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little hermit

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  1. I can't turn the channel or mute this commercial fast enough. He sounds so creepy and his voice hurts my ears.
  2. My first smile of the day! It's almost been 2 weeks since the finale and as I go about my day suddenly without reason a vision of Jeff screaming "This is what I live for!" goes off in my brain and I cringe.
  3. Did anyone notice in the last episode Max was saying they hadn't had anything to eat yet he was baiting an Alligator line with a fresh catfish head?
  4. I can't stand any of the Goli commercial espesially the ones with JLo.
  5. Has anyone ever seen Max without the beard? Was he born with it?!
  6. Joe is hollering at the Democratic candidates about why they are going to lose and I'm turning the channel
  7. Nevermind the F-up above I'll learn someday. Joe's talking about FDR sitting around with Elinor, eating crumpets, talking with self-righteous indignation; and you JOE? He is beginning a segment regarding the Biden issue of yesterday by schooling the others at the table and us...and the debate begins. Joe to Joe B: "Joe, stick to script". I hope Joe B got up to watch and is listening. Is it just me or do Joe's eyes look really puffy today?
  8. I think he said he won't speak publicly about this again.
  9. I agree Mueller should testify but Joe was getting his panties in a wad! Marriane Williamson was on a CNN town hall but I didn't watch her. I don't know what qualifies an author of inspirational books as a candidate for president. I would like to have seen Seth Mouton and Steve Bullock get a slot before several of the ones that did.
  10. I hate the guy from the Ameritrade commercial, and don jr has grown the same type of beard. If I see one I think of the other; not a pleasant thought.
  11. It's Joe's book club segment now.
  12. Joe cracks himself up (and Mika Mouse-a thinks he's a hoot (queue Mika slapping Joe on the shoulder and turning away while she makes a 'piff' facial expression!). Was the Black guy the same one who held up the sign 'Blacks For trump'?
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