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Posts posted by rideashire

  1. Does this place at least provide pain meds, unlike Kareeny's hospital? Because if not, and considering delivering on the floor is an option, she'd be better off having a home birth. At least then she knows it's clean and she can be in her own bed suffering. Only way I'd consider that is if they could hook ya up with an epi. No way he'll be able to afford the private hospital.

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  2. Liam is turning out to be a dick for sure, but I also can't really blame him that much for being skeptical and wary and unwilling to "bond" with Aladin. He sees what a mismatch this is and he's worried about his mom, I'd probably be just as bristly with someone if I felt like they were using my mother for a green card. (or entry to canada)

    (of course, my mother would not be stupid enough to fall for this)

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  3. I can't imagine being so completely dependent on what my family thinks of my boyfriend or girlfriend as a grown adult that I let it effect me as much as these people on this show do. 

    I think that's one thing that's always surprising to me, is how deep rooted the families in other cultures are that they could actually break up a potential "romance" because that sort of thing just....is not common here in the us of a. 

    I'm not it's saying good or bad, just a window into the rest of the world I didn't know was such a thing until now.

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  4. 1 hour ago, deedee2 said:

    Tim has to be trans. The whole scripted conversation was hinting at it. I'm finding this storyline so weird ... even by 90DF standards.

    He did say he had a secret to tell her, didn't he? I'm curious if we'll see what that is this week. I could see it that being with his reactions to her comments. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Toodleoo said:

    I like Cam, am fine with the way she handles her marriage/money/parenting...but not so much a fan of her agreeing with “shut the fuck up.” Sure, sometimes it’s justified but Shep’s particular lament and reason for saying it was not.

    That bugged me, too. Call me crazy but on the whole I don't think couples should be telling each other to shut the fuck up. It's called having some respect for the other person. 

    Austin continues to be disappointing and now he's still friends with Shep, who's a jerk through and through, a self admitted snob and treats Austin like shit, so no idea why he'd want to keep that relationship afloat.

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  6. 1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I am trying to figure out Aladin's end game. 

    I'm also trying to figure it out and have been since these two showed up on my screen. He's attractive and could easily get an american (or canadian, if that's what he's after) woman that is a better match. It almost feels like he's a lazy scammer that took whoever came along first and didn't put much effort into the screening process.

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  7. Akini wants to stop hauling water on her back, that's why she's meeting with Ben. If he thinks there's anything else to it he's got a surprise coming. She may eventually grow fond of him, he seems decent enough, but there's not gonna the romance he expects.

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