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Posts posted by rideashire

  1. 5 minutes ago, ClaireS said:

    No I meant there’s no ceremony or anything else.  He’s REALLY cool...?

    Thanks for posting this because now I can watch next week without covering my face and watching between my fingers while I wait for the show to dash my hopes for him. I'm so glad he's a good one.

    • Love 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    I'm not into playing coy-this is a spoiler thread, if you have spoilers then spill! :-) There's a summary farther up. It should still be there. Basically,though:

    - Emily stabs Aunt Lydia

    - Serena Joy gets he finger cut off after she starts reading from Eden's Bible

    - A house fire starts across the street. During the pandemonium, a truck pulls up to June. It's got Emily and Commander Lawrence. Apparenty, the Marthas created an escape plan. Serena Joy begs June not to go but, in the end, releases Holly. Rather than leaving herself, June gives Holly to Emily and they leave. 

    - Fred tells June that they'll try for a boy. 

    Thanks for that summary!

    Also, what the......

    There better be a good reason why June doesn't go too. She can't rescue Hannah from inside Gilead because look how well that's worked out so far. She needs to get out. I'm not one for victim blaming, but unless the show convinces me this is 100% the right choice I can feel my sympathy waning for June.

    In addition, say goodbye to that finger, Serena. Somehow, still not enough.

    • Love 5
  3. Cindy needs to just buy herself a good vibrator and let Troy go. It's really weird to see her so concerned about sex every damn second and then see Troy just being so happy that she might not leave.

    Seems to me that she just doesn't want to lose the penis and will do whatever to keep it.

    • Love 12
  4. 2 minutes ago, chocolatine said:


    I found the episode really hard to watch because it was telegraphed that any of June's attempts to get the car out of the garage would be futile. And even if she'd gotten the car out, she was already in the middle of labor. You can't drive while giving birth, and you can't drive with a newborn without a carseat. At least both the baby and June made it through the birth alive, so that's a positive.

    I think if given the chance she would have tried to pop that baby out with her foot still on the pedal and then held it in her lap while she drove to canada ;)

    I wonder why she didn't use the shovel to get some leverage under the door, but that's just me thinking up reasons for why it maybe could have worked when there are none because that was never the writer's plan.

    Also, I agree with whoever up there said it sounded like Oprah on the radio. It's somehow comforting to think that Oprah prevails even through Gilead, sending uplifting songs to those still stuck and giving updates on the status of what's left of America.

    • Love 8
  5. I couldn't even get interested in this episode because I knew she wouldn't escape. Why bother hoping when there's no chance and one thing this show does really well is strangle any ounce of hope I have. I need one good thing to happen before I start wondering why I torture myself every week.

    If it ends out this season with everyone miserable I'm gonna flip a table. 

    • Love 24
  6. I just wanna know how Gordon stays so wide awake and on the ball after 24 hours of no sleep, or if he's secretly napping in the trailer for six-eight hours while the staff does the work. Because I've been awake for that long and it's awful. No amount of coffee helps. Also, seems like they're setting the staff (the ones who are forced to stay up) up for failure by expecting them to do well with the changes being that tired.

    • Love 6
  7. I think Craig has a good heart and I find him endearing, usually, but he's not making it easy to root for him. He seems to be lacking direction even more than before. He's young enough to still be able to do whatever he wants, even if that's not being a lawyer, but he isn't putting forth real effort into other areas either. I think he's probably bullshitting around because he can live off the bravo paycheck and he's not thinking further ahead yet.


    Cameron looks amazing so soon after having a baby.

    • Love 22
  8. 9 minutes ago, whoknowswho said:

    I just had to come and see if anyone had the same thought I did. So far, no one has.

    June told Waterford--he'll never know what it's like to have a child. I think HE staged this entire thing--he doesn't want another man's kid. When he said she deserved it (the drive, to see Hannah)--he meant what's going to happen to Nick.  Waterford's doesn't get stuck with a kid he didn't sire.  This is about Waterford's control.

    Fuck him, fuck Serena. May they die slowly and painfully.

    Nick, hope you can hang on somehow...

    The completely remote location would fit with this theory. There’s no reason to go out to the actual middle of nowhere, they could have met somewhere closer to civilization and still taken precautions.

    If Fred set this up to strand her out there then of course they’d be in the sticks where she could just die of exposure or childbirth, or even if she escapes maybe he doesn’t give a shit.

    The only thing I’m wondering is didn’t Serena tell him already a while ago that the baby wasn’t his? So this wouldn’t be a surprise now, right? Also, it seems odd to actually have her kid there if he did plan this, rather than just having Nick drive her out unaware, then shoot Nick and leave her behind. No kid. Or, kill them both.


    • Love 11
  9. 1 minute ago, spankydoll said:

    Nicole and her family have repeatedly mentioned sending Azan money. This came up last season also. 

    I guess I assumed whatever amount she could afford to send him wouldn't be worth the hassle of dealing with her. She's not a high roller by any means. It probably adds up over time, though.

    • Love 5
  10. Not trying to body shame anyone, I swear....but....is Carol really that thin or does she just have no ass? Half the time I'm concerned and the other half I'm not quite sure. She's confusing me.

    Also, that first dress Tinsley tried on was hideous. Does anyone know if she and Scott are still together? If they are and not engaged yet he's probably cringing at this episode.

    • Love 7
  11. Just now, Pachengala said:

    And also bullshit to that because just last episode we saw a baby dying and she did nothing, so fuck you Aunt Lydia and your protecting babies bullshit.

    Wait what, how did I forget this already, lol. Do I just have a bad memory? (not unheard of, it actually is swiss cheese)

    I only remember the baby almost dying from unknown causes (or at least the doc would not outright say) but I don't remember Aunt Lydia doing anything weird. What could she have done in that situation anyway? It's not like someone was actively hurting the child, she was in the hospital, she was apparently getting care. I'm not saying Lydia is golden just that I'm not sure she's to blame for any of that.

    • Love 8
  12. @Callaphera That's an interesting perspective on Nick.

    I think both Eden and Nick are victims here in different ways. He’s been indifferent toward Eden but what else should we except? She’s a stranger to him and he’s already emotionally invested in another woman.

    The only thing that’s going to make Eden happy is to have a husband that seems to want this marriage as much as she does, but she’ll never have that and it’s an unreasonable request of someone that was basically married off against their will. I think to him, giving her space, telling her to do whatever she wants, etc is trying to be kind, but it’s got to be difficult to give Eden anymore than he already has considering the situation. And considering she’s a child. She’s supposed to be fifteen on the show, right? I would imagine he’s got some moral issues with all of this as well that might be filtering into his interactions with her.

    I do think he cares about June much more than just liking to fuck her, and it’s not odd to me that just a regular person trying to survive and not having much interest in joining the resistance, would suddenly want to help the cause to keep someone he cares for safe. Isn’t that how people usually get involved in things? They know someone, love someone, have family, etc. that was effected by something and suddenly it’s more important than it was the day before. I don’t think that means he never gave a shit before, but that now he has someone to fight for. Not only that, but now he has a baby to fight for, too.

    Anyway, I’m not trying to sing his praises here, the actor has a weird way about him that honestly makes it difficult for me too and for a while I couldn’t really like his character much just because of that, but I guess he’s grown on me.

    Should I be posting this nick stuff in another thread and not the ep thread? Sorry for the off topic if it is.

    • Love 21
  13. 42 minutes ago, AnswersWanted said:

     I like how horrified Nick became when he realized that he was verbally attacking Eden, even though he did need to make it clear to her that she had to respect his personal space, he was crossing a line, he was becoming a Fred, a man who would use fear and intimidation and panic on his wife to get her to bow and break.

    I also appreciated that. The actor may have trouble emoting sometimes but Nick has really grown on me. He’s a good person, a normal guy that’s been thrust into all this nonsense against his will and is pretty damn horrified at what’s happening.

    I think the last thing he wants is to be like one of them, in any aspect, and it’s interesting to see the difference between him and his unwanted wife and Fred and Serena.

    If that child knew half of what was going on around her she’d realize she didn’t draw the short stick after all.

    • Love 12
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