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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Melanie's sisters definitely had issues with Devar. Their racism was one of those issues.
  2. Meh. I agree on helping with tuxedos because it's not unreasonable to financially assist the people you asked to be in your wedding party with required attire. Hell, I think Evelyn should be helping her bridesmaids with their expenses too. But... Evelyn is a barely legal, living with her parents. Presumably, so are her friends. They would be asking their parents to feed and lodge strangers because their dolt friend is a horny Christian. Nope! This is not ok! This is also why you don't marry an 18 year old dependent. David's adult friends and family need to get hotels, or AirBnB a house. Evelyn should have provided some hotel options or booked a place for a group rate.
  3. LA is a 6 hour drive from Phoenix. Yemen is the land of milk and honey. Mesa isn't super expensive and Josh should be able to afford a house or apartment of his own. We're gonna find out his finances are fucked up like Jorge.
  4. I keep hearing Dolores talk up how long she's known Teresa as some kind of implied loyalty, but so far onscreen, we've seen her side with Jacqueline and Siggy over Teresa. I thought she hadn't known Siggy for that long? Dolores doesn't really like Teresa, but instead of saying "I can't stand this trick," she talks about loyalty while being two faced. Frienemy 'til the end.
  5. This is accurate!!! *Even if the original poster means someone else, I can't unsee Rob now.
  6. But is it going to improve her life? He lives in mom's basement in Kentucky, right? He has a criminal record, so he likely doesn't even have a job as good as Manager at McDonalds. Paul did not share with Karine the financial implications of having a felony record. I see Karine getting out of the Amazon, but I'm not sure the trade-off is so great.
  7. The sex must have been pretty bad.
  8. World traveler? It's pork. Pork is everywhere in the USA. Bacon is practically a food group. Larry acting like pork is something exotic was stupid as fuck. Pig pickings and the south are like oil and vinegar.
  9. No defense of Nicole because she's incompetent, but people travel with children all the time. Leaving everything you've ever known for only 2 months is not in and of itself abusive. It's called summer camp. Parents even move away from everything their kids have ever known for new jobs, to attend school, etc. None of that is abusive. I'm always on edge when a clueless parent moves a non-relative into the home with kids, but even remarrying and doing just that is not abusive on its face. The abuse comes from parental neglect and lacking the foresight to analyze situations that aren't wise. There's no problem with a regular parent taking a toddler to Morocco. Because they will be paying attention.
  10. Whoa! Wait... how old is Nicole and how old was she when she had Mae??? Because knowing what they did about her lack of stability, birth would've been a great time to get legal custody of Mae for her safety! Unless there's more to the story. Like why she kept running away and if she was pregnant before she ran away. Something about this family...
  11. Being in Morocco is not child abuse. Children are born and raised there. It's not covered in dung and overrun with mummies. Morocco is not the problem. Nicole being stupid and selfish is the problem. If Nicole didn't have family in Florida doing the actual parenting, Mae would be in just as much risk here as she would be overseas. Because Nicole is the kind of person who thinks rules don't apply to her. And she has a family full of enablers to feed into that ideology.
  12. Well, she's going to end up in Kentucky with no money. So... his friend sent him to Thailand for the sex (trafficking) tourism, right?
  13. Abby... oh Abby... How the hell are you gonna play the "you don't trust me" card while you're still scratching at the scabies rash another man gave you??? Srsly, bitch???
  14. What the fuck did I just watch! This was creepy/incredible!!!
  15. My mom is a Registered Nurse. Back in the 70s, she had to take Organic Chemistry. That course was the big "weed 'em out" class for Nursing programs and Med School.
  16. Meh. If I wanted to watch their creepy dynamic, I could watch a more interesting show on serial killers on the ID Network. But... If they did get their own show out of this, it would piss off Loren and Paola, who definitely spent the reunion auditioning for their own reality tv ventures. That would be so sweet. And off to the web series with Loren and Pao!
  17. Because when she got that apartment, they only had one income because Pedro's was legally barred from working in the United States. He works now. He can contribute to the household now. That's not unreasonable. Especially since in addition to paying for that studio on her own, she was also paying for the whole K1 process. By herself, she didn't have to feed 2, clothe 2, house 2, pay utilities for 2, etc. Even Mohammed had the sense to gtfo of Danielle's home that he wasn't contributing to. But he doesn't have a baby face and a sob story about a poor, struggling family (who has a nice country house with electricity, indoor plumbing and land), so he's not getting any pats on the back. He's sending enough for an apartment, electronics, clothing, toiletries and food. It's not a couple dollars. It's a couple hundred. That's enough to make the difference between a studio and a one bedroom in the Atlanta suburbs. But he won't put his money into the household he and his wife live in because he's an ain't shit husband. Chantel had to finance her own engagement ring because Pedro had to make sure he can support his mom and sister... and his $2000 video game system that no one ever mentions while chastising her about an engagement ring. And speaking of needless things, why do 2 people need a new 3 bedroom apartment they can't afford on their own, but Chantel/Pedro don't need one bedroom that they can certainly pay for with their combined incomes? If someone is in need of financial planning, it's Pedro's mom, not Chantel. Ive seen Chantel and her family chastised for being to bougie, uppity, strivers, etc., but in the same breath, Chantel is criticized for marrying a dishwasher. She just can't win. And again, it's Pedro's mom who is expecting financial support from her kid. Chantel's parents support themselves. So who's really seeking a come-up on someone else's back? I don't even have to spell it out, do I. I give no fucks about whether or not Nicole is a student. She's able bodied and can work. Students here and elsewhere do so all the time. And school isn't cheap here. I don't think Chantel should have married Pedro. Not because he's an immigrant, but because he's a momma's boy using culture to mask his family's entitlement. He's not ready to be a husband.
  18. Or, her husband can put household money towards a 1 bedroom apartment. Not two. Just one. This is something he can certainly do in Atlanta or even the outskirts of Atlanta. I refuse to go on pretending like Atlanta is NYC, DC, LA or San Fran when it comes to housing costs and where there is nothing affordable even in the far out suburbs. This is a man who puts his wife dead last and always will. Pedro's a great son. He's also a lousy fucking husband. His lawyer mommy can support herself and her entitled daughter who seems old enough to work. If Pedro doesn't like that, he's free to go back to the DR and play man of the house in one of his mom's three bedrooms. He could've just as easily married a Dominican woman. But I bet he wouldn't be allowed to use culture to manipulate while she and the kids go without so Nicole can buy another pageant gown.
  19. If you have guests in your home, you do not serve them food that you think is beneath your own palette and snicker about it within earshot of your guests. That's trash ass behavior. Good manners are a two way street. Pedro's family is equally lacking. And that's before you get to his mom's views on non-Dominicans (with too much African ancestry).
  20. For a part 3 that was completely boring, unnecessary and blah, this was the comedic highlight of the night. "Derp, Mahammit, gimme yer address so I can sue you for money, derp"
  21. He was getting her looks and that is all he wanted. That, and not being an American feminazi. The one who immediately failed to deliver in terms of benefit was Jorge. Fucker can't even pass a credit check for an apartment.
  22. I can't find any comments claiming Anfisa is a saint among these threads. What I do see is people pointing out the flimsy toilet paper narratives of Jorge and Danielle as unsuspecting victims.
  23. I'd find it hard to believe all he had to show was bank statements anyway. Ditto on legit banks not taking marijuana money. Maybe Jorge uses Bitcoin? Money laundering? That whole situation is shady. Unless Jorge is lying about being in the marijuana business and really works at Blockbuster or something.
  24. There are millions of marriages in the western world that exclude the people either of us know personally.
  25. I live in the west. It's still a norm.
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