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Posts posted by rideashire

  1. Corey, every time you buy a chicken at the store in america how do you think it gets there? It's not magic. An animals dies either way so don't pretend to be better than the people in your new home when watching how they prepare their food. Those chickens probably get better attention and care than the ones in big factories in america.

    Having said that, if I had to pick a chicken it would be wearing a collar and leash and living in my house forever, I guess, because nah bro.

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  2. 19 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    I haven’t looked because I don’t really care but is Shep getting raked over the coals for going to a breeder and not getting a rescue? I think Patricia and Chelsea’s dogs are rescues and well Elvis is a 16 year old freeloader and Naomie does a lot of work with rescue organization and fosters dogs and cats it seems weird for a Bravo “celeb” to shop not adopt a dog.

    Also, suck it Shep and Craig if I had Cam’s house, backyard, dock and boat I also wouldn’t leave.! 

    I'm just happy he didn't get a Doodle. If he went to a reputable breeder then good for him for doing a little research, but a nice farm doesn't make a good breeder so who really knows.

  3. Craig is losing it. I almost wonder if it's the constant poking by the group that's made it easy to snap, but at the same time he clearly lost a bunch of marbles this ep and that's on him. 

    Shep, however, takes the cake with defending his use of white trash hairdresser and then saying he doesn't want to be around "rednecks". Classy. They always give his behavior a pass and that's obnoxious.

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  4. I'm no Chantel fan but I feel for her in this ep, and I just want her to stop chasing this guy who clearly doesn't love her anymore (or maybe never did). Have some self respect and dump his ass. What she sees in him anymore is beyond me, he treats her terribly and always chooses literally anyone else over her.

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  5. Drusilla never stood a chance the moment her mother named her. Anyone seen Buffy? Drusilla was a crazy, murdering vampire. There's a very high chance she named her after that character, because you don't just pull that name out of thin air.

    She knew and she did it anyway. Set that poor child up to fail from the jump.

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  6. Women have been having babies outside of hospitals for a long, long time, so I feel like the home birth itself is not the worst idea ever, but just that she probably underestimated the pain and how easily things could go wrong if they do.

    If I ever had to push out a baby I'd get all the drugs I'm allowed. In fact, if there's a service where they could just knock me out and then I wake up to a baby that would be ideal.

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  7. 8 hours ago, mandymax said:

    I've never really understood why people were so quick to defend Craig, as he's been shown to be one of the laziest people I've ever seen in "action."  For someone who has had such incredible opportunities handed to him as a result of this show, he certainly doesn't seem to grasp how fortunate he is and instead is wasting it all with no foresight to recognize that one day, all of this will go away, and he'll then be left to his own devices.

    I think it's because he seems to have a good heart, especially compared to the other men on this show. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't see him bullying anyone or being a dick just to be a dick. He's just as lazy and shiftless as Shep and the others, but he's not calling people white trash in his spare time, for example. 

    Granted, the bar is low on this show, so maybe by now my expectations are warped. 

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