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Posts posted by rideashire

  1. There's just something about the way Chantel speaks, with that ever present smirk under it all, that makes me root for pedro's sister and his mom, and I think they're both wrong, too. But damn, Chantel is obnoxious the way she tries to debate. I can't blame family pedro for not wanting anything to do with her.

    • Love 16
  2. I can't help it, I have a soft spot for Craig, I like that he just does what he wants even if it's not traditionally accepted as something he should do despite what everyone else thinks, but...I wish he'd channel that limited energy into something productive. 

    Sew pillows as a hobby if you want, but unless there's some kind of special hook (what hook could there be for pillows?) I don't see it being a career. It feels to me like he's just latching onto something, anything, to avoid using his law degree. 

    In other news, I can't get over what a fixation Shep has for Austin's ex, as if she personally wronged him. He's practically salivating at their breakup and ready to lose it if they get back together, meanwhile it's not his business. The fact that he's so upset with her despite Austin being the one who originally screwed things up just shows what a douche Shep is.

    • Love 20
  3. 1 minute ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

    They are completely jumped the shark with June/Waterfords. They have made me hate Gilead scenes.

    The dynamic has morphed from a toxic sex slave to a frighting familiarity that is sending a dangerous massage about the core of the show.

    June having this kind of dynamic with the Waterfords is unacceptable. Talk about normalizing everything they stand for. I am a bit concern more critics haven't raised alarms over it. Good acting/visuals doesn't make the message they are sending acceptable 

    I feel the same, it's strange and really difficult not to tilt my head and go "wait, what?!" every time they're chatting like old friends after everything that happened. 

    I can accept it easier between June and Serena because she needs her help and it makes sense that Serena might be looking for a nudge to be the hero and June is ready and willing to give it. But, it makes zero sense with Fred. I'm still shocked he apparently forgave her so easily for just stealing the baby and then returning without it. It's like she spilled some coffee instead and he waved it off. 

    • Love 17
  4. Are these houses so damn cavernous that no one can tell when company comes over and stays the night in the handmaid's room, or does Lawrence really not care? Nick just strolled right in and I assume didn't leave for a while and that's totally fine, I guess?

    Also, add me to the list who thought Serena was going to drown herself.

    • Love 12
  5. Kathryn isn't the best when it comes to having consideration for others, but everyone jumping on her about being late and not returning texts just seems pointless. She is who she is, they should know that by now. Either accept it or move on. You know what you're getting into with her, it's no secret.

    Granted, they can't move on unless they wanna be off the show so that's an obstacle. In the real world it's easier to just cut someone out when they cause you that kind of stress, if you can't find a way to accept them and decide dealing with their behavior is worth keeping the friendship. 

    • Love 15
  6. Why was no one on this show more curious about the fact that they still have cell service and electricity but there's no one to run those services? They're happily texting and not trying to get to the bottom of how they are still texting.

    Then they assume it's a parallel world and not that they were in a bus crash and ended up in purgatory or some such thing. I don't know, I just got the feeling that they're all dead, and the final scene of the series only made that seem more clear, but apparently the parallel world concept is confirmed by the writers?

    Weird. I'm not religious but I'd have bet money on them all being stuck in purgatory.

    • Love 2
  7. 1 minute ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    That distressed me.  Ridiculous disrespect for that creature.

    It really bothered me, too. People often find it easier to be cruel to animals that are "ugly" than ones that are cute. If he found a fucking seahorse down there or something pretty/adorable, everyone on the boat would force him to throw it back on the spot. But the slug gets to be a stressed out centerpiece.

    I had to leave the house for the last half of the ep to watch the dogs pee, but I assume they eventually threw him back in right?

    • Love 14
  8. So I hear everyone complaining about how far away Scheana's apartment is and I'm thinking they must be exaggerating so I google the general area and find directions to SUR. How the hell can something 9 miles away take 45 minutes to get to?! 

    I'm not even suggesting that 45 minutes is far, it's not. But for 9 miles it's ridiculous. Cali is a whole 'nother world ya'll. 

    Meanwhile, her new man saying they need a night apart cracked me up. Poor girl, she's so into him even if she says she's not, and he's just....not. That seems to be the story of her life.

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