I started disliking Barbara in Sick Day when she put down Janine behind her back. I really hated her in Librarian when she was willing to ruin a benefit for the other teachers because she couldn't get her own way.
This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I don't like Barbara she's annoying. I would have dropped the music class if I were the kids. It was nice to see how much Ava and the staff missed each other.
Did anyone watch the Hollywood Demons about Stephen Collins? It was chilling we are lucky that he did not have as many victims as Bill Cosby. It was disgusting that he tried to blame his ten-year-old victim.
Kareem's tower looked ugly and disorganized. What do the judges have against female bakers? Three bakers gone all women I know Lauren left due to illness but it still counts.
I stopped watching Buffy when they claimed Dawn was Buffy's younger sister. Were we supposed to forget that she was an only when the series started? I hate retconning.
TV Tropes has titles for upcoming episodes. The title for the eighteenth episode is Pinkus returns. I can't wait Trevor is one of my favorite characters. I love how Ghosts pays attention to minor characters.
Abbott is still understaffed. A large school should have a counselor librarian or a nurse. The teachers should bill the district for everything they have done on their own.
You aren't always going to like your colleagues so I'm fine with them not liking Mr. Morton. He seems like he doesn't care if they are his friends or not. Janine did invite him to her party last year.
Ava and Janine are my favorite characters on the show. Ava isn't mentioned in the summary for the next episode. If the district gave Abbott what they needed the staff wouldn't need to bribe anybody. Janine was asking for new computers in season two. Ava took the blame because she knew she had been scammimg for a long time.
If you watch Jeopardy on channel 4 in Boston it will be on channel 38 today and tomorrow. Jeopardy will be on channel 38 next Thursday and Friday as will.