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  1. That's why I didn't like this episode the killer's motive was stupid. I thought the executive would have made a better murderer she could have thought her husband and Tara were having an affair.
  2. I liked last week's episode more than this one. I did love the diner scene and the end with Ava and Elliott. I'd like to know about Morgan's history where is her family? She doesn't seem to have parents or extended family. Next week's episode looks great.
  3. I'm very happy I hope they don't drag out the plot regarding Ava's dad. I hope the season has more than thirteen episodes.
  4. That was a great game. I was yelling Gonzo at the tv he's my favorite Muppet. Neil proved that you have to something about everything to win Jeopardy. I was happy to see the celebrities picked smaller charities for donations.
  5. According to Wikipedia the title of the eleventh episode is Thorapy 2 Abandonment Issues. I wonder who has the issue Thorfinn or Flower?
  6. I thought Tom was laying a guilt trip on Morgan she was probably busy with her kids that's why she didn't call back. Announcers often have catch phrases that's where Tiddledywinks came from. I don't see any chemistry between Morgan and Karadec they are better off as partners. I think it's refreshing that Morgan and her ex-husband are still friends. I love Kaitlin Olson on this show I can't stand Dee from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I think the kids are great I didn't mind Ava being upset about her dad.
  7. Can you create a forum for High Potential please?
  8. I felt bad for Janine she thrives on having a routine so learning a new teaching method would be hard her. Ava used to be poor why does she not know how to date a poor person?
  9. This episode was better than last week but it wasn't funny. I felt bad for Janine she thinks her students success reflects badly on her which it doesn't. I don't understand why Jacob doesn't have a car or why he didn't ask RJ what was wrong.
  10. I just saw the ad for next week's episode. Hetty is looking at a computer screen and lets out a scream. I think she learns that she's Irish which relates to the pillow on the desk. I'm glad to see Hetty get a main plotline.
  11. I watched the first episode of this series and I loved it. I really liked Baylen and her whole family. I had a coworker who had the same tics as Baylen does. She carried cards with information about Tourette's syndrome in case someone was offended by her vocal tics. I would encourage Baylen to meet others who are like her and can offer support.
  12. Brady isn't the first person to get the same break. Remember Jason Whitten on Monday Night Football?
  13. I think all the families featured on this show need counseling to avoid becoming hoarders.
  14. Roman Zaragosa who plays Sass is in his twenties we don't know how old any of the ghosts were when they died.
  15. That's true especially since lifespans were so short. CBS might not approve a storyline with a fourteen year old leaving home.
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