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Posts posted by rideashire

  1. Seeing Larissa bake in that damn car makes me feel for her. I've been in vegas during the hottest months of the year and when people pull that "oh it's a dry heat it's not so bad" nonsense they are lying liars that lie. They're all lucky they haven't roasted to death in that car yet. Buy her some AC, Coltee.

    • Love 14
  2. 2 minutes ago, Flybutter said:

    So, it appears that the white tow line from the tender (which was taut) was attached to the black stern line (which still had some slack as it sat coiled in the swim platform). When Ashton’s foot got caught in the lines, it was the taut tow line that pulled him in - and the loose stern line followed. Hope that made sense.

    It does make sense, thank you!

    • Love 3
  3. Wait am I the only one that noticed the rope around his ankle was slack all the way into the water? I'm not suggesting anyone is lying, I just don't understand how that was supposed to pull him in. Looked to me like the rope he was holding pulled him, not the one around his ankle?


    Edited to add: clearly it eventually tightened because he has a mark there, but maybe my eyeballs just don't work properly today because I still think it looked slack on the deck. 

    • Love 7
  4. Olga might seem meek right now but I think if he tries to take that baby he won't get very far with that plan. Trying to separate a mother from her newborn is right up there with trying to mess with some bear cubs while the mom watches.

    I think she's smart enough to realize this would not be the best plan and refuse.

    • Love 11
  5. Eric...YES the green card IS what it's all about. She told you to your face. How he can still wonder is beyond me.

    Meanwhile, Leida is more stupid than I thought. She's already in the US, she could have all the 7k bed sets she wants once she becomes a doctor. Suffer a little for now because you didn't pick a better mark and then make your own money. But she had to have a fit and bust herself. 

    • Love 9
  6. Jennifer's house could be really beautiful if it wasn't decorated....like that. Who wants to live in such an empty, sterile space filled with thrones? No thank you. Having said that, I don't like any of the decor in the jersey houses, just not my style, this one takes the cake for most vast and soul sucking, though. 

    Her obsession with bathrooms is odd. You can only shit in one at a time.

    • Love 22
  7. 1 minute ago, hisbunkie said:

    A respectful reminder to those who think Debbie’s relationship is inappropriate. The idea of unmarried children living on their own is a mid 20th Century phenomenon.  It has to do with the movement of families away from the family farm into the city. 

    I would really like to see what Larissa’s living situation was in Brazil.  Did she have her own place?  What kind of work did she do?  How was she supporting herself?

    I’m impressed by the fact that Colt appears to have a respectful and supportive relationship with his mother. This is a good thing. Larissa May see things differently when she begins to yearn for a baby and finds that paying for daycare doesn’t leave much time or money for “being independent “.

    I’m Team Debbie all the way.  

    I think their relationship is...odd, but I also wonder if we've heard anything about what Debbie does for a living? Is he living with her, or is she really living with him? Because it may be a case of him supporting an aging parent and not wanting to embarrass her about it on national tv. 

    Or not. I could be way off.  My cousin had her mother living with her as she became elderly and they got a joint account because it was easier. She only had a small SS check to deposit anyway and it made sense. Perhaps the case here.

    • Love 3
  8. I find it really sad that Steven isn't allowed to be in the room and Olga is all by herself. I can't blame him for being upset. For not learning the rules ahead of time? Yes. But he obviously cares and that's already saying a lot more than a lot of fathers out there.  Poor dude, I hope he eventually gets to be there before the baby is born.

    • Love 11
  9. I have to wonder how awful the wedding nights are for these poor women who've been so sheltered, getting married to equally sheltered men. I sure hope they've all been making good use of the internet at the very least otherwise that's not gonna be much fun. At least not for her. (I can't be the only one thinking that)


    Edited to add: Hot damn that moment when she ducked away from the second attempt at a kiss was awkward. Don't think she liked that first one much as she said.

    • Love 18
  10. Wasn't sure where to ask this, apologies for wrong thread, but just wondering if any of these Duggar kids have totally abandoned this way of life and ran off to NYC or some such place? There's so many of them, surely at least one said "nah, I'm out." and bailed, right?

    Just started watching and am very curious.

    • Love 2
  11. Am I the only one that thinks Dean is full of shit about hazel being down for multiple partners? She didn't look down for ONE partner, the guy she was trying to woo into marrying her. Call me crazy but I'm calling bullshit on specific tidbit of tea. I've never seen anyone so closed off to the idea of physical touch. Nah. 

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