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Happily Ever After Social Media And Speculation
Booted replied to ethalfrida's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
Chantel and Pedro getting their own show on TLC called The Family Chantel and it airs in July - E just announced it. So it will come on after this -
They have just announced that Chantel and Pedro will be starring in their own show on TLC coming out in July called The Family Chantel.
Amber looks like a very large angry full of hate for herself on the inside all bravado on the outside person. I say person lightly as she is acting like some kind of rabid animal - we get it Amber you are Large and think you are in charge. I would not be talking crap about anyone if I were you - your life that you put out there for all to see is and has been nothing other than embarrassing. She says she went to jail for her daughter - uh no you went to jail cause you couldn't manage to stay sober for your child and take care of her - ever. Period. She is just as bad as Jenelle and maybe she wants to go out with a huge reminder to all that she hasn't grown or changed at all - and that even Jenelle can act more intelligent and classy than she (Amber) ever could. She needs serious help !!
I really like the Sheriff from Pinal County - he is so much better than the old sheriff (which I liked too) whos head started to got too big like Sheriff Arpaios did. This Sheriff is hotter than hot and I love the way he is actually out there working instead of playing politician or celebrity - he is doing his job while looking good!!
Okay when I was little there was not such a thing as pull ups- and it was a problem for me as I had a little electric car that I liked to ride around outside in. So I would have accidents usually when I was doing this- my mom got so mad that she actually put my poop on the end of my nose one day and made me leave it there all day. Of course I tried to wipe it off and it was quite the struggle for her to get it back on my nose - I cried and gagged and was mortified but I never had an accident again. Today they would say this was and is abusive but you know what it worked and other than the fact that I am a gagger so its quite the chore for me to even pick up dog dodo - I was not emotionally scarred by this so to say that Kaiser is being abused for this is ridiculous - Jenelle does enough real stuff on her own with out making up stuff.
Love this show - waiting.
Nah I am just someone who actually doesn't hate Jenelle (Kail used to be my favorite but after watching her the last two seasons? and the Javi show - yikes) and I have watched her from the very beginning too. I used to get annoyed when her and Barb would come on because they were always yelling and Jenelle would act ridiculous - Barb would scream then Jenelle would scream then leave then cry. For whatever the reason was Nathan seemed to change her behavior and make her less volatile. I know they argued too but she just seemed changed with him - couldn't put my finger on it then and still cant. But I think that he was a major help for her to find herself a little or pretend like she has- and even if its all an act its a better act than the one before. And I give her credit for quitting heroin I have always been told my entire life that nobody that gets into that crap ever quits - period. So I give her major credit for that - it has to be hard or other junkies would just quit as well but they don't. So for everyone who sees her as a person who has not shown growth I disagree and lots of people here don't like that but its my true opinion of her. I think Kail has gone backwards and I think Chelsea is putting on the act she thinks is right and so is Jenelle. I don't think they are in a competition because they are two different people with different circumstances and facts that have molded who they are BUT I give them both credit for growth maybe not the same or what some would call stellar but growth. I also think this of Leah and except for Kail (and Brianna who I don't consider really yet as a regular) I see a change in all three of those girls and I have witnessed the change on camera. I do not hate Jenelle or any besides Kail who is starting to really get on my nerves. She was showing responsibility and now I see a person who does not make sound choices that effect children most the time and I am starting to really not like her - she is very selfish and doesn't hide it. She demands from everyone around her and I don't like that. She uses everyone that shes around - she looks ridiculous now and used to be so pretty. I think her older boys take care of the younger ones a lot and it shows with their behavior on the show. I could go on but I do not usually come on here and rail about her because the rest do a good enough job and its just not who I am. Unless I am complaining about a specific behavior I see on the show I don't like to just make up things about the girls based on what I think or like. So I usually just lurk as I have said before I know you all don't usually agree with what I have to say so I don't say it unless I think it is too much and get ramped up by what is being said. I am so for everyone having an opinion - and not starting to call them a troll for it like I get called here. Or a leghumper. I dont follow Jenelle on any other site (social media ) other than look at the Ashley every now and then - this has been where I have come since TWOP to discuss what I see on TV. Sorry if I see it different from you all but I think calling me Jenelle or a troll is not really the answer here maybe you should consider another point of view like I do when I read most of yours. I read with an open mind and maybe I do so just waiting for that one post that will totally make me see what most see but it has yet to happen- sorry .
Aw no this show is suppose to show the real life drama of girls that were teen moms and their struggles with that fact. They are by no means role models for anyone and should be viewed as the complete wrecks they usually are- I have seen some really bad stuff on 16 and pregnant a lot worse than Jenelles situation so at least she keeps the story line realistic not suppose to be rainbows and unicorns for everyone type show.
Well if this is the way it is then ....... did we judge Chelsea when she was still banging Addumb ? Was that guilt by association ?
So the consequences are that his wife should get fired ? David has shown how uneducated and truly ignorant he is - not that we didn't know that so you are right hold him responsible but not his wife.
Arent we suppose to have this thing called freedom of speech ? I am not saying I support what David said in way shape manner or form but to ask for his wife to be fired or cut from a show because her husband has a ignorant opinion about a certain group of people is like the ultimate act of bullying a person for not agreeing with you.
Yes Desert Rat - totally like Tonya Harding!! I couldn't figure it out before but you nailed it !
The Four: Battle For Stardom - General Discussion
Booted replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Four: Battle For Stardom
I have watched this show three times too many. I thought Evvie was very good but I thought Zhavia was not good she can not even pronounce some of the words in her song - its like she just makes up her own. She can do some great rapping but I think she lacks in the singing or carrying a note department. I hope Evvie pans out and beats her- cause she needs to improve majorly before she should win any competition. (Zhavia) Megan Trainor please just quit - you suck. You say the same thing over and over and I can not stand watching you anymore. Fergie too. Way to ruin your career Fergie and from watching Megan I get that she is probably a one hit wonder. Diddy and his eat thing is on my nerves too - so I'm out just had to rant because the show left such an awful taste in my mouth. Now I feel a bit better - over to Live PD to finish ranting. -
You know Jenelle has probably said something about Barb being with Colin so much with Jace and Gabriel in tow. I don't blame her from this post I would not think visiting with this individual is what a young boy needs to be doing. Barb should do this stuff on her own time since she is retired and has the time now. That picture of Ensley is very very cute she looks like a doll. Sorry but Watson is no comparison to this picture and her eyes don't look dead she looks adorable.
Okay sorry - glad to hear that we agree on this one.