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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. So Summit’s latest marriage stalling tactic is hiring an astrologer to tell her that forcing a marriage will lead to destruction? Because a bunch of non-astrologers didn’t already tell her that?
  2. Jenny, this is not what “living my best life” means. Your life is a sham.
  3. Lol wut? Your ex-husband who you have no kids with doesn’t have to be in your life. You’re literally separated by a continent and oceans. You could just try meeting people? Take a language class. Anything but fly in dick.
  4. She’s been duped before. Check the glove compartment for registration or rental papers.
  5. Why do women keep having sex with Coltee? Who hurt them?
  6. How did I not know there was a live thread for Darcey and Stacey?
  7. Angela only cared about hooking up with other men. Not her health.
  8. I suspect he doesn’t have yacht money. They are stupid expensive to maintain.
  9. Saggy Back Grangie likes a man she can manipulate and control. She can’t beat Chuck at that game.
  10. Weren’t Becky and Jen talking about competing against Chuck with their “skills?”
  11. Finally someone says it. Asking someone for what you want is not manipulation.
  12. Rebecca is super insecure because of that age difference, but she knows how to stand up to a loud bully.
  13. Let that pig go. You’re better in life without her and her deadbeat kids whose babies you will be raising.
  14. And she took the money for a surrogate and spent it on a gastric sleeve and a boob lift, lying about how it was for her “health.”
  15. Skyla, your mom is trash. So are you. Take care of your own kids, then I’ll listen to you.
  16. “I thought I was gonna die!” So then, Angela continues to schedule elective surgery while disregarding the doctor’s orders to quit smoking. This lying ass bitch.
  17. They’re both trifling hypocrites, that’s why.
  18. Trish definitely called Natalie a hooker, or worse.
  19. There is a reason that none of the American spouses on this show could find a relationship in a country as big and populous as the USA. We are witnessing it right now.
  20. So basically, Jovi has no inside info. Fuck this guy.
  21. Stop gassing Angela up. She looks like a deflated trash bag.
  22. A man that can’t move off mommy and daddy’s farm ;that he doesn’t work at) isn’t ready for a wife.
  23. Chuck created this toxic dynamic. His heart will be fine. He thrives on the kids jockeying for the top spot.
  24. Chuck raised some first class losers.
  25. Libby’s tacky outfit and blunt haircut. Eek.
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