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Posts posted by rideashire

  1. There's something that bugs me about this glory hole through the sheet sex business (something other than the obvious). Aren't the men just screwing themselves with that requirement? What man is going to say "I never want to see another naked woman in my life, not even my wife!" and then agree to this rule? I just find it odd that they'd go so far with married couples.

    The men made the rules. They shot themselves in the foot with that one and I don't get why. Acceptable sacrifice for the greater goal, maybe? I don't know. Hmmm. Just seems odd. I'm over thinking this.

    • Love 12
  2. I didn't like any of those dresses Ashley tried on, maybe I've got terrible taste but I don't care how much they cost....Meh.

    Am I the only one who had a wtf moment when Naomi's roommate said she only showers three times a week? I couldn't tell if he was serious, but is that a normal thing? I feel like if there's 7 days in a week maybe the majority of those should feature a shower, especially for someone that enjoys calling other people lazy like she does with Craig.

    • Love 15
  3. 16 hours ago, jumper sage said:

    I am going to be honest here.  I am not married but have been in a relationship for 22 years.  He had a vasectomy years before we met and neither of us planned on children.  Well I got pregnant and completely freaked out.  I would have nightmares.  When the time came I had to be dragged to the hospital and would not go inside.  They had to drug me in the parking lot and knock me out.  My son came very quickly like within an hour of getting through the doors.  I was completely out and don't feel I miss the "magic" of birth.  I think I actually like my child more for we both woke up from a great buzz.  I learned that vasectomies are not 100%.  I learned that there is no shame in having heavy sedation.  We still use birth control in two forms.  NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN.

    I don't think Cameron was against a child, child and children big difference, I think the whole ordeal of pregnancy and birth maybe was too much for her to process.  I always liked kids and would have probably adopted and it literally took my whole family running around trying not to have me give birth in an alley.  Once he was here I couldn't love him more and was so glad I was literally knocked out cold.  I hated every minute of pregnancy and still have nightmares of the hospital workers freaking out at me that I was going to kill my child.  I am not ashamed and don't get the whole "natural birth" thing.  In Europe they give the mothers Nitrous oxide.  It is standard.  Why must we be forced to be looked down on for a complete knock out like in the old days.  I say, "wake me up when the hairdresser gets here".  It didn't help that in high school they showed us films of actual births.  Scared the shit out of me.

    My point being that being hesitant for birth does not relate at all to being a mother.

    I wasn't trying to shame anyone that was scared of giving birth. I don't have kids. Don't want them. Don't want to give birth to anything. If I was ever unlucky enough to get knocked up I would very likely react the same way you did.

    • Love 3
  4. Just now, Mindthinkr said:

    I think she did it more because she loves her husband and he wanted a family. Not because of pressure from society. 

    You are probably correct too. Personally, I think if a guy wants kids then find a woman who wants kids. Don't try to make the one you have pop out a baby if she'd rather not. That's how you get someone like Cameron who looks like she'd rather jump off a bridge than have that baby. But it was her choice to give in, so I have little sympathy.

    • Love 9
  5. On 4/6/2018 at 9:49 PM, Brattinella said:

    Detective Pini needs to FEED HIS DOG!  Poor Yogi! 

    And a few others need to put their fat dogs on a diet! It's either one or the other, with this show. A fat police dog is a ridiculous thing. I think it's Lore if I remember correctly that looks like a sausage.

    • Love 1
  6. What kind of idiot uses the spray and spray method unless they're on board for kids because news flash....that's how you get kids. I'm surprised she's not already knocked up but I doubt that luck is gonna last.

    Having said that, oddly enough, I do think Jax would be a decent father. Brittney's right in that he's an overgrown child himself and I bet he'd have a blast with his own kids. She's also right in that he won't take care of them any better than he does the dogs. (so maybe take that as a hint to use some birth control, Brit.)

    • Love 7
  7. I'm not a Nene fan but the roach thing was extra below the belt since everyone who lives in the south, Kim included, knows damn well Palmetto bugs are everywhere. You could have the cleanest home and still get attacked by a flying giant roach in your own house. Kim probably has them too. She was trying extra hard with that one.

    • Love 21
  8. 45 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

    It's CC's idea of a bad joke. No you're not. Glen got it, CC missed it.

    I'm one shipper who is NOT squeeing. Really. Didn't really like the moments that much. :\ Saw better ones. Thought that DD and GA did alright in it though. But I liked IWTB's bed scene and the moments in the Truth far better.

    Congrats CC, you managed to out do yourself in terms of not doing much of anything at all. Very, very disappointed with it.

    I am with you. I'm not squeeing either.

    As someone who fell for these two on the show's first run all those years ago this all feels like a slap in the face now. I don't want to know that 20 something years later they're on again/off again, unsure about their relationship, still can't define it, still choose separate motel rooms if given the chance, worried about the other finding someone else. Wtf.

    No. Just no. That whole bed scene was ridiculous and I hear the folks that say it's realistic for a couple that's been together for a while to have doubts but here's the thing, the show is saying they aren't together. Scully flat out said "who would I have this kid with??!" Like she wasn't laying in Mulder's arms at the time and he stopped existing just then. Why would she say such a thing? The show is saying they're fuck buddies now who plan to wheel each other around the nursing home when they're old and that's basically it, and I'm not ok with that in the slightest. Not when this same show tried so hard, for so long to tell me they're two in five billion.

    • Love 9
  9. 1 hour ago, Brooke0707 said:

    I thought Jax looked really disappointed when Britney told him she was giving him another chance. Like there could be a thought bubble over his head: “just what do I need to do to this girl to get her to leave??!”

    I saw that too. I think his thought bubble read something like this: "Challenge accepted."


    There's something so fundamentally wrong with Jax that I sometimes wonder if he had a totally fucked childhood or some sort of traumatic experience that warped his brain. Odds are he's just a garden variety poster boy for therapy and std treatments, but it's almost so weird that I lean toward thinking okay...but why?

    But that might be just me trying to find a reason where there is none, only because I'm not sure I've seen someone this legitimately nuts, self sabotaging and without empathy before on my tv where it wasn't a prime time scripted show.

    • Love 8
  10. 16 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

    The white trash couple who kept calling the cops on each other deserve each other. That woman didn’t seem like a victim, she sounded like a strung out junkie. 


    The problem is, who's to say a strung out junkie isn't also a victim? It doesn't make her any less deserving of help, even if she was high, which she may not have been. They are riding a fine line by pre-judging like they appear to be doing.

    • Love 3
  11. 32 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

    This episode is on now.  I agree with you.  This woman is a victim!  If it was me, I would tell her you know what.  You can just go.  This jerk of a female officer is only trying to get ANOTHER arrest out of this encounter.  They make me sick!

    They did end up arresting her by the end of the episode too and I am just mind boggled about that. It makes zero sense. Pasco county needs further instruction on how to treat victims, it's ridiculous how they handled that.

    • Love 1
  12. WTF is the problem in Pasco county? This cop is so angry with this woman, right off the jump just antagonizing her. I don't get it. She called asking for help....and this is how you treat someone that's quite possibly the victim of domestic violence? Okayyyyy.

    I am started to dislike this cop in Pasco just as much as I dislike Leverett.

    This shit is why women don't ask for help. I'm not saying that the cop could have done anything different, I don't know, but her attitude sure fucking sucks and she could have BEHAVED differently and with more compassion.

    • Love 2
  13. 33 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

    And what the hell are they teaching these cops in Jeffersonville in regards to resuscitating?  Jeez louise, you don't need to JIGGLE the guy!  Is that an authorized treatment?  And why didn't they tell the EMT about bleeding from the mouth??  GAH!  I mean really.  "Wake up, Bub.  Wake up.  Wake up, Bub"...

    It's a test for unconsciousness called the sternal rub, you rasp your knuckles across their mid sternum and it's supposed to get a response from someone because it hurts like hell. They aren't supposed to go at it like that though, especially when someone fails to respond after a reasonable time. Odds are that guy is going to have a very sore chest and a big bruise after all that. They were really going hard on him, I feel bad for him. He's gonna be suffering worse I bet and he doesn't need that on top of his other problems.

    • Love 4
  14. 2 hours ago, scrb said:

    Shep seems to have plenty of money to live well and help fund a comfortable lifestyle.

    He may even be able to pay by himself for a wife and family if he chooses to raise a family.

    So why does he need to have a job or even want to pursue a career?

    If he has the money, why does he have to demonstrate a "get up and go" attitude?


    Should women not be attracted to him because even though he may be a millionaire, he's not trying to make even a bigger fortune?

    Or should he just toil away in some job so he doesn't party all the time?  

    If he has no monetary reason to work, it may be too easy for him to blow off work or just quit.  

    So does Shep, or for that matter all men, need to be type A or an alpha male in order to be attractive to women?

    I can only speak for myself but laziness is not attractive no matter how much money someone has. His lack of work ethic is only a symptom of a larger, overall turn off.

    Someone who has passion for something is attractive. It doesn’t even have to be a job that makes money if that aspect is already covered, but a dude that sleeps till 1pm and sloths around the rest of the day is just….useless? Don’t you LOVE anything? Don’t you feel ambition for ANYTHING?

    I don’t care if it’s some obscure hobby but show you’ve got a reason to get out of bed and change out of your pjs. Banging chicks from the bar doesn’t count.

    If Shep was passionate or creative about any damn thing and showed some motivation of any sort then it would matter a whole lot less that he sleeps all day and has no job.

    Plenty of folks are productive at night. Shep is not. Plenty of people are productive without a “job”. Shep is….not.

    I don’t know, but I think it’s less about wanting him to go make more money and more about wanting to see some spark, instead of dead eyes and a rich but otherwise boring as fuck future.

    It may seem like I'm picking on the guy here and really I'm not trying to, he's harmless enough and seems nice enough, but it's hard to miss the fact that he's aimless.

    • Love 14
  15. Not sure if anyone already mentioned this but why the hell would David schedule his wedding on his daughter's birthday in the first place? I'm not saying she wasn't 100% obnoxious about the whole thing, she was. And I know they aren't close, but this choice just strikes me as really weird. But everything about David is strange. Maybe it was a dig at his kid for being so against Annie?


    32 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

    Am I the only one who sees that Nicole has no one? Her family never says anything nice to her. Like, never. Every word said to her is critical, mean, and demands that she justify her every breath. They constantly throw her past choices in her face, borrow trouble and then judge her about it. "What if this happens? How will you support yourself? What if he won't get a job? This is the second man you told May to call daddy. How much money did you send him? Are you ready to live with that for the rest of your life?" Even her teen brother thought it was his place to start telling her how to live her life.

    I see what you mean. This whole family is sort of caught in that cycle and no one can break out of it. They are constantly scolding her and talking down to her, but she is also constantly doing stupid shit and making poor life choices...which maybe she does in part because her family is relentless....but they are relentless because she's fucking up so hard...and so on.

    They all need therapy and not a reality show.  I think her family's heart is in the right place and it has to be incredibly difficult to watch Nicole go down such an expensive and dangerous path and drag May with her.

    • Love 8
  16. I've never understood these massive dry spells the sur folks have. Is that a thing that happens outside of SUR too? Idk, everyone goes through times where the last thing they wanna do is fuck, but if it's lasting more than a few weeks and turns into months or a year then sex is not the problem. You just don't want that person anymore. Am I delusional in thinking that if Ariana doesn't want to sleep with him, then she probably doesn't want to be with him....and she should cut him loose?

    Clearly he's over it and probably her if he's already defending the affair he might have soon to her brother.

    • Love 13
  17. I hope the producer is smart enough to say no to Shep, or if she doesn't, that it's all part of the storyline they agreed on. Otherwise, you know it won't take long for him to drop her just like everyone else.

    She's an attractive woman but ScoobieDoobs is right, Shep likes 'em HOT. (his version of hot anyway)  He'd be shallow enough to get her in bed and then shove her on her way afterward. No country club dinners with the fam for the producer.

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