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Justin Case

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Everything posted by Justin Case

  1. I'd only heard about these two, but after enjoying the comments here thought I'd watch the "relationship recap". I couldn't stomach much of it. She's obviously mentally ill and that takes most of the fun out of snarking.
  2. When they first arrived at Dr. Now's office, one of them had a dog on her lap, but then both of them and the grandmother went into the office. I thought surely they're not leaving the dog alone in the car in hot Houston?! When they all came out it was dark. I was pretty happy to see the dog alive and well the next day.
  3. I'd think "Hey, enjoy the ride before the TLC free ticket is over, buggytrash" except they're miserable most of the time, even when they're supposed to be having fun. Well, except Mary. She's having a helluva time and will still have her tupperware dynasty once it's all over.
  4. To begin with, no more gimmicks. "Ordinary" people already in some sort of relationship. A final leg that's designed to create suspense and anticipation (I'll let you know when I figure out the logistics of that). Also, no more editing to give it away - it was obvious from the start L&L would be 3rd and "I caaaan't do it" got the Flo winning edit right from the beginning.
  5. The sleep-eating discussion was a wtf moment until I remembered a friend explaining away her unplanned pregnancy on sleep-sexing. If she'd been aware of what was happening, she'd have told her partner it wasn't the right time. Hopefully whatever Chay ate was more satisfying.
  6. I'm glad both Chay and Laura found self-worth and hope for the future at long last, but did it really have to take 4 hours of television viewing? Oh, it was only 2...
  7. Not to mention "I've worked so hard" while lying in a hospital bed being fed a controlled restrictive diet.
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