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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I thought the way that they gathered the items necessary to steal Henri's identity at the spa was brilliantly portrayed. The scenes in the auction house were garbage. The lack of visible auction house security guards ruined the credibility. I am surprised that crazy eye color lady didn't kill the guard at the auction house and instead left his body to be found by anybody walking down the street. I am pretty sure that that is the door she used to exit the auction house with the diamond in the previous episode, but I don't remember seeing a guard lying on the ground when she left. I wonder if Cameron remembered to tell the FBI to go to the motel and arrest that scumbag arms dealer Henri?
  2. Surjik Fells is the guy Roman kills in the bathtub. What does this mean? How did Roman sneak past Ganzman? Why didn't Jane let the other people know she had Roman pinned down? Instead of releasing fake information about the tattoos, Roman should have released the real information and the team would have to spend all their time solving real cases.
  3. Can somebody tell me if they siphoned off a little Gravitonium, put it in a bottle and gave it to Deke to carry. Why? They mentioned something about throwing the bottle into the sun. Why? I can't believe they would transport the Destroyer of Worlds machine back to the lighthouse without dismantling it first and then somebody was stupid enough to plug it into the electrical outlet. That's an accident waiting to happen.
  4. I can't believe the Voice of Rao survived the 21 gun salute. Somebody had to escape the tentacles.
  5. Chuck can't be the mole, he has never left the office, Hannah chained him to the desk.
  6. I am not sure (Decker) really was a prick, it seemed like he was 5 seconds away from curing Ben's mother's paralysis. He might just be p-whipped due to the siren song. I don't know why fishy-Donna feels the need to roam around the city at night, she wasn't hungry. They should just grab a bag of fish everyday and feed their mer-people and wait for the government to go away. I still don't understand why the mermaids never talk to each other in their own language? I know they have one, maybe it doesn't work out of water.
  7. From what I saw Syd takes her mother's body and then her body and her mother's body switches places when the effect wears off. Her mother was naked, wet, and in Syd's position on the couch when she wakes up. I am sure her mother realized what Syd did to her boyfriend, why did she call the cops? Does Syd have to touch you or does any skin to skin contact with her trigger the effect.
  8. I thought Jonathan was the type of person that once he solved a problem (magic trick) he got bored with it and is anti-social. Cameron was the showman in the family willing to do the same trick over and over until it was ready to perform and he likes being around people.
  9. I liked the portrayal of Jonathan, but hated everything about the auction house. The security was horrible, and everything they did was ridiculous. Why uncover the valuable diamond? Several people touched the diamond with their hands and could have switched it at any time. Why didn't they lock down the facility until they found the person trying to steal the diamond. I am hoping that the Lynx diamond points to a larger Rockefeller treasure, otherwise the asylum clue scene was pointless.
  10. I'm ready to go, after your next boyfriend. This time make it a straight one. Give me a challenge. Does this mean that Bernard has to sleep with Alan or did Caroline finally pick a man that Bernard has no interest in.
  11. Syd's mother had to know whats Syd's powers were, why did she let her boyfriend go to jail for child molestation? How does Syd's powers work? Does she switch bodies. Does her body change into the other person? It seemed like she enters the other person's body and when she switches back, her body switches places with the other person's body.
  12. The next episode airs this Tuesday night, don't forget to watch it. They never explained how they kidnapped the woman and got away.
  13. For a moment there I wuz like "Oh My Gawd, Ruby's going to Heaven!"
  14. McGuyver and Blindspot same exact day, same exact time: turn on the gas, set off a spark, hid in the freezer, blow up the bad guys. The woman with Reed should have called the Taxi company to get purse, instead she calls a locksmith, she has no proof that is where she lives. Didn't like how nobody reported the dead bodies. The woman who is investigating Reed is dead on the floor of his apartment (possibly with her panties around her ankles, she was using the bathroom) and Reed flees the scene of the crime and doesn't call it in. Who knows how long she was laying there? Zapata has a shoot out in a church calls for back up, kills the guy and both Zapata and the cop that could corroborate her story run off to save Patterson. What are the cops arriving at the scene supposed to do, I thought the Lady cop should have stayed behind.
  15. I liked the gag of people signing up on the white board to sleep with Amy.
  16. I was a little disappointed since it seemed they told you everything that was important about the episode in last week's preview and everything else was filler. It seems like everything interesting about next week's episode appeared in this week's episode trailer. I figured that mermaid store lady was a mermaid, I don't understand why she doesn't talk to the mermaids in their language.
  17. Other than as Sex Toys and Drug Mules, we really haven't meet any Riverdale teachers. I have seen more janitors than teachers. The principal appears to be the only adult in authority at the school.
  18. If you can't kill he with fists, kill him with kindness.
  19. I typically hate time travel in shows. I wonder how easy it is to do in this show. So far we have 3 characters that traveled from the future to the past.
  20. I figured that Hermione paid for the printing of the playbill. Archie's father donated his time and hard work to the play, the Lodges show their support through money. That show wrapped for the season, Chuck is free to spend as much time in Riverdale as he likes. Where is Cheryl staying? She should live in the trailer park and become the leader of the Serpents. If the Serpents kill her mother and uncle, they can turn the Blossom mansion into their new clubhouse. Well, we're moving on up, to the Northside! How much trouble is Kevin in for not letting his father know the Black Hood is back?
  21. Mr. Mercedes Season 2 AUGUST 22 DirecTV/AT&T 10pm
  22. Shooter Season Three starts JUNE 21 USA 10pm
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