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Everything posted by brillia79

  1. Someone should let the others know that Grangie has a reputation for getting violent at these reunions.
  2. But Libby’s sisters are bitches.
  3. And demanding money so she can give it to the church. Not to help the family back home.
  4. This is why he couldn’t find an American woman. He’s another Colt.
  5. “You spent so much time breastfeeding, you didn’t have time to make me happy!” Grrr…
  6. Fuck Mike! And his bitch mom totally called Natalie a prostitution whore off camera.
  7. Imagine being a whole grown ass man mad that his wife is focused on taking care of their newborn baby.
  8. This is the worst season of Succession ever.
  9. If I were Chuck, I’d fire all the kids and hire/pay actual professionals. And when I was ready to retire, I’d sell the business. Because lord, the entitlement.
  10. Right? Nobody who isn’t desperate for a green card would put up with Angela’s abusive bullshit. It’s why she sought out someone who couldn’t readily enter the United States.
  11. I’m not a big fan of the multiples shows, but as far as I can tell, none of the others have repeatedly provided cover for a pedophile. They’re probably safe unless the ratings are low.
  12. Yeah right Angela got the surgery for her health. As she’s still smoking cigarettes heavily.
  13. And she doesn’t have to lie either.
  14. Sorry, but Andrei is right. Libby lied and the lie involves Eleanor. I’d be pissed too.
  15. My dude Ronald… how are you going to guide anyone?
  16. Who are these assholes again?
  17. Becky is do fucking stupid and so jealous that she can’t see straight. Andrei isn’t manipulating Chuck. Andrei has all the charisma of a brick. Chuck is manipulating all of you and playing you against one another.
  18. Get his ass Andrei!!!
  19. Give it up, Skyla. She needs Michael there to watch her flirt with doctors and help her make jelly smoothies for her health, while continuing chain smoking?
  20. Onlyfans? You mean, they aren’t rich classy ladies on daddy’s (rented) “yacht?”
  21. These two are real pieces of work. The person who is playing everyone against one another is Chuck. Chuck asked Andrei to come to “Becky’s listing.”
  22. I dislike Angela so much that I wish the surgeon had gone ahead with the facelift even as she smokes a pack a day.
  23. Yeah right Asuelu “planned” a trip. If it wasn’t to Chuck E Cheese, I don’t believe it. And of course, Kehlani wants to bring her mom and the kids.
  24. Lol, this is exactly what Chuck had in mind. All these kids and their spouses are leeches.
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