never again. This is so gross. And the gaslighting and verbal abuse? Intolerable. I am incensed by the Hannah portrayal. I know how these things work, I’ve danced on a world-class team, and I’ve had more than six friends go on to be professionals on dancing with the stars. I’ve also had two friends make top five on so you think you can dance. I get the dance world. I lived in the dance world. I understand the ugly below the surface crap that takes place. But in much the same way someone had to stand up and say enough with the Me Too (RIP Taylor) movement, this has to stop. They’ve been given a national stage with a varied audience. Use it or lose it. And right now I’m ready to burn it to the ground.
  5. I’ve been trying to stay off the boards because I’m not watching this season, but YouTube suggested a mini clip involving the most recent episode, and like an idiot I watched it. And now I’m a frothing, pissed off, honey badger. Kat? Is a disaster. No spinning it. She bad. Hannah too pale? DEEEEEEEP BREATHES. Someone gonna die. I know these ladies have heard of self tanner. She’s incredible. If you’d like her to smile more, be less fierce (something she’s been praised up and down for) then TELL HER, and I’m sorry Brennan looked fandamntastic. Watching Hannah’s Instagram stories with her mom in PPE gear just breaks my heart. That this is the reason she was cut makes me want to BURN THINGS. We lost an elementary school teacher at my son’s school to covid and my grandfather. That they’re pretending this is anything other than what it is has me rabid. Anyway. I have missed y’all. I’m off to take a Xanax and do some deep breathing. Maybe purchase a voodoo doll...
  6. Mormon here. They don’t care. Utah has more plastic surgeons than any other state. Which... ughhh.. but to each their own.
  7. Same. My first year just not watching. I can’t get over Brennan and Hannah. Frankly, it’s just gross. Kelli is the consummate mean girl, and those two ladies brought more class and authenticity to the team than anyone else in my opinion. Hannah being so open about her mental health issues?! Freaking badass. Brennan with her persistence and maturity? Incredible. If they’re just looking for yes m’am bimbos, they’re a dime a dozen. And I’m not saying they all are, but when people show you who they really are? Believe them. I’d take those two class acts over 3/4 the team. All I can say is ladies you are free, run and don’t look back. You’re way too good for this organization and I just can’t support them anymore.
  8. Yeah, I’ll start the gofundme. And I’m Mormon. #darktimes #drinksonus
  9. It’s either her or Rachel. Deep breathes. DEEEEEEEP breathes.
  10. She’s my all time fav.
  11. They cut HANNAH. All rational thought has left the building and lit itself on fire. For SURE Vic will be point. Possibly with flaming batons.
  12. I grew up near Farr West. It’s legitimately like cows. And tumble weeds. BUT, the quality of dance training is OFF THE CHARTS throughout the whole state.
  13. I’ve wondered about this over the past couple of days. I think Shaina would have made the team if she’d gone public with her grief. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that's what Kelly (and the show) was hoping for— especially after Kelly was SO VISIBLY BOTHERED with Shaina approaching her privately later. I’m super impressed with her for not exploiting this tragedy for personal gain. Girlfriend respected herself, her emotional boundaries, AND those involved, by not dancing when the puppet masters cranked up the music, and THAT is maturity and grace. What a beautiful human being. It’s unfortunate there’s not a yes, no, maybe, category for those characteristics.
  14. I’ve wondered about this as well. Why are they dressed for a cold winter’s day in the forest? Are they not roasting? I was also a little surprised by tyce’s demeanor. At one point I even wondered if he was a titch drunk? I’m glad he was able to see them in their element though. Because they really are quite special in what they do. And lastly, food for thought. I am so pro Jaylyn it’s almost ridiculous. Is there any way she didn’t make showgroup because of her stiffness when she talks to people? When Kelli was talking to Judy about Kat’s ability to always keep a conversation going, my brain paused... because my guess is that this would be an issue for some of the ladies. My girl Jaylyn is beautiful and oh so talented, but of what we’ve been shown of her one in one time with TPTB in this season and last, she’s a little tense. I’m still mightily miffed about showgroup, MIGHTILY, but wonder if maybe that was a factor?
  15. It was her signature move, but I don’t think TPTB are really interested in subtlety or nuance—which she could also do very well. When they fawn over Amy, (she’s darling and has a great personality for cheerleading, definitely) girl’s technique is... not good. Full stop. They’re want flash in a pan, power, and projection. Which is great. They’re cheerleaders, they should. Holly’s ability and control was bananas. Soooo good. I think she showed off cuz she was bored. Just a guess. And she could. Big fish, small pond. I don’t think there’s anyway she’d malfunction on purpose. She’s TOO GOOD. Taking the spotlight away from what she does best would be so beneath her, and frankly insulting to a highly trained dancer. This.
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